Alright Mayoiga is finally over, what did you think? Did your ship sale?
Alright Mayoiga is finally over, what did you think? Did your ship sale?
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No ships actually sailed except for Valkana and Koharun, but my ship was open enough that it may sell soon.
HellCat did too
And Masaki and Mitsumune.
the MaiPuu successfully set off
Those two didn't really end in a possible romance, though. They are one of the ones that may blossom given more time, though.
They are basically joint at the hip the entire show.
Lion ruined everything.
They're just friends, just like Jack and Judgeness.
Why does she smell of sex?
>Puuko you're drooling all over me you dumb bitch
SoyGodess too.
Indeed, Puuko wants more than just drool from Maimai
No, Okada ruined everything. She had to add some last minute heartbreak involving her self-insert Nanko.
I love Nanko!
I've held myself off from finishing mayoiga since, i think, ep 9 and onward, last thing I remember was jack giving the cunnilingus gesture. I was just about to finish the rest of it right now, should I be having this much anxiety before watching?
You're gonna get spoiled silly, go finish!
Nothing happens in the end.
You are safe from having any expectations
Nah, just relax.
it's shit
What's there to spoil honestly?
How's translation on that manga going?
Is the website dead for good now?
How will we work on the VN now?
A new, better one is being made.
>Jack - Ass
>Soy - Goddess
>Nettaiya - Toriyasu
>Obaa san - Toshiboy
>Hell - Cat
>Masaki - Mitsumune
>Koharun - Valk (not surprising)
Well, all of my ships are sailing. Well, except Nanko - Lion's lesbian ship.
last thread website user said he'd get it up and running in about 24 hours, and implementing mod tools in about a week or something, but i could be completely wrong, check the last thread
Nah domain is working on a better one. Get hyped
>h-he's stabbing me!
>Domain-kun Ubuntuing it up.
I didn't like the PonKage implications towards the end.
>I was about to post this
So are we going to pretend the last thread didn't happen?
What thread?
It was the best thread so far.
Why not? Its a cute ship
I liked it, the absolute madmen actually paired these two up.
>Madman x Madman
I like it.
Better than Hell x Pon or Dozaemon x Pon.
I wonder if they did something off-screen, because Lovepon was super calm and observant this episode.
Naana gave her vitamin candy.
So, Hellfire implanted silicon into his head to gain a few inches? how does that work?
Im a manlet, why didnt i thought of that before?
You get a bump on the top of your head. That's it.
Which Mayoigas would you have hot sweaty sex?
Lion for me, i love her tight little body and smug expression.
Then, in no order, Nyanta, Na-Na and Lovepon.
>what did you think?
I think it's time to stop making threads for WAOTS and move on.
So, doujin when?
Because she knows that there is no ____S2____
What the fuck.
People fail to remember everyone was slowly being drained due to denying their Nanaki.
Lovepon had an unusually high amount of enenrgy, so when she got drained she didn't become a pothead like the rest and just simple hit average levels of energy
T/L Note: The W stands for Worst.
How many energy does Assbound and Maimai have? They were being their usual yelling self all the time.
It can happen
It affects everyone differently probably depending on how much contact they had with their nanaki and how in denial they are about it.
Lovepon is my girlfriend and we're supposed to get married, Mikage should get the hell out of our life.
In all seriousness I didn't care much for how Lovepon was handled, and her just following Mikage around in the end made me finally realize she's not going to have some moment where she really snaps like I had been expecting for quite some time (although the end being so near I guess hope for that was mostly gone already).
I also never really saw PonKage building up, that may be true for other pairings as well but who cares about the literal who pairs like Nettaiya and Toriyasu?
So I guess my problem with the pairing is that one character that I had high hopes for ended up with one I just didn't like much as a character at all.
>Better than Hell x Pon or Dozaemon x Pon.
Sure but those pairings just make no sense at all since Hellfire and Nyanta was obvious from the start and nobody could ever come to like Porkflabs.
I think that one Japanese PG/Tori artist is working on a doujin. I may be wrong though, since I heard about it in one of the threads.
I like how the question is about single doujin, as that's most that the series is most likely going to get.
>Lovepon is my girlfriend and we're supposed to get married,
Monk, please.
What were the other 107 questions?
I wonder how some of them had the patience to go over 108 questions.
I imagine Valkana yelling everytime a new one pops out.
>Would you have sex with a cat
>Whats the password
Interestingly enough, 108 is an important number in Buddhism.
> Zen priests wear juzu (a ring of prayer beads) around their wrists, which consists of 108 beads.
>In some schools of Buddhism it is believed that there are 108 feelings.
> In Japan, at the end of the year, a bell is chimed 108 times in Buddhist temples to finish the old year and welcome the new one. Each ring represents one of 108 earthly temptations (Bonnō) a person must overcome to achieve nirvana.
I wonder if there being 108 questions was something the mangaka threw in to make it look deep and symbolic.
Most likely.
When the fuck is the manga gonna be translated
Maybe some of them were personality test type questions, something like MBTI or the 'Big Five'
Definitely. That's the only reason to use the number 108, it's hugely symbolic in Japan. You'll see it in a lot of other anime.
The first chapter's been translated. That was in early May though, and I've got no idea what happened to translator-user since then.
This picture is so close to perfection the back of her throat looks so stupid
So many fucking characters, so many useless, pointless, worthless characters.
Should have just centered around Jigoku and Nyanta
how does the manga end
Hasn't ended
It´s ongoing.
how different is it from the show I saw one chapter
It cuts out a lot of parts so it's like a summary, characters are a little more insane.
how insane
I heard it's fairly different, and someone actually dies
Sharkpon is so fucking perfect. I can't believe I never thought of her having them
Is there a more dense motherfucker in anime?
Masaki is dead inside and killed Yottsun with a rock.
Also manga Maimai is pure sex.
I need a link now
I wish Mayoiga was a 24e SoL in Nanaki Village so we could see the interaction of the 30 characters.
I still want my Apartament Mayoiga SoL.
Temporarily unavailable because of a plethora of black cock. Check back tomorrow.
Fund it
What are the chances of a S2 or spin off or something
0% and 0&
He's so pure that he's actually retarded.
Whats wrong with you
There are a few fan-projects people are working on. It'll remain to be seen if anything actually gets done, though.
Masaki pillow.
How pure?
100% in our hearts, 0% in the real world.
'Parents made the school excuse him from the sex ed. unit in health class' pure.
Nyanta and Puuko when?