Apologize right fucking now.
Apologize right fucking now
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Weed makes your brain mushy.
I'm glad Montel could take time off from hawking payday loans to address this important issue.
>he thinks the NFL "protests" are about something meaningful
It's literally just a bunch of anti-trumpers, there is no protest any more.
Aww, love montell
625,000 white men laid down their lives to be disrespected by them niggers they fought to free. Who now throw a ball around for millions of dollars (mind you with slave owners on them to boot) instead of picking cotton.
Really activates the almonds.
>Dosen't know that white girls are the new "cotton" they are picking
He takes to much oxy and smokes to much weed. He should just neck himself
Isn't this the guy that sold half dollars with stickers of Obama on them for thirty dollars a piece.
what a precious little pussy
>those who have been shot for freedom of speech
Literally who? When did that ever happen?
Fucking niggers! Why do they crave attention so much?
who gives a shit about niggermerica ...theres barley any white people in it
why would you presume i am anything but PROUD of slavery and how blacks were treated prior to 1964?
I swear I know these woman m8
niggers crying a lot these days. Really bastes those Brazil nuts.
He's right about freedom of speech. We should be criticising the message, not the mode of delivery.
The nigger is a retard, but within his rights to kneel. Nothing explicitly saying in the NFL rules they have to stand or w/e.
Threadly reminder that out of 750 something deadly police shootings in 2017 so far, only 10 of them were unarmed black people.
oтличнaя paбoтa
How dare they give the finger to the millions who have died building this country from its infancy to today.
Their gripes are petty as fuck when considering what they chose to attack and the fact that so many on the left cant even recognize this just makes it all the more disgusting.
The message:
Black people are better off in the USA than anywhere else on earth, at any time in history.
And they're still whining, bitching and complaining.
Bullshit. There's always a catch all for "making the team look bad".
Then let the sliding revenue from the outrage dictate how the NFL teams handle it.
As it stands legally he did nothing wrong and that's how leftists are pushing this. They're trying to flip the free speech argument on us.
This nigger is doing it for attention.
Also, mixed nigglets crack. Look at how fukcing ugly he is.
Quick! Burn the constitution!
This and they know it, confederate flags and statues are blood in the water and these sharks are circling.
> "Look man, you can say what you want but I really don't like you disrespecting the country I adore and I'd appreciate it if you took your protest elsewhere."
> "Whitey crakas be sayzing shuddup to my niggaz ma main, it hertz n shiet, dey by sayzing to stahp politsizing r entatanment n just leef uz alone, raycysts n shieeet."
Really stimulates the neural connections
>nfl players have been shot for protesting
niggers just make up whatever they want
I'm pretty baked yet I don't know why a grown ass man who has lived a privileged life would cry about some heroin dealers getting shot.
I believe that Montel Williams is hologram. Didn't he announce an MS diagnosis in the Nineties?
Also, Montel shills for companies that loan niggers spics, and White trash money at 300% interest. Fuck him. Niggers need to shut the fuck up and play nigger ball when it's time to do so. Save the nigger shines for the off day, not that I give a shit. I don't watch, nor should any self-respecting White.
Great actor. Should star in Get Out II.
>hawking payday loans
how else do you expect him to pay for his multiple scrotum treatment
Is he still doing commercials for predatory loan services?
Importing slave niggers was a mistake.
Freeing the slave niggers was a mistake.
Not deporting recently freed slave niggers was a mistake.
Civil rights for niggers was a mistake.
Not chemically castrating all new niggers at birth is a mistake.
Montel breaks down in tears on the daily
when Ohio was voting for marijauna legalization Montel was crying on my local news, advocating the benifits of the medicinal use and the effects it had on his life