I wish I was Mr. House. I would build up New Vegas with my computers from a capsule. Control robots that do my deeds...

I wish I was Mr. House. I would build up New Vegas with my computers from a capsule. Control robots that do my deeds. How based would that be?

are you retarded?

This is Sup Forums not / V/

Then get killed by a mailman


Holy kek


Lonesome Road was some great shit.

Went through first time siding with (((NCR))). This time through I'm all for myself. Caesar side can suck a dick too, for the record. Why not be your own man in a post-apocalyptic world?

>the virgin house
>the Chad Legion

T. homosexual savages larping as the roman legion

Stop insulting your people paco

The Roman legion were homosexual savages though

>The Virgin Dweller
>Chad Vegas

>The Virgin "democratic" NCR Kike
>The Chad Fascist Legionary Aryan

On a separate note, who did you guys support? I always go for the NCR.


Nah, house is the best bet, you have an eternal neckbeard doing all the menial tasks while you get to hit up the casinos and blast faggots from california and boy-lover romans


Mr. House's New Vegas is actually the Ancap dream.

Brotherhood or death.

Or death for the Brotherhood :)

Virgins of Steel VS CHAD Legion

> When your too old and decrepit to fight and recruit your own army so you invent a massive robot army of Securitrons® to not only fight a war against the biggest forces in your region, but also defend the land that you say is yours because you got it first and none of the other New Vegas families have an army because you said they couldn't