Why does Sup Forums dislike Mexicans?

why does Sup Forums dislike Mexicans?



pls dump AIO dump of these ladiez

t. MIDF uma division.

cause they stand on tables


Because success breeds jealousy jealousy jealousy

damn girl. would love for her to squat that fine little brown ass down on muh dick

Because theyre short, fat, ugly, dumb and smelly and extremely loud and impulsive.
And the girls you are posting are probably something like 70%, spanish and arent even natives.
The guys are much worse than the girls though ill give you that.

They are degenerates. In all fairness I'm not a fan of anybody right now.

I don't dislike them, I hate them.

>Salsa instead of vodka

She's white.

Because they won't fuck me.

Sexual jealousy, clearly. And envy toward taco trucks.


Because they're neither Iberian nor Aztec.
They're a breed of mutts.
Merit overcomes, but so far there hasn't been much of that.

We do?

row of recently beheaded heads.jpeg

A sexually attractive larping slav Mexican?

Whoa I just changed my mind about immigration because I think with my penis plus I haven't seen that actual Mexican women are short and ugly.
Whoa a Mexican with fair skin and large breasts. See above.

Isn't she a Slav tho? Saw this pic earlier on a thread


I have two Mexicans friends. They are kinda annoying, but they are alright. The girl like the white cock and the guy likes the white pussy.

I don't dislike all Mexicans. I dislike gangs and illegal immigration.

fugg I want to see the one on the right with something else on her face if ya catch my drift.

That's cause you aren't white.


I don't, I just don't like illegals. Growing up one of my best friends was Hispanic, I'd still hang out with her today but she died in college after a pizza place next to her apartment burned down.



I like Mexicans. But if enough Mexicans come to a certain place, that place starts to look like Mexico, which is to say that it starts to become dangerous, poor, and dirty. I watched my neighborhood in Cali turn into a little Mexico as the white people moved away and the Mexicans moved it, and it became dangerous and ugly, with trash everywhere, dead yards, mariachi music at all hours, et cetera.

Culture is a phenotype the same way eye-color is. Mexicans make Mexico, and I don't want to live in Mexico. So, though I like Mexican people, I want them to say in their own country.



They won't stay in Mexico.

nigga shit i cant catch yo drift. you too fast.

Mexicans hate Mexicans. Why wouldn't the gringos?

nicely put user, I don't hate mexiniggers or feel contempt for them. I recognize they have their own culture which is ok but since its not better than ours, it needs to stay on the other side of the border. With that said, I want to colonize a latina like op's

Americans are the plurality, if not the majority of Sup Forums. Mexico is a shit-tier neighbor compared to Canada, and of course less white.

don't call me a gringo bro

Mexicans over ricans

Mexican girls are hot as fuck. I wouldn't date one, because I wouldn't want to fall in love and mixed kids, but I appreciate them. And Mexican men are some of the least cucked guys I've met. I like Mexicans a lot.

Diversity is our strength, though, and diversity requires that people stay with their own kind instead of mixing together. America should be white.

"You can’t be all Mexican. It’s like being all mongrel."

Because the chicks you're posting haven't hit 25 and gained 200 pounds like actual Mexican women.

That's not unique to Mexican women. Most women bloat up and lose all sex appeal as soon as they're no longer fertile.

Female beauty is a trick to get you to commit to them long enough to make babies. They lose it as soon as making babies isn't in the cards anymore.

Thanks man, the whole situation was a mess, her mom and mine used to be best friends and would get together to drink like twice a week. She was new to the neighborhood and I was kind of an outsider, so we ended up hanging out a lot. Our parents were pretty obvious about the fact that they wanted us to end up dating. But we just weren't really interested in that I was definitely no stranger to confidence growing up, but that only gets you so far as a teenager. But she was something else man. I still have this clear memory of giving her a ride home from school one day and a catchy song came on the radio that I loved. She just started belting out the whole thing, and before I could overthink it like the nervous teenager I was, I was singing along at the top of my lungs. She was a beautiful person. To this day it makes me mad when I come across people who just hate Mexicans for racist reasons. I can empathize not wanting illegal immigrants to come in and break the law and waste tax dollars, but I just don't get the hate for hate's sake because I have so many good memory's hanging out with her. I still remember when I got the news, her whole family had a cloud hanging over them, and they had no idea what they were doing at the funeral. I ended up speaking and sharing that memory with those who came, but I still remember how packed that church was. I think everyone who knew her really liked who she was as a person. I miss her a lot.

If you speak english, and are here legally, you're fine by me.
Mexicans understand the importance of hard work, and I respect that.


"Hack away you mean red nigger"

Hard work doesn't always mean good work

Sup Forums wants to fuck their best women, and kill all their men

they drain their sewage into america

It looks like there is Cyrillic above the barcode on the box in the lower-right corner of the picture.

>never taken a long, hard, erect look at asian milfs
Am I even on the same website anymore???

Honestly? I can't stand anything about them. The food, language, mannerisms, cultural practices, everything is all repellent to me. I am sure the feeling mutual in many cases which is why they need to stay in Mexico.

Same reason why people hate roach infestations.

ugly fat midgets

What the fuck is up with the blue eyed Hispanics? I've seen quite a few of them.

A lot of Irish and Germans moved to Mexico over the past 200 years. You have entire areas where there are German and Irish people living there. Sort of like in Brazil and Argentina.

It's a box for Paralia Ouzo. Could be Greek text but Bulgarians apparently love this brand.

user I didn't ask for feels tonight

When I visited the US everywhere I went that had Mexicans also had piss all over the floor and toilet seat of any given restroom. I obviously dont deal with many Mexicans here but all Mexicans remind me of now is piss.

Chihuahua, Nuevo León and Jalisco have tons of them.

I like mexicans in mexico. I like people who are loyal citizens of Legal Immigrant parents who's children are born in the US and love it as well.

I do not like illegal squatters in my country.


Mexico is like low rent US in that fact. it has a huge european influence where lightskinned mexicans look down on the natives.

They are shitty people

Mexican here. We literally got cucked by the germanic menonites. They live off government welfare and have their own ethno state in the country, yet I live in my van in detroit have to shower at the gym and was denied food at the food bank for not being a citizen. White privilege is real


witnessed with literary gore and pathos like no other!

i have no problem with mexicans i just want them to fix their fucked up system instead of letting their government use our border as a pressure valve that keeps them from all being lynched in the streets by revolutionaries

I don't. I'm white as hell and conservative and mexicans are pretty ok as people. Blacks, however...

This is your fault. Should've killed him the 3rd time he border hopped.

Im white and they aint fucked me the 9 yrs I lived in LA

we had massive spineless bitch Obama running the show

True dat.

In fact i don't dislike Mexicans, i only dislike Muslims.

up until now it had nothing to do with them wearing prison shoes in public like nigs do, but things change.

Ah, yeah, Mr "Let's give cartels money and guns" and also "let's destabilize the whole Middle East for the glory of ISRAEL"
Fuck Oboongo

They are more damaging to our country than niggers

This is on point.

How could anyone NOT dislike them? Viva la raza... La Blanco Raza, eh?

The sense of humor is very poor in quality until they are born & raised in America whereby it comes to fruition as a relatable funny sense of humor
But I think like you/ I just like the females born here but the problem is too many are subs, that is, they like to be dominated and beat I find this the worse turn off

I don't see how.

this is not true at all. i've lived in a black neighborhood and a mexican neighborhood and the mexicans generally love america, don't commit crime, have jobs, and care about the beauty of their community. many are conservative but since mexicans don't vote it doesn't really show up.

downside is they are fat, short, and ugly on average, but the top ones are pretty gorgeous. overall viva mexico

You have to go back.

They're the niggers of Hispanics, Taco Niggers, if you will.

They are stupider than niggers

Just as many gangs +huge demographic replacement numbers.

I am going back don't worry, but as a syrian refugee in Sweden, just getting my affairs sorted out

This. I come here to rage at liberals, not to have feels.

I don’t hate the people as individuals. It’s that grimey, thieving, fuck it culture that I can’t stand. Praising their corrupt country & taking a dump in ours. Not to mention they are the biggest fucking racists among themselves. They abuse the fuck out of other Central Americans in their country & cry ‘unfair’ at our doorsteps. Here is a lil secret. I’m an American of Mx decent.

Funny, I live in a Mexican area, and the crime rate, mostly theft, but rapes and murders and assaults, have skyrocketed. Go live in Mexico. "Muh patriotism, but vote our ethnic interest" is gonna kill you cucks.

I'll lay it out simply
>Never assimilate
>Hypocrits of the highest order
>Refuse to assimilate and instead demand the host country assimilates
>Struggle to understand English 20 years down the line while gooks and terrorists pick it up well within a year or so
>Commonly associate with gangs
>Hold no pride in being American when they arrive even legally
>Lack basic morals and values

i don't dislike mexicans, i just have serious doubts they are going to maintain american society like whites have done. but i guess we'll be testing that theory out in the coming years, won't we?

interesting fact, by 2021 mexican-american will pass german-american as the largest single nationality in america

2nd gen Mexican immigrants are ok, but the newcomers are trash.

Holding noses up high, acting like royalty, constantly offended by every white person that crosses their path, no manners, refuse to speak english more than the bare minimum... the list goes on.

Oh, and they are flooding Canada right now.

Mexicans are fine, it's jews that are the fucking problem.

This. Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't have to live around large numbers of them.

I always thought that Mexicans are brown Slavs

>Balkanized into numerous smaller states

>Severe drugs problem

>Shared hatred for the US

>Severe drinking problem

>Squatting is not an uncommon thing over here, like really

>Representative alcoholic drink that foreigners cannot handle, Vodka and Tequila

>Folk music is fucking sick as fuck

>Sick as fuck parties


They stand on desks like some fucked up cat