If they all played 40k what would their armies be?
Asking here because /tg/ cannot into raibu.
If they all played 40k what would their armies be?
Kotori would play Kroot.
Nico would play cheesy Grey Knights and get really salty if anyone beats her list with 3+ dreadknights in it.
Not that she'd have anyone else to play it with, because the other Love Lives have better taste than to play Warhammer.
Birb is a Chaos player and you know it damn well.
>Asking here because /tg/ cannot into raibu.
That's because /tg/ is filled with a bunch of fucking retards.
Well I guess Tzeentch is a giant magic birb.
Why does this exist
Hanayo, only knowing hunger, would have to pick Tyrannids.
Nozomi would probably have a Tzeench army for spiritual power "just as planned" reasons, but I can see her going Slaanesh too so she can molest Nico on the battlefield.
Kotori doesn't know what Warhammer is, but thinks some of the fantasy armies have neat outfits.
Eli picks Vostroyan firstborn because it reminds her of her Russian heritage.
Maki is a Rogue Trader purist so she doesn't play. She secretly constructs a Tau army so she could maybe play with Nico. No one else must know.
Nico: Five Wraithknights, but she can't play for shit.
Rin plays orks because they're wild and fun but after her episode in S2 she plays sisters of battle because she's too busy embracing her femininity to notice she's playing a shit army.
Honoka buys a gigantic high elf fantasy army and is halfway through painting them all when she realises everyone else is playing 40k.
Umi plays Tau for glorious ranged combat.
If they played 40k they would probably look like this.
More like
>Hanayo not the fattest
Why would anyone draw that?
Nozomi is canonically the fatest
>Maki is a Rogue Trader purist so she doesn't play. She secretly constructs a Tau army so she could maybe play with Nico. No one else must know.
So Maki is, once again, best girl!
But if she really were best girl she wouldn't play Tau
every fucking time
She is best girl, but she's creeped out by Tyranids which are best army, so can't bring herself to collect them.
But why Tau? Communist Space Draenei a shit
Cool robutts though.
Because that is how they look in real life
Let's not kid ourselves though. Almost any of the im@s girls would have better taste in armies and more money to spend on getting cooler stuff. Even Yayoi, who is perpetually poor would be a better tyrannid player, since she knows a darker, more terrible than Hanayo ever could.
Fuck, I meant to type a terrible hunger. HUNGER.
They're girls, user.
Bitches love Tyranids.