Did you think this guy had a happy ending ?
obviously not you idiot
>winning best girl
Of course.
Yes. That's the whole point of the finale.
He's dumb enough so as long as people don't drag him into bullshit, ignorance is bliss.
>designs swords that can change the world
>the strongest one breaks all of them and fucks off some where drawing maps
>japan is doomed forever
fool proof plan
I really thought he was going to drop dead with all those bullet wounds he had after delivering that final Cheerio. Glad to see he's on another adventure and immediately got a new well deserved semen demon.
>became the strongest
>got best girl
I cannot think of a better way for a man to end up in an anime.
>best girl
>used goods
>extremely used goods
Are you daft?
I thought it would be really badass and fitting for this type of story if he died in the end, completing the process of "breaking all the swords" but I guess this is Nisio Isin we're talking about.
I guess he's broken inside at least.
Better than an autistic, illiterate, midget lmao
This game did it first
You're a faggot. And no, the imouto was best girl followed by tundra loli.
Not so fast.
Not even close.
Or was it the onee? Its been too long.
Close 3rd, but definitely better than
>imouto is kill
>waifu is kill
>waifu's murderer keeps following you around
I don't think so.
>waifu is kill
Honestly if he treated her wound instead of letting her talk for 30minutes and bleed out, she would have lived.
this is shogunate japan we talking about a wound like that I assume would be untreatable especially if the bullets hit any of the vital organs
Autistic, illiterate, midget voiced by Yukari Tamura, thank you very much.
>shogunate japan
>supernatural abilities
>MC survives 10+ bullet wounds
This show isn't consistent enough to defend it with logic.
Because he could walk away.
The entire point of Katanagatari is about adapting; Every character that could adapt survived and thrived, while every character that would, could or did not died.
Shichika took up a new dream when his dream was shattered. Hitei had already given up on hers when Shichika approached the castle.
The whole plot was about people who lose, and how they handled their loss. The happiest endings were never the ones they wanted, but the ones they had at hand.
Enmonzaimon literally gutshot her. If she didn't bleed to death shortly, it would have gone septic and she would have died 3 days later of gangrene.
He literally says in the scene that he shot for a mortal wound, but not to kill so they could have time and privacy for her final moments.
The MC literally parries swords with his hands, His companion says time and again how frail she is (and there are more than enough instances where she demonstrates it).
She doesn't have any supernatural powers, so she's as fragile as a young woman... She gets shot twice in the torso and quite naturally dies shortly after.
>let me rationalize bullshit with more bullshit
The show does a good job at suspending disbelief but arbitrary supernatural abilities of special snowflakes aren't impressive justifications since they amount to plot convenience/plot armour.
Very nicely worded. posts like this makes me glad I come to Sup Forums sometimes.