You know that Ted is antifa all the way to the bone right...

you know that Ted is antifa all the way to the bone right? he would consider the alt right as losers who go through the power process by identifying themselves with a large organisation [white race] to whom they contributed nothing.

ted criticized Liberal-Reformist [leftist] influence on Anarchists [Revolutionary]. he scorned nationalism, capitalism [economical growth], called conservatives fools for promoting economical capitalist growth and yet wishing to conserve tradition.

true, some Antifa are socialist Bernie-lovers but he was warning the majority of antifa [Anarchists] from collaborating with them.

black lives matter contains both a Reformist [Leftist] and a Revolutionary [Anarchist] positions, some of them [Anarchists] want to abolish the police, and Ted hated the police, he hated the bourgeoisie, he hated law and order, he hated Control.

search the documentary "If A Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front" to see who the unabomber had real solidarity with.

and ted had nothing principally against "collectivism", he was a loner but that dont mean he hated the idea of having friends and working with them to pursue a common goal.

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Good job pulling every single one of these statements out of your ass, its probably nice and big anyway because of the amout of times jamal has stuck his dick in there

Ted was a burned out loser who went insane and never preformed an honest days work in his fucking life, and the same is true of every leftist.

you honestly believe that uncle ted would side with a bunch of rebel against my parents tier anarchists? lmao desu

I know antifa is shot on sight in my town. All there is to know.

Ted was a grade A moron with a PhD. The best thing to happen in his life was MKUltra.

Kill yourself in all fields shill

Ted is still based. He is largely right in his critique on liberals and some of his technology stuff

Doesn't matter, he's mentally ill and not a figure anyone seriously looks up to. He has no influence outside of the obscure area of mathematics he once worked in. He never had kids and his brother who turned him in is childless too. Dead end, the end.

he was a collage professor, much like Eric Clanton, ironically..

and he actually warned people against nazis and police, encouraging picking up arms against them:

>But, realistically, these are not the conditions that will prevail if and when the technoindustrial system collapses. There are a lot of mean people out there: Nazis, Hell’s Angels, Ku Klux Klanners, the Mafia…many others do not belong to recognized groups. They aren’t going to disappear into thin air when the system falls apart. They will still be around. They probably wouldn’t be successful at growing their own food even if they tried, and they won’t try, because people of that type will find it much more congenial to take someone else’s food than to grow their own. And since they are vicious, they may kill you or rape you just for the fun of it, even when they don’t need your food.

>you know that Ted is antifa all the way to the bone right? he would consider the alt right as losers who go through the power process by identifying themselves with a large organisation [white race] to whom they contributed nothing.

"Alt right" is a meme turn, designed as a weapon to attack those who supported Trump.

That said, if you replaced "alt right" with, say, "Sup Forums," in your above-quoted remark, then I would have to agree that Ted would almost certainly dismiss Sup Forums

Because Sup Forums is a board of peace and is opposed to the kind of violence that the likes of antifa and Ted advocate.

Ted's an interesting character who's obviously rather brilliant, and whose analysis of the political situation in the US is thoughtful and deserves to be taken in seriously.

But let's be perfectly clear. Ted unquestionably parts company with Sup Forums on the issue of using violence in our domestic politics. To wit, Sup Forums is agin' it, and Ted is for it.

shite -- "turn" should be "term"

Seems like ted was a complete fucking idiot.
Such a smart man yet he rotted like a bitch inside a jail cell.

>you know that Ted is antifa all the way to the bone right? he would consider the alt right as losers who go through the power process by identifying themselves with a large organisation [white race] to whom they contributed nothing.

he would consider them all faggots, especially you

welcome to Sup Forums, newfriends!

I'm gonna fuck you anti-natalists till you love me

Ha, never knew he was a Manlet. Figures

>Sup Forums is a board of peace
fuck along, now

Sup Forums celebrated in part the car attack, at most considered it counter productive because of "optics".

Sup Forums doxes people and snitches to the cops, who are the most violent gang there is

the alt right isn't a real thing

paleoconservatism is real, adding a meme to it doesn't make it imaginary

he's right though