Do you believe in the (((evolution))) theory?

Our Lord created the world.

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>Our Lord created the world.


Evolution is pseudo-science and falls apart the second you look at the scientific method.

Evolution is God's tool.

The wolf isn't the "ancestor" of the dog. Both species evolved from a common ancestor.

Funny how people forget about entropy when discussing this magical evolution. Things do not get more complex over time, they deteriorate.

What is mutations?
What is adaptive radiation?
>American education



Mutations are errors in the genetic coding you retarded fag.

>Funny how people forget about entropy when discussing this magical evolution. Things do not get more complex over time, they deteriorate.

Does a baby have more or less entropy than it's parent?


Spoken like a true brainlet.

Whats more retarded,believing your ancestors where monkeys or that there is a invisible man in the sky who in theory has the power to change anything but he chooses not to,only a retard believes in god,same god who allow negros to rape white kids,let that sink in.

>baby less or more entropy than parent.
the level of stupid in this one is hilarious.

>too retarded to understand the difference between than and then

And you expect people to give you any credibility?

>implying the belief in God precludes the idea of evolution
Even the Catholic Church acknowledges the possibility of alien life. Stop getting your knowledge about Christianity from Family Guy

White people are letting their kids get raped, why don't the parents keep better watch out for their children?

People don't even understand that its a theory. Schools teach is a fact. The jews really got us on this one

Post moar proofs that trigger atheist cucks

What makes more sense and seems more realistic?

That life evolved over millions of years through extremely complicated chemical reactions or...

that a man in the sky snapped his fingers, and reality came into existence

>the level of stupid in this one is hilarious.
>And you expect people to give you any credibility?

And yet neither of you can answer them. You just make excuses not to think.

The pic and flag go perfectly well together.

So creatards are so retarded they even deny human artificially selected dog breads?

>organism with mutation survives

>organism breeds and passes mutation

>organism offspring that have the mutation survive, the others do not

>mutation becomes a feature

Dude, I'm an atheist and these pics are true.

The fact that you make that comparison makes you retarded. Its not that fucking simple and nobody will know until death

>muh millions of years from a fish to human
It's pretty retarded to believe that shit and much easier to accept the fact that we were created the way we are now and didn't evolve over millions of years from some retarded fish.

all of their evidence is incontrovertible

there theories of things unseen are not

whatever did happen was of God or at least with his full knowledge

>That life evolved over millions of years through extremely complicated chemical reactions or...

>that a man in the sky snapped his fingers, and reality came into existence

Perhaps God is so complex that not even science can explain it?

Have you ever thought of that?

Why can't we recreate the first single cell organism from nothing now?

That's not what entropy is.

people who assert this have turned off their brains
you cant have your cake and eat it to and also ingest it

Why would I entertain a mongoloid?

Do you ask down syndrome kids what they think of reality and existence?

>Why can't we recreate the first single cell organism from nothing now?

Why can't we create God from nothing now?

A good analogy would be like how some bugs in a game's programming improve experience somehow and get added as a feature and those that harm the gameplay are removed.

So you believe in magic. brainlet

>people who assert this have turned off their brains
>you cant have your cake and eat it to and also ingest it

If you have brains, you can always bake another cake.

You don't believe in god, so explain to me how to make a living thing from nothing. And why hasn't it been done yet? i mean, it can't be that hard if it happened by accident naturally.

First off, that's not how entropy works. That's reductionist to the point where it's useless.

But more importantly, you are looking at our world as a closed system. This is demonstrably incorrect because we orbit a massive ball of plasma that bombards us with energy constantly.

We are in a closed system, you cannot prove otherwise.

Believing in magic is just as logical as everything we can see touch hear and feel exploding out of nothing.

The god damn sun exists.

So you just chose the story of the magical life coming from nothing and others chose the story of a magic person creating that life.

If i take a glass jar and seal it completely and shine a hot light towards it, it will heat the inside of the jar too you simple minded fuck.


define person

And why do you call God a person?

We were created in his likeness. So i would assume he looks like a person.

>You don't believe in god, so explain to me how to make a living thing from nothing.

You don't believe in evolution, so explain to me how to make a living God from nothing.

>And why hasn't it been done yet? i mean, it can't be that hard if it happened by accident naturally.

How long did it take for humanity to build an airplane? It can't be that hard if animals can fly.

Clock maker theory.
>God put the material in the universe
>sits back
>big bang
>watches sentient life develop
>they fuck up killing their brothers and shit
>they burn animals thinking it will please God
>God intervenes once
>saves humanity as a whole
>never again
>modern science
God is a scientist. He created the laws of physics we follow. We're an idle excitement. God is only the source of the original materials and laws.
Why is this option never considered?

evolution is evidence
evolutionism is a theory

So you believe in evolution but are scared to discuss how the first organism came into existence because it cannot be recreated by science therefore causing your whole belief system to fall apart. Nice.

>We were created in his likeness

says who? Jews?

define likeness

No. Only retards believe in that stupid religion.

Lightning struck a mud puddle and wala, there was life. And you compare that to making an airplane.

>God is a scientist. He created the laws of physics we follow. We're an idle excitement. God is only the source of the original materials and laws.
>Why is this option never considered?

Because dumb people need to think that dumb is somehow better than smart.

There is no evidence of evolution. You morons need to lay off the (((documentaries)))

humans can do it, why can't nature?

Yes there is.

>So you believe in evolution but are scared to discuss how the first organism came into existence because it cannot be recreated by science therefore causing your whole belief system to fall apart. Nice.

Does the fact that Galileo couldn't build an airplane prove that aerodynamics doesn't exist?

Keep avoiding the question that we cannot create life from nothing. It's ok you pathetic little atheist, stick to talking shit about religion because you are too scared to actually take a second look at what you are blindly believing.

Yes we can.

>Things do not get more complex over time, they deteriorate.

Tell that to a virus and the female mind.

Not even going to bother reading that because if life was created from nothing it would be headline news everywhere and the evolutionists would be screaming it from the hilltops.

So the common cold is going to turn into an eagle?


>Keep avoiding the question that we cannot create life from nothing.

Keep ignoring the answer that we can:

It was. 7 years ago.

In fact it started a giant debate on the ethics of creating life in a laboratory.

>women are becoming more complex

you know for a board that claims to believe in god so much, you guys sure don't act like it

I'm a firm believer in evolution and God. If God can be responsible for the source material then science can continue with the giant gaping hole of where matter comes from as well as how it got there in the first place.
Until sub atomic particle physicists can discover, test, replicate and prove how matter is created as well as how it has mass with 100% certainty (which may never happen) I'll be okay with dying not knowing where all that matter came from believing that before the big bang God put it there to see what would happen.

>Not even going to bother reading that because...

...because you need to protect your own ignorance at all costs.

See, now you're just being purposefully obtuse.

The reason why you get the cold every year, or get it multiple times is that it evolves over time so your auto immune system doesn't recognize it and nuke it on the spot.

They had to use dna and had to have a cell to put it in....that is not creating life from nothing you dumbass.

Actually read the article, you are saying that there was dna and a cell already waiting on earth for the process to start?

This is the best "My ancestor" so far

But when does the cold virus turn into a lady bug?
I believe small adaptations can be made, i don't agree that they change enough overtime to become a different kind.

Microevolution - yes
Macroevolution - no

DNA is made up of very basic chemicals.

That just saved them a few thousand years trying to piece together dna bit by bit.

Something that takes mother nature billions of years to do.

>take a bunch of god's stuff
>mix it together using your intelligence
>design life


>much easier to accept
... if you're retarded.

I hate that I'm supposed to believe in the greatness of a country that fails so spectacularly at education.

So what you are saying is that you are a faggot and claimed that life was created from nothing by a scientist when in reality he used crucial parts to life to get it going.

>I believe small adaptations can be made

The only way evolution can be seen 'with the naked eye' is on the micro level.

Evolution is way too slow to see on a macro level. Unless humans could live for hundreds or thousands of years.

If you're talking about a fish becoming a human, that's millions.

But a moth or a lizard gaining a unique pattern for camouflage takes a long time.

Nice meme image, dogs are selected wolfs that have been interbred to make some kind of retarded breed.

Stop using microevolution as a term, and use mutation instead, since it is much clearer.

>Does the fact that Galileo couldn't build an airplane prove that aerodynamics doesn't exist?
Yes. If our intellectually equal nigger friends can't make a flying machine, where do airplanes come from?
>checkmate atheists

Can someone name one human in history that was born with a positive birth defect? ...or have we achieved Final Form?

Yet the fossil record does not show millions of transitions.


For all the guys saying we can't explain how life started and thus evolution is bullshit: Nope.
Evolution explains the diversity of biological life on earth. It's based on facts.
Random mutations happen and natural selection happens.

Evolution is not an explanation for how life started.

AI have exceeded your level of intelligence
Soon it will exceed mine.

>Why can't we...
Shit argument, the boundaries of what we can and can't do are limited by technology. What we are doing now was unimaginable just a few hundred years ago. Not saying we'll ever create life from chemical reactions, but I guarantee we'll be doing other things in the not-so-distant future.

Evolution is a theory with no facts.

You can't create God, he is the uncreated Creator. Meanwhile, after decades and decades, scientists still can't shake chemicals in a jar and have a frog pop out. Or even an ameoba.

A fucking lightning bolt struck a puddle and made life and we don't have that kind of technology...lmao


Random mutations happen and natural selection happens.
Are you really trying to suggest they don't?

Mutations are an extra production of dna to the animal. They don't make animals better, and most of the time mutations kill. Natural selection would be a retarded animal dying off because it's too stupid to live, it doesn't morph into something else. You cannot show evidence of one kind turning into another which is the whole thesis of evolution.

The fossil record is incomplete.

You do realize most fossils are accidental discoveries right?

It's not like we can dig a mile under the ground and start looking for bones.

We have a hard enough fucking time finding human bones on the surface.

>evolution is a theory with no facts

even if that were the case (it isn't), the Bible is a fantasy book written by sandniggers.