no /yys/ thread?
Other urls found in this thread:
It got deleted.
I want to fuck this bitch
Yeah it's like what happened to wide threads
/yys/ is officially dead
Hopefully next week she revives
Some new mod, I guess. Don't worry guys, I'm sure buyfag, drawfag, and /ai/ will also be deleted along with a sticky explaining that these type of threads aren't allowed anymore.
Or not.
Looks like the spambros got what they wanted
>Fill in the blank
We will get ___ during the Kirara Festa this weekend
I swear if /ai/ gets deleted i will kill someone and leave this place.
/yys/ is the only half-decent thread on Sup Forums ever and the only reason I ever come to this board.
When is the OVA coming out anyway?
Good. These threads are fucking shit.
He deletes the good morning threads too. Fucking degenerate
Monster shit threads still going strong though
here I come everyone!
Bringing /yys/ to a city near you!
/yys/ feels like a mix of Sup Forums and /s4s/
These generals need to die right fucking now.
Literally does nothing but attract normalfags and crossboarders.
Not really. Normalfags go to Sup Forums and Sup Forums. Even to discuss anime.
will you please kill youself
how's everyone feeling today? socal heat went down a bit today so I'm feeling kinda alright desu senpai
I'm just sad /yys/ got deleted, but I'm sure we'll manage to survive right?
we're still here aren't we?
this is my favorite time of the week and it will legitimately sadden me if they don't let us have /yys/ anymore
/yys/ is arguably one of the worse generals around right now, I'd say the removal would be a welcome change.
No /yys/ FOR YOU
Is that right? I thought we just fell off the board?
If /yys/ dies, will Yuzu stop getting bullied?
>implying there is any bullying in /yys/
/yys/ is Sup Forums's greatest and comfiest creation
Bullying Yuzu is comfy af
>off by one
oh and
don't say that!
off by one was meant for that post
I'm dumb
Right back at
good one
This bitch needs to die.
anybody here /pop/?
I forgot what it says
also that's a really nice gif
It's over. /yys/ is... over.
I think of Konata was friends with the yuyus they'd hit critical lewd
I think it's 'happiness'
What does /yys/ think about the coming drought of CGDCT?
But there's Amanchu next season
I think it's a good thing. Most CGDCT shows are really bad and boring.
It's hard to complain after this past season, the season of CGDCT. We'll be getting Amanchu and New Game next season, too.
I think I got spoiled from this season.
Everything will be daijoubu. I'll miss Sansha Sanyou and Anne Happy tho. Hibari and Teru best grills
>Yukari with that hair
are you trying to give my type YYS diabetes user?
It better make up for the lack of Flying Witch.
I'm sorry if I triggered your diabeetus user. Yukari is just too cute in any hairstyle.
I missed you guys. Glad to see these threads live on.
I just love the sound of yukari's voice. When she makes an exclamation, there's tons of harmonic content and a breathy tone that's almost raspy around the upper modal range. More upper midrange than most people's voices and you can hear her vocal break between modal and falsetto more than most women, a slight nasal sound. I think the voice actor forces a higher pitch than her natural register.
In any case it sounds good and has healing magic.
Oh that's way too easy
A cute girl feels the urge to do cute things with a cute girl.
Unable to do cute things, she is gifted with by cute ex machina with the cute girl's thing. Never minding the strange thing, she immediately does cute things, and is overjoyed to find out that cute girl wants to do cute things as well.
But, the next day, when she recounts the previous day's cute things done with the cute girl, she only looks at her with a uncute expression. After some investigation, she finds out that the cute girl she did cute things with is not the same cute girl she originally wanted to do cute things with. In fact, she doesn't want to do cute things in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who wants to do cute things with the MC's own alternate universe cute self, who too is blissfully unaware of her desire to do cute things.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their cutest, most private things in order to equip the other with cute things they need to do cute things with their other cute selves. While the two do cute things with their alternate universe cute girls, NOTHING ensues as they begin to feel desire to do cute things with each other instead and question the NATURE of MOE.
Episode 13 is also out:
Kill yourself.
KinMosa gets a movie
YYS gets a ___
Deleted thread
Pls no bully
but we have New Game next season and Stella the following season
Kirara lives on
bkub supports /yys/
live adaption
No s2 ever.
Can someone pretty please post the mendokusai monster? "can't be bothered" monster in the sub. The purple and pink guy.
Yukari with heart pupils is so sensual
I love you.
No, it just died
It got made too early
I instantly thought of portal. That shit's subliminal.
When Yuzu does it, it's just lewd.
>heart eyes
This is some next level shit right here. How can such a small change have such huge meaning? I'm in favor of this. I want to force Yuzuko to wear heart-eye contact lenses.
Imagine, while you're bullying Yuzu, she looks like she's loving it.
She's a total M I tell you
Combined with one of those heart collars and her already pink hair it would be amazing.
I don't think my heart could take it to bully a Yuzu in such a position.
Bullying her bean you mean. And then she pees on you when she cums
Because of the intense sexual arousal, right?
Goodness me. How is it that I've watched so much BDSM porn but never once have I stumbled across heart-eye contacts? It's time for a revolution.
I checked the catalog at work and I didn't see /yys/.
Now it's here.
I will not lie, I was very afraid for a while.
how about this?
It made my external cock erect.
>no one posts anything in /yys/
>page 10
>thread autosages
>what the fugg?! mods deleted our thread!!
It makes my internal cock erect as well. This shit makes my legs weak. Mick was right.
I wish I could have heart pupils.
I checked. Heart pupil contact lenses exist.
Makes sense. I mean, they even have Sharingan contact lenses these days.
Oh god these make my internal, external and auxiliary cock so hard
It's not the same.
do you even fucking read what you write
I don't even hang out in these threads, but there are no normies who watch yuyushiki
it's some pretty anti-normie tier shit