Why hasn't this retard assassinated Democrat politicians instead? Would be so much more effective

Why hasn't this retard assassinated Democrat politicians instead? Would be so much more effective

Is this American hair style ?

Because he's your typical southern retard. Also it's a far cry from taking out a politician with armed bodyguards compared to mowing down unarmed church goers.

He killed a state senator.

it's because he wanted to trigger a race war

that was the real goal.

this idiot was such a propaganda win for the left that I would assume it was a false flag if I didn't know firsthand that southern americans really are that retarded

with an intelligent leader someone like roof could've been put to good use. acting on his own, though, complete waste

Killing people only makes the public think we're all nuts. It only hurts the cause.

Timothy McVeigh set this movement back 20 fucking years by himself

>drug addict

>acting on his own

no one ever talks about the obvious body armor he has under his shirt when he walks into the church.

A senator that planned to run against Hillary Clinton in 2016, a day afyer meeting with her, no less.

why has the nigger copycat in Antioch,TN not gotten the same coverage
clinton was in town when it happened and there was a "exercise" schedule as well

Then get his brains blown out by body guards.

Fuck off FBI scum.


Im gonna get a bowlcut now.

fuck off you animal. assassination of anyone shouldn't even be joked about.

shit! I dont know anything about him but I always thought it was weird he'd just be doing some tiny bible study and let anyone off the street wander in

>why didn't a retard act more intelligently

no violence


He did just what is gummint handlers asked him to do...

He did though. He killed a Democratic state senator and shot up a "civil rights church" that was funding BLM

posting in a CIA nigger thread

>Why hasn't this retard assassinated Democrat politicians instead?
Because he's a Sup Forumstard, so writes a manifesto about how small his dick is and then goes and does stupid shit. Do you fail to understand the deeper logic of Sup Forums?

doing anything hurts the cause we should never do anything or the cause will be hurt

I enjoy this hair style

I really doubt dylann wrote that manifesto. Go read it again

dead niggers are never a bad thing.

>Kekistani flag
>Shittalks Sup Forums
Why did shareblue choose this flag in particular?

because he is a crazy druggie

>why did a retard do something so retarded
because hes a fucking retard

Show your real flag, leaf