/ncg/ - National Capitalism General: Physical Removal Edition!

Most would agree that for a movement based on identity, unity among those of that identity is critical. This principal is a keystone of national socialism. Socialism appears to be the ultimate statement of unity and collective identity between peoples. This explains the failings of socialism in the past, even national socialism, a well intentioned ideology. Race realism is half the puzzle. Understanding that groups of people have massively differing characteristics, is where we get the NATIONAL in national capitalism. All socialism however, fails to acknowledge the differences of people WITHIN a group. That is to say, socialism undermines individualism. Thus where nationalism sees differences between groups, and internationalism does not, capitalism sees differences between individuals, where socialism does not. This does not mean national capitalists abandon the concept of unity. We see autonomy as the ultimate safety net, and see trade as the ultimate common denominator.

With that said let's get this ball rolling.

Items on the table today:
>Choose a flag
>Links to be included in OP
>Clear definition of National Capitalism
>Better OP template

Other urls found in this thread:


courtesy of t.a.r

>failings of socialism in the past

Nice Image!!

I've seen this one around, but I'd like a better symbol than the dollar sign.

I like this one also!!

Yes, Finally. National Capitalism.

Im in on this.

1. White and Blue flag user posted looks really good. I like that. It makes sense.

2. Links should have lots of Hoppe and Pinochet

3. Aesthetics have to be new and fresh. Fashwave aesthetic already taken. Need something new. Maybe a cyborg/Transhumist/robot/space type look? Anyone?

4. NapCap definition: Free Market Capitalism contained within National borders. Its that easy. An Anarcho-Capitalist Ethnostate.


Anyone want to create a NatCap subreddit with me to reach the plebs?

it's a joke.

just like being an an-cap

Cringe the thread

Autistic lolbergs actually believe by inventing an ideology using the word national they will gain Sup Forums's approval

National Capitalism is Sovereignty, Individualism, Traditionalism, Capitalism and rejection of Cultural Marxism, Moral Relativism etc. Its probably a good idea for a sub reddit

hello fellow (((right wingers)))!

anyone attending the mises institute meeting coming up in new york?

Just a friendly reminder leftist will be physically removed!!

I've been gravitating towards something like this lately. I am happy that there's others that feel the same. I am liking where this is going.

We do need to keep the snak though

Why are capitalists so afraid of physical things?

Is that why they're obsessed with football and cuck porn?

I thought we've been through flags already.

Capitalism is inheritly internationalist

I like this one.


We don't care what you faggots think


what do the colors represent?

>I wish have NatCap memes now


How would you like to be physically removed?? By Helicopter or catapult ??

fuck u you filthy sack licker, i'll fucking have u


capitalism is more than just money, its free association.

Sounds a lot like what the Founding Fathers had in mind, especially Jefferson and the anti-federalists.

National Capitalism also rejects Open Borders and Egalitarianism!!

Essential Reading Proposals:

Economics in One Lesson - Henry Hazlitt
Basic Economics - Thomas Sowell
Wealth of Nations - Adam Smith
The Turgot Collection
Principles of Economics - Carl Menger
The Positive Theory of Capital - Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk
Principles of Economics - Alfred Marshall
Social Economics - Friedrich von Wieser
The Value of Money - Benjamin Anderson
Risk, Uncertainty, and Profit - Frank Knight
The Great Depressions - Lionel Robbins
The Road to Serfdom - Friedrich Hayek
Human Action - Ludwig von Mises
Man, Economy, and State - Murray Rothbard
Capitalism and Freedom - Milton Friedman
Capitalism: the Unknown Ideal - Ayn Rand

Will get to ethical/political reading later tonight



What's the difference between natcap and classical liberalism?

How would you respond to the following image? Depending on how laissez-faire and fugg goobermend programms you want to be, there isn't much more than a difference in phrasing at work here.

Classical Liberalism exists

You might as well start killing the poor after robots take 30% of jobs there won't be much left people can do.

National Capitalism is a modern Philosophy that takes elements of Classical Liberalism into the modern concept of National Capitalism.

This thread always makes Sup Forums look amateur

It's called mercantilism, it was horrible, deal with it.

National Socialism meant well but it didn't work in the end. Socialism in the United States will never be accepted by Libertarians and Conservatives

Libertarian ancaps could go in Somalia or Honduras.

so lemme guess... this is leftypols newest attempt to convince Sup Forums to embrace communism with a dumb fucking name #417 great.

>national socialism

Getting tired of all these 90 IQ lolbergs tbqh

All communist,marxist,socialist,progressives etc will be physically removed from society.

You forgot your meme flag paki!!! Go back to fucking pakistan!!

Monarchy is the ideal NatCap form of government as it perfectly balances the value of property and nationalism. Republican and Democratic governments always spiral into crony-capitalism and populist policies.

well fuck im on board.

Those nations would regress to the dark ages to be subjugated by advanced nations.

Hello Comrades, there is no such thing as anarchic capitalism. Cheers.

why not just get an AI to govern us? Humans are corruptible, power is basically a drug.

>refutes cronyism
>proposes cronyism on steroids

Many alt-rights complain about the Africans and Africa and yet the systems the propose belong in Africa and at best in Feudal Western Europe.

No abos allowed to post in this thread. Humans only!!

>An ideology centered around capitalism
>Somehow an attempt to convert Sup Forums to communism

I shiggy diggy

my week is full of exams ,i will contribute to it next week

pls keep it alive

to the thread*


Why the fuck are you posting then?

>Thinking we care about the opinion of a corporatist authoritarian cuck

>The state decides which people are which people

This is the problem. The Nazis had a concept of what is and what is not "Aryan". Its a completely arbitrary classification, fashioned by a board of politicians, mostly for political gains. At the same time, the nature of the state is to expand its influence. Therefore it must expand this term, "Aryan". Which would mean that other groups that were previously not considered white would now become "Aryan". There was a push to include Persians as Aryans into the Reich at the time.

Even if you agreed with Hitler's definition of Aryan, there is no guarantee that the government you have now wouldn't become something else in the future. The state is typically self-serving. This is the nature of organizations cannot not be completely held responsible.

Whatever groups occur through feel association are the groups that should be. I am still feeling this out, so I can't tell you how this would look like, but I can poke holes in the opposition all day.

There are no abbos in the United States, only Native American Indians, and they are human.

Thats a pretty abo comment

Anyone interested in arguments for monarchy should watch this when they have the time

Part 1: The Nation
The Nation must be preserved in order to stop globalism and communism.
The Nation must observe and if needed protect the free market where and when it can.
The Nation must respect that Western European Men and Ideas are its foundation and core.
The Nation must respect and defend the freedom of its citizens as laid out in the Bill of Rights.
The Nation must always maintain a balanced budget, neither debt nor surplus is acceptable.
The Nation must defend its borders from immigration, invasion or open attack.
The Nation must defend and define citizenship. Natural Birth or Civil Service are the ONLY paths to citizenship in the nation.
The Nation must not allow non citizens to have rights equivalent to citizens.
The Nation must allow all men the right to purchase and carry firearms, with no restrictions.
The Nation must not allow citizens to engage in violent crime, theft, terrorism or rape.
The Nation must not engage itself in foreign wars or intervention. Only direct defense of the Nation is acceptable.

source: 1stirregulars.com/national-capitalism-33-precepts/

The ideal government seeks to work in the best interests of the people. What we are arguing is what system is better.
> A. Someone trained from birth to execute what is in the best interest of the people
> B. Have the majority of people select who is best for role of working in their best interests
One of these systems allows an untrained person to rule, the other does not.

The main thing we need to focus on is the Physical Removal of leftist for now

Part 2: The Citizen
The Citizen is subject to taxation, however has the right to dispute the amount and/or services provided to him.
The Citizen can be drafted to civil service or military action in time of war.
The Citizen can vote for leadership, only the citizen has this right. Government officials and non citizens may not vote.
The Citizen may defend themselves, subject to liability if proven to be in the wrong.
The Citizen can trade freely for any good or service and the Nation may not interfere with said exchange unless it is a clear and direct threat to the Nation.
The Citizen’s “Rights” as defined under the Bill of Rights, are to be protected by the Nation.
The Citizen may print and distribute their own currency, subject to fraud and liability laws.
The Citizen may request a fair trial for accused wrongdoings.
The Citizen may not advocate communism, socialism or non family kin centered lifestyles without recourse.
Physical removal of bad actors will be decided upon by the laws and courts of the Nation.
The Citizen may have a trial before being removed, a non citizen must be removed on the spot without trial.

source: 1stirregulars.com/national-capitalism-33-precepts/

Again, what's the difference?

Part 3: The Market
The market must be allowed to work freely, interpersonal, interstate and internationally.
Supply and Demand must always be respected, for the market to function properly.
Any industry that can be run privately, must be run privately.
Regulation of free exchange can only be discussed in accordance with the Constitution, only when a threat to the safety of the Citizens and Nation can be objectively proven, and may only be implemented temporarily.
International trade deals may only be made individually between the Nation and one other Nation, and only allowed if they benefit the Nation, it’s Citizens and the Market.
No Central Bank or Official Currency can be allowed or respected by the Nation.
It is the responsibility of both the Citizen and the Nation to protect, defend and observe the Market.
The Market is a tool to better the lives of Citizens and the health of the Nation.
The means of production must be owned by private Citizens in order to get competition and thus, efficiency from them.
Competition in the Market is a virtue, creating new and better methods of production over time.
The Nation and Market serve the Citizen, however the Citizen is required to put forth effort to protect and defend the Nation and the Market.

source: 1stirregulars.com/national-capitalism-33-precepts/

Under Classical Liberalism Communist would have rights.

>That is to say, socialism undermines individualism.
Individualism is why society is dying in the first place. Capitalists and their fucking "nuclear family" horseshit. Also, capitalism is against nations, borders, and languages.

There is only one type of capitalism: that which requires a state to govern the market and a republican entity by which to operate. You can't just tap vague political terms onto the front and think you've invented something new.

Plus a monarch can make long-term decisions, because his rule is for life, whereas an elected politician makes short-term decisions, because the latter is dependent on his approval by the populace in order to stay in power. This doesn't mean that there wouldn't be a peaceful means of removing a monarch. Worse comes to worse, we still keep our guns.

You can either be physically removed by helicopter or catapult. at your discretion

My vote is for this flag


Mostly unknown incompetant inbreds that sip tea, travel and play polo on the public purse vs governor that administers actively and interacts with the public.

Also under National Capitalism Voting would be a privilege and not a right. Something that has to be earned. It prevents stupid people from voting

You have to ask the question of tyranny for any form of government, but in recent history, do your research and you will find that single party systems (i.e. communist regimes) have a longer lifespan and are more destructive than the reign of one man alone.



Dont give a sloppy fuck about the thoughts of socialists.

Ok while we're listing of traits of the worst monarchs do you want to list off all the worst traits of our elected officials?
>easily bribed
My leader living lavishly is far from discontenting me.

>me living in las vegas
>"dating" sjw attending UNLV
>goes to earth day event
>disgusted with muself for what I'm doing for pussy
>bout to leave event and her
>"user come with me"
>pulled into stair well and start receiving head
>too disgusted with myself to get hard
>think that HHH used to walk these halls
>blow out the back of her head as I shoot my load

Good. Could use some Bastiat


as long as it relegates niggers to second- and kikes to third class citizens we're fine.

Oftentimes a regent is installed in an incompetent rulers place regardless

my vote is on this


I'm glad this meme is getting traction. I remember the first threads with the lonely OP in them.

This. Strong trade and immigration barriers at the borders to preserve the national market. The means of production and corporate profits cannot be allowed to be exported and cheap labor cannot be allowed to be imported.

This, just don't mention the ethnostate stuff out of the gate it'll turn off the normies

I have no idea of the difference a king would make when bankers financed kings (bribery). Good luck to you.


Irresponsible individualism =/= responsible individualism

Classical liberalism embraces free trade and freedom of movement (i.e. open borders) National Capitalism does not. Free markets within the state but strong barriers to trade and immigrstion with other nations. Basically we want to end immigration and bring back the tariff

No dipshit, mercantilism dictated a angle export market for colonies. Very different. Read a book kangaroo fucker

Kings are less likely to be bound to greed since they were raised with wealth and didn't come to power inorder to obtain wealth. Greedy, power-hungry, and narcissistic people are the first people trying to obtain power. Tolkien firmly believed that the best candidate for ruler was one who didn't have an interest in being the ruler.


Printing their own currency is a bit much desu

The flag of pro-white entrepreneurship

Again I like it but we need a standardized currency everyone printing their own is a shitshow

You'll be happy with this then:

The Politics of Obedience - Étienne de La Boétie
The Free Sea - Hugo Grotius
The Rights of War and Peace - Hugo Grotius
Second Treatise of Government - John Locke
Common Sense - Thomas Paine
The Rights of Man - Thomas Paine
Democracy in America - Alexis de Tocqueville
The Production of Security - Gustave de Molinari
The Law - Frédéric Bastiat
On Liberty - John Stuart Mill
Essays on Freedom and Power - Lord Acton
Instead of Dictatorship - Henry Hazlitt
Origins of Totalitarianism - Hannah Arendt
Liberty or Equality - Erik Ritter von Kuehnelt-Leddihn
The Betrayal of the American Right - Murray Rothbard
Anarchy, State, and Utopia - Robert Nozick
Natural Law and Natural Rights - John Finnis
Contract as Promise - Charles Fried
Democracy: the God That Failed - Hans-Hermann Hoppe
The Myth of the Rational Voter - Bryan Caplan
The State in the Third Millennium - Hans-Adam II