>the yuus will never BECOME ONE
Yu-gi-oh! Arc-V
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So why is it allowed for Odd-Eyes to get 4 Fusion versions but only have a single Synchro and 2 Xyz?
I see.
I recognize some of those words as English.
>HITOTSU NI becomes dropped plot point
>Bracelets become dropped plot point
>Nakajima won't duel to protect Reiji's secret base, lose, and leave a video file apologizing for his failure (with his RIGHT lens broken so his left eye is covered to match Barrett and Sergei)
>Shuzo won't become famous again after it's found out he's an adult that used Pendulum Summoning
>Shuzo, Yoko, and Himika won't form a power trio
>Tatsuya, Futoshi, and Ayu won't ever duel again as a power trio
>Roger will not have been transported to Standard and attempt to coup Himika
>Yusho won't be the real bad guy
>Leo won't duel and will give up without a fight
>Reiji won't be working with Leo
>everyone who was carded will inexplicably be brought back to life
>Rin and Ruri will never duel
>Serena and Yuri will never interact
>Yuya and Yuzu remain FRIENDS
Yes, I can see why everyone is still watching Arc-V, truly the best shounen out there.
I think that Reiji could be a good surprise final boss. What with REIJIng Tempest coming out, that would be a good chance for one of the D/D/D/D final boss pendulum/extra deck monsters as the cover card.
several of those are fuckign stupid ideas.
and the bracelets and HITOTSU NI haven't been dropped--hell, yuzu ported yuri away like 4 episodes ago, and yuya and yuto have been fighting to not get posessed again.
A new foe has appeared
If I were to draw a full- HITOTSU NII yuya, should I draw all the major hair colours of the other yuus, or just keep to red and green?
>"Wow Yuya, why did you keep getting possessed?"
>"I dunno Yuzu, why did your bracelet teleport everyone?"
>"I dunno! Let's shake hands and then walk away from each other for the last episode!"
That's what a dropped plot point is, and that is literally going to happen because Arc-V, for some god-awful reason, has been abandoned by either Konami or Shueisha, or both.
I don't want to argue but what about Yuya's duel with Seregay?
Reminder that even if Arc-V ends we'll still have the Manga. The ride isn't over yet.
>Reminder that Shun barbecued his silly bird with Napalm Lanius
Here, let me try and type retarded so you can understand.
Yes, but, what episode are you referring to? Are you referring to their separation at the beginning of the Miami City Finals or during the Synchro arc?
An unresolved plot point means the show ends without it being resolved ya goober :^)
Ok, but what specific episode do you feel dropped the plot point?
I kinda like that Sergei was an opponent that Yuya never got to defeat, even after losing to him. Seems kind of rare in a YGO series.
Are you doing this on purpose?
>Tfw Neo New will never be a non jobber
Why does the show hate him so much
Because he's the one who actually embodies entame dueling, therefore he needs to lose to keep Yuya miserable.
you said something stupid about two continuing plot threads that have yet to see resolution because they are major contributing factors to the plot.
they haven't been dropped because they are still continuing.
They have been dropped because they won't be resolved. We haven't been in Xyz for three months and already we're going to Fusion. The writers don't care anymore. It WILL happen.
Why does Tewart hate this guy so much?
I fully believe that his moment is coming. They wouldn't shit on him so much and yet still keep him relevant if they weren't saving him for... something.
He does have the most experience dueling all the Yuu's - I think he's going to duel Yuri and lose (but somehow not get carded) and then sometime later he'll be the one to take down HITOTSU NII because he's fought all of the 'parts' one on one.
It's coming. Just wait.
Fuck that tomato Grace. Fuck him hard
>every time the yuus interact, they start getting fucked up
>every time yuzu gets near multiple yuus, the teleports one away
>yuya and yuto constantly talk about the terrible feeling of going berserk and are afraid of it happening again
>this means the plot is dropped
fucking what?
XYZ was always set up to be the intro to Fusion you shitposting jackass. We've known the series would be split into three parts since early 2015 and we've known that Synchro would be followed by a trip into XYZ before heading into Fusion
>I have no patience for one of the biggest parts of the series to get resolved
>this means it's been dropped
It'll all be explained, just wait and follow Reiji's keikaku.
I never understood. Was that supposed to be graffiti or was it actually a demonic door?
It's a talking door. A door that talks.
Tewart seems to just not care about the anime after DM
When did you discover ARC-V and start browsing these threads?
>tfw you started episode on 12
start of synchro arc.
Are we getting an ORE NO TURRRRN from Yuya this up coming week?
Yeah, well... FUCK YOU
Around ep 5 or 6.
I remember some people thinking Sawatari was going to be defending vs some sort of evil XYZ user.
What a wild ride.
To be fair it's not like they separate from each other on their own accord, they get clockblocked by the plot itself.
what was up with the door anyway? was it just them stealing from fma?
I was really autistic and thought that he was going to be related to Yugi somehow.
Episode 8. I remember the Yusho duel school conflict perfectly.
Felt like it, yeah. Yoshida's not exactly known for originality.
I was convinced that Sawatari was Yoko's real son. Also I thought Yuzu's mom died in childbirth so Shuzo chose to give up his professional career to raise her so it made him that much more of BEST DAD.
At the start of the Battle Royal. Before that i always thought Sup Forums was the DeepWeb
It's been abandoned by NAS/TVTOKYO. They're probably already hard at work on the next series.
Please tell me you're fucking joking.
Even if that's not the case, he's still absolute BEST DAD.
>Encourages the relationship between his daughter and her fragile tomato
>Patches up her tomato whenever it gets bruised
>Gives up his career to take care of her
>Tries to keep dangerous pretty boys like Dennis away from her
>Only YGO parent who hasn't either abandoned his child or fucked up his child's head by forcing them to live up to some kind of lofty ideal
This. Heck I can't even call this the 'XYZ' arc. If anything it's the Fusion arc with XYZ being the Astral world of Arc-V.
Shuzo truly is a good person. So far he's been a better parent figure to Yuya than Yusho. Like in the battle Royale he actually thought with logic and was genuinely worried for Yuzu and Yuya.
>>Yuya and Yuzu remain FRIENDS
Unlike Astral World, thankfully we've had time to grow to understand and actually care about the few people we met in XYZ.
Basically, this feels like how Astral World should've been.
I enjoy how Shuzo is HOT BLOODED but he thinks clearly, and the only time he got too passionate was when he found out Yuzu had been kidnapped and was told he wasn't allowed to go save her. Seeing Shuzo cry was tough for me.
New OP and ED when??? October??
>banana butt
Every time
Probably. Burn took over in November and Trump Card took over in October, so it's certainly somewhere around there.
reminder that not only did judai never defeat yubel, but by merging with her/him, his/her goal was achieved, making him/her the only yugioh villain to succeed at her/his endgame goal.
Oh ok. That will be the last OP and ED of Arc-V. It better be good both the visuals and music.
>Arc-V doesn't have the budget to have the OP show a BAD END for its last 8 seconds up until the airing of the Final Duel, which changes that bit to a GOOD END
Yuya you motherfucker stop being so adorable
I wanted to be there with you,
following everywhere you'd go.
Even when they said you were long and gone,
In my heart I always know
That you are always near
Because you're always on my mind.
It's these thoughts that keep my smiling as
These busy days go by.
>Sawatari and Gongenzaka vs HITOTSU NI
>Gongenzaka's friendship and Sawatari's ENTAME free Yuuya
I want this
Itll never happen but i want it
Gon is flagged to die by holding off a near-infinite amount of Obelisk Force that reduce his LP below 0, but he keeps standing so Yuya and Reiji can make it into the throne room.
This would be the most hype thing in the fucking world.
>the first duel of the series is Gon vs. Yuya on a bridge
this show's potential was infinite
I stopped caring when Gon lost to Crow, ESPECIALLY after Gon debuted a new Synchro AND remained Steadfast in his beliefs.
>When did you discover ARC-V
Episode 1. More like a week before that since I saw the previews.
>start browsing these threads?
Mid-late Synchro. Didn't start posting until right before the end of Synchro. I really just don't care for this site aside from these threads.
Arc-V can still be saved
Tho i fear the path to get there will be forced and bumbling
Like the Barian Invasion on crack
I really hope Gon being in the OP means something. It'll be fucking sad and at the same time right losing to Hitotsuni with pretty fucks Yuya in the head at the aftermath.
wow, arc-v was really quality back then, i'm sure glad the art has improved so much
>Arc-V Manga adaptation animated by Trigger
Would you watch it?
At least Noh Gil-bo is back.
I like this
Its probably cause im buzzed. But i like it
>one guy is responsible for Vector's faces, Yuya's faces, Shun being chuuni, Yoko, Dennis vs. Yuzu, and Gon beating Synchro Spam
Arc-V doesn't need saving. It's in complete control of itself. Synchro was an extended character/worldbuilding arc that spent its first 15 eps with pre-maiami pacing for some unfortunate reason, but ever since the Dennis duel, things have stayed phenomenal.
Is this a song?
So, in short: Fuck DSOD.
I'm always a fan of those gimmicky non-death anime cards like Infernity Zero. While I know that it probably won't happen, but I'd love for Gongenzaka to get one printed. If this series can print cards that give Xyz monsters levels, it can print cards that prevent the player from losing the duel.
>Worthless Performapals getting more budget than the new D-HEROs
Discovered it last year through the threads when they're losing it in Episode 86-88's summaries
Mid synchro. /m/ immigrant
Episode 36. Still with same hype.
>Akiko Toyoda made the Vector and Yuya rape faces
Please tell me more about this guy and when will he come back
Good \a/non
I believe in Arc-V, but only just.
The show only gets one more fuck-up from me. Only one more.
Around Episode 30 i found out about Arc V and since i browsed Sup Forums most of the time anyway, didn't take too long to find out about this general.
I like Noh, him and Ebina make Yuya look so good looking.
Does anyone have the image of Sawatari doing the Shun's BATTLE DA pose?
Ep 3 and I never looked back.
It hasn't really fucked up though. It's had poor pacing here and there and spent a lot more time cockteasing us than it shoud've at certain points, sure, but that's about it.
You've been caught looking at the banana bulge.
Of course
When did the Performapals design become so lackluster? I really liked his non pendulums, like Hip Hippo and Whip Snake, and I liked his early pendulums like Mufflerlion, Partnaga and Drummerilla. Right around Monkeyboard and Guiturtle, they started to get mediocre.
Ebina is a gift.