30 billion could end world hunger

Yer whites spent 100 times that money on war.
Whites waste millions of tons of good every year while People of Colour are starving.

Its our moral duty to care and provide welfare for the third world since its us who fucked them up.

Get your priorities straight, Western World.

Your ancestors and current descendents of shitskins are raping the peoples of Europe. In the past you niggers stole from us. Occupied our lands for centuries. When we went out colonizing the world, it was payback for what you non Whites did to us. You better kneel the fuck down and pay homage to your White superiors BOY! If it weren't for cultural marxism, we would leave you maggots to starve in the scorching heat while flies eat the flesh. :)


nigger, we spend so much on the military because you rely on us to protect you. we'll keep doing what we are doing, and you can feed the africa nigs when they show up on your doorstep.

>30 billion to end world hunger
arent like 1 billion people in poverty or near poverty? considering .5$ a day to feed somebody(not just cost of food but also admin and other misc expenses that propagandists tend to forget) that would be enough food for about 2 months

>Send $30 billion dollars worth of food to hungry places
>Next year it costs $60 billion

The price of security is 737 billion, thus, it's the cost of having a price tag of ending world hunger at only 30 billion. Without the 737 billion on the military, the cost to ending world hunger would be 1000s higher.

This. The population just adjusts to the increase. Standard of living needs to be increased, culture needs to be changed to foster individuality, reproductive rights need to be introduced and widely accepted. Food aid is a bandaid on a broken leg. If anything it exasperates the problem.

Another shill post.

>you could feed every person on earth for eternity for less than 5 dollars

>cost to nuke africa nad get rid of world hunger?
a few dozen
>cost to keep feeding eternal gibs me that are too stupid to learn how agriculture works?
never ending

>End world hunger
>feeding lazy niggers who will just have more hungry nigger kids and hardly work

Pick one cuck

here we go again


if you end world hunger you start overpopulation and you have to spend 60 billion to fix that and after that it Quadrupels.

Ending world hunger starts much bigger problems.


i mean i guess

"How dare you do what you want when you should feed the countries with no morals."


they will be hungry again tomorrow


>Feed a man a fish
>Feed him for a day
>Feed a man a fish every day so he can create 9001 babies that dont know how to fish

Even if that were true, which I am dubious of, our priority is maintaining our own country. Why is the entire world suddenly our responsibility? I thought we weren't supposed to play world police.

The difference is one group is dying for Israel and the other is dying because it's funny.

>how dare you commit to protecting of the greatest countries in history instead of helping the hopeless


>ending world hunger for 30 billion
only if you spend it all on cyanide capsules

Why would we want to feed a bunch of starving niggers who can't help themselves? What fucking good does that do? Don't we have to KEEP spending 30 billion over and over to feed them? Yea I think we do.
Fuck off.

>Get your priorities straight, Western World.
How about the poor countries get theirs straight?


30 billion for what? 4-8 weeks? Then? Don't you have to actually develop these countries so they can feed themselves? The West itself doesn't really care about these countries as long as their investments there are not disrupted. These countries themselves do not care about their current state, they're overran by greedy politicians/warlords(depending what region we're talking about) that will do anything to have the Wests approval and $$, it's called being a 3rd world shithole.

you're exactly right...it's a bottomless pit.
Soylent Green is the answer.

in this case soylent black, with a touch of aids spice

>30 billion could end world hunger
The Kremlin posts this disinformation bullshit 70 times a day. The Putinbots must be hard wired to keep repeating this stupid shit because they know they can't possibly match the military might of the US.

We keep feeding them they keep breeding and the cost keeps going up. Let them starve there are to many niggers as is. If you cant feed yourself dont have children. Shit we keep letting these people into the west and how do they repay us by shooting up churches and comitting crimes.


That cost of military is what keeps Western Civilization cost less.
Commies need to realize that the military safeguards the infrastructure and the means of production of a healthy society.
Otherwise, barbarian niggers will just take property and lives with no one to stop them.

I don't care if this is a slide thread.
The counter-arguments posted are worth it to keep lurkers informed.