I'll hold my hands up, you actually had me thinking this was going to be good.
Well played, Sup Forums.
I'll hold my hands up, you actually had me thinking this was going to be good.
Well played, Sup Forums.
Hey fuck you buddy
i forgot the main character dudes name but he's one of my favorite characters design wise
I'm sorry to hear about your terminal case of shit taste.
Let me guess, too many words? Nice shit taste dude.
Stupid phoneposter
>some retards will disagree
They actually enjoy a show that could have been 20 min per episode instead of 40 if they cuted out the repetitive and useless talking
>Everything went over my head cause i'm an autistic manchild
>I'll shitpost and validate that I'm not the only autistic person
h-he,t-that'll show them
>so mad because he has shit taste
It's ok retard calm down
>you actually had me thinking this was going to be good.
And Sup Forums was correct on this one. We're you expecting a battle shonen per chance? Did you not see the name NisiOisin on it and immediately think to yourself that it was going to be "Words"?
Dialogue is great when it actually has substance or entertainment value. That is not applicable in this case.
Nisio's wordy style just does not work with an action/adventure oriented series. Something like Monogatari works because it's almost entirely fun interpersonal banter, but in Katanagatari it ends up being half fun banter, half cringeworthy smack talk in the middle of a fight about abilities. That shit doesn't even fly in generic battle shounen, Nisio doesn't get a pass for it when he's obviously just filling in time in overlong episodes.
Posting Best Fight
I'm not your buddy, pal.
fuck off with this shitty meme. i'm even one that loves this series but seriously, kys
>Nisio doesn't get a pass for it when he's obviously just filling in time in overlong episodes.
That sentence makes no sense. Nisio didn't write the script, it's an adaptation of his novel he couldn't be filling any episodes because he wasn't writing any to begin with. If you want to complain about long episodes complain to the producers.
Kill yourself.
You're right and I knew that, not sure why I said otherwise. I think I was just trying to combine my complaints about filler dialogue and overlong episodes in one sentence and lost track of what I was saying.
What do you mean by entertainment value?
House of five leaves AoTY 2010
Was okay, watched until he killed his sister then I just skipped to the end to watch togame die and stuff. It's not horrible, but yeah, people think it's deep when it's just autism
>ive spent my life for revenge so ill kill you even though I love you
>were all friends in the ninja corp but will kill each other without a second thought because ninja way
>I'll do anything you say because I'm a sword not a person
Being self sacrificing doesn't make a show deep, Japan just has a fucked up culture, it's why they think working a 1000 hours a week until you stroke out is something to be proud of.
Show would've been way better without all that pretentious shit, IT IS MY HONOR TO DIE FOR NO REASON. Japan has a stupid sense of honor, killing friends and family because it's an order is something only nips could view as honor.
Togame's death, was forced for drama and to create a tragic heroine who "had" to die, hence why the "I would've killed you had we succeeded" stick they beat you over the head with during her death scene.
I give the show a C+ for effort.
But the shitty drama mixed with literally 10 minutes of talking here and there really was a drag.
If you think this show was deep enough to go over anybodies' head, you're just an idiot.
How did you not like the final episode? It was hype as shit.
The final episode during the showdown where he kills the 12 swordsman was pretty cool idea, the execution was actually pretty lame.
You completely missed the point
It's basically the opposite of that
They had their reasons, sure, but they were literally all retarded autismo reasons.
When the head of the maniwa corp killed one of his allies? To what? Get togame to trust him for almost no reason?
Giving a reason, isn't the same as actually having a good reason that makes sense.
Most fights were rubbish except the final one against Enzaemon or whatever was his name
>not liking Bahasa Pulsa + the sound of people getting rekt
Actual garbage taste
It was good all the way until the last 10 garbage minutes of the last episode.
>it's fun watching everybody get 1 shot
Much wow.
Everybody died because they were clinging to something, the past, their goals etc
They just couldn't let go of it and adapt and ended up dying for nothing
The build up was god tier
Hence why I said the execution was lame
They could've cut out the 10 minute Togame scene, which was entirely too long, the exposition was shit, building up to what should have been an epic climb, turned into him just swatting supposedly masterful enemies like flies.
Only to have one challenge, it was buttcheeks.
Besides having a shit taste you're also retarded. Congratulations.
Hi Carl
Should I really? From what you've said it's safe to assume that you'd just shitpost even more. Please kill yourself, buddy.
The extreme behavior of all the characters wasn't justified by the shitty reasons they gave, with exception to Bita, MC's sister.
Out of all the extreme antics, only hers made any sense, having been almost murdered by her father, and growing up amongst that environment, clearly disfavored and always in ill-health. It make sense she would choose death, and getting the swords to provoke her brother into killing her.
Almost every other character with a goal was stupid as fuck.
The show was mediocre and faggots like you misconstrue the convoluted intentions of the characters as deep or well written.
It's about as thoughtful as Madoka, I'm not missing anything, you're just stupid.
>I don't agree with their reasons, therefore they're stupid
Do you even have something actually relevant to say?
How can you be this dense? They were all using failed swords while Shichika was a complete one, he was meant to have an easy time. The only reason it was close with Emonzaemon was because he was an op fuck and lolguns
Explaining why, doesn't make it not garbage.
1 shotting people because plot armor is boring to watch unless you're a shounen fag
Because that's all I said.
It's not that I disagree with their reasons. It's that their reasons don't make sense. You don't cut off your own arm, to get someone to listen to you, you don't kill an ally, to prove to an enemy you mean business.
You're not bound to kill a person you fell in love with because it was your original intention.
These are not mere disagreements with what the characters are saying, it was me trying not to cringe at the writing of something that was clearly meant to illicit a sense of tragedy, but failing HARD as fuck to do so.
The writing of this show makes it seem like everything is fatalistic, when it's not.
>you don't cut off your own arm to get someone to listen to you
Maybe it's not the most practical approach, but it's one hell of a way to get someone's attention.
The Maniwani had a very clear motive: Restore their fucking clan to its former glory. To do that they bet everything they had because they thought they'd be doing something for the future generations. That decision was taken out of pride and selflessness. They were clearly losing to Togame and Shichika and since they were desperate to win they had a "win by all costs" mentality and killing one of them was the strongest way to say "we mean business". He had only cut off his own arm to replace by the other ninja's arm because of his abilities, so getting something in exchange of that was actually pretty clever. The characters had very clear reasons in general, some had stronger reasons than others, but that doesn't make them any less valid. If you fail to acknowledge that, whatever be your reason, you're either being stupid or a contrarian.
Also, just to make things clear. Togame wasn't really going to kill Shichika, she said that because she loved him and she didn't want him to mourn her death, that was one of her stratagems to make him feel less sad over her death and carry own without wanting to avenge her.
>smack talk in the middle of a fight about abilities
>doesn't even fly in generic battle shounen
Do you watch anime?
That's in all of them.
>Also, just to make things clear. Togame wasn't really going to kill Shichika, she said that because she loved him and she didn't >want him to mourn her death, that was one of her stratagems to make him feel less sad over her death and carry own without wanting to avenge her.
I disagree, he was obviously going to mourn her death regardless, so to tell him that would be cruel unless it was true.
As far as the maniwa corp, it's been a while, but that makes more sense.
I agree that it's not a very intelligent idea, but pretending to be the villain to make others feel better is an old and well known tactic. She had no other choice since she was dying so betting on that was better than not doing anything and letting him risk himself by avenging her.
sorry but treading through pseudo-philosophical conversations between characters you dont give a shit about for 40 minutes isn't worth it for those 5 minute "le epix fights" at the end
then again I shouldn't have expected anything of value from the creator of the monoshit series
Still mad.
Finished the series and never saw this. What the fuck?
>1 shotting people because plot armor is boring to watch unless you're a shounen fag
That makes no sense, how is this plot armor?
Shichika wasn't even challenged to the point of difficulty, he just steamrolled through those 12 swordfags because he was literally the perfect form of the 12 swords.
That is not what you call plot armor, if you want to complain about plot armor go read fairy tail or some shit.
>You don't cut off your own arm, to get someone to listen to you, you don't kill an ally, to prove to an enemy you mean business.
Oh, you'd be surprised once you go read some history bullshit.
>It's not that I disagree with their reasons. It's that their reasons don't make sense. You don't cut off your own arm, to get someone to listen to you, you don't kill an ally, to prove to an enemy you mean business.
But that happened all the time in history.
>You're not bound to kill a person you fell in love with because it was your original intention.
Love is not an absolute thing, though. She did fall in love with Shichika, but revenge is what she breathed and lived for most of her life, so it's understandable that she'd be willing to go against her desires to fulfill her goals. In fact, that was prophesied by Higaki Rinne.
>Finished the series and never saw this. What the fuck?
>swatting supposedly masterful enemies like flies.
The key word is "supposedly". Just about all of them were inferior to the people Shichika originally fought and even then he only had trouble because he had to both protect himself from any injuries and avoid breaking the swords because of Togame's orders. He was essentially handicapped for 11 episodes.
I would personally crowdfund an hour long OVA for that fight alone
>smack talk about abilities
Did you even make it to the second episode
Shichika kills the castle dude in like .5 seconds
>it's another T-TOO MUCH TALKING fag
end it all
I didn't like the long dialogue either but the show was good overall. Realize that you can't always like 100% of everything about everything.
Please don't bring this argument up again. This thread is already full of enough shitposts without re-opening that can of worms. That said, from a thematic and storytelling point of view it makes no sense for her to lie about it. On top of the fact it was hinted at in the sage episode.
the writing was too self aware and sarcastic for me. the dialogue doesnt sound like something people would say, all the shit togame spouts just made her an annoying character.
and the "nothing anyone did mattered and everyone dies like its nothing" theme was more frustrating than entertaining
>"nothing anyone did mattered and everyone dies like its nothing" theme
That wasn't the theme though. The theme was about being flexible with your goals in life. The people who were unhappy and died are the ones to bet their lives on accomplishing their goals and lost. The ones who lived to find happiness were those who didn't get completely hung up on nigh-impossible goals and moved on.