why so much hate for Lauren Southern lately?
she is great at redpilling normies and has done great things for our cause!
is she dare I say it /our girl/?
why so much hate for Lauren Southern lately?
she is great at redpilling normies and has done great things for our cause!
is she dare I say it /our girl/?
I want to put my dick in her ass
in for the hourly lauren southern beta orbiter fan thread
She started making money, and a solid third of anons on any board will hate anyone who makes money doing their thing.
It's the thing I like least about this site.
>Redpolls normies
None of the normies I know have even heard of her.
Stop fucking posting the same god damn gif and shill threads for her. Holy fucking shit.
Not an argument.
why? I really really like her.
I want to her ass to suffocate my face while I jack off
>It's the thing I like least about this site.
Then stay on reddit then. We don't need e-celeb cancer here.
She is based
you know a whore is bad at her job when whiteknights need to defend her ass on a regular basis
give me a quick rundown on this girl
Isn’t she danish or some shit?
I want a three way with her and her sister.
(totally finishing in her sister though)
But do you have pics of her ass?
mgtows hate her because she is pretty, they're all brainlets and do not realize beauty in women is the equivalent to humor in men and the fact that one is something you're born with versus the other being learned is unfair but fuck your feelings.
mgtow genocide when
also: /leftypol/ with natsoc flag incoming in 3...2...1..
if you're not gonna give a rundown at least give me this she seems good
She's another non-American living in America telling Americans what to think and how to behave, while not doing so herself. She's misstep somewhere and become human garbage just like Milo is/did.
cute girls scare me so I hate them and stay away from them
i would retake Constantinople if I was promised that ass
I would unironically go gay for Lauren Southern.
a-are you a girl?
She left the (((rebel))) so they have to try harder to demonize her, before all they had to do was (((levant))). You can tell she's gotten a lot more racist and antisemitic over the last couple years.
me too
FYI guys Lauren sees these threads.
>living in America
We don't actually know where she lives, there are people here who accuse Australians of being her but I'm fairly convinced she's studying something at a British university.
She's a leaf you ARSE man
We all living in Amerika,Amerika ist wunderbar.
Lauren is a man/Attack Helicopter.