I liked Say Anything for awhile but... Wow am I burning all their CDs
I liked Say Anything for awhile but... Wow am I burning all their CDs
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>owning CD's
Sarte is a dogshit philosopher anyways. Anyone who puts faith in his words is an idiot.
Uploaded the wrong file whopps
That’s a lot of hyperbole
Fuck off.
It was accurate up until "intidimidate and disconcert"
pic related.
He must have been on an amphetamine-binge when he wrote this.
Also, Sartre had an unironic good time in a POW camp during WW2 and only wrote this shit to get cucked Frogs to think he was good and patriotic and fortheJews(tm) after the war.
Some of us are like what Sartre said to be honest
Isn't that the essence of shitposting that there be some amusement and game playing?
But Sartre was not entirely correct about all anti-semites
It's a fair cop.
>the time for argument has passed
you're goddamn right
I'm sure this very intellectual Internet forum will offer great discussions on Sartre
Sartre is literally the worst philosopher to ever live. It's honestly kind of funny how absolutely worthless everything he accomplished was. Just a sad, beta manlet whining about how unfair and scary the Universe is.
Sartre got BTFO and triggered by a fucking nazi troll and wrote a book to relieve his frustration.
these people are so dumb, donald trump has to be one of the most philo-semitic presidents ever.
That quote seems like a massive waste of words to describe very little
>I don't have to bring any evidence to the argument
There's nothing of substance in his statement.
Brainlet here
Is he saying that anti-Semitism doesn't actually exist and people just pretend to hate Jews for the lulz?
this nibba dum
>That quote seems like a massive waste of words to describe very little
welcome to philosophy
>Is he saying that anti-Semitism doesn't actually exist and people just pretend to hate Jews for the lulz?
He's saying that nazis aren't interested in discourse or dialogue.... Regardless of their reasons for being nazis.
Basically, but it's kind of weird because the only people who would be openly anti-Semitic in his time would have to do so face-to-face, and being openly anti-Semitic would get your life ruined. You'd have no job, no future, have to be disowned by your family, etc.
He's basically saying people are so into trolling in real life about kikes that they'd sacrifice their entire lives. It's total nonsense and exactly what you'd expect from a cripple manlet like Sartre.
Anyway, apart from being bolted on to the slur "anti-semite", I fail to see how any of that is a bad thing. People who take online debate seriously are a waste of meat.
hmmm if you remove the preface of anti this sounds pretty familiar.
>Sartre was secretly /ourguy/ and ripped off Hitler as a nod so we would notice
Yeah this is basically another wording of what Goebbels said about Jews. They're projecting
it's called amphetamines.
Sartre started in his early 20s and never stopped.
Don't do drugs.
Sartre was a fat fuck psychologist who never achieved anything.
Evola has the most accurate view on the Jew with his "spiritual racism"
Sartre never lived with a jew. If you live with a jew, and you aren't a jew, even though that jew may seem a favored friend in every respect, he will take from you every penny he can so long as his actions are not illegal following the exact letter of the law.
It truly is quite remarkable. For example, pay for dinner one night then ask the jew to pay the next. See what changes in those circumstances. Put the jew in charge of the house finances and just have him tell you how much you owe him each month. Let this go on for a few months while secretly calculating what you ought to owe. The Jew will make up shit that he thinks you ought to be paying him for, and charge you, without your specific consent.
Start a business with a jew, a partnership, and see how that ends up for you. Jews put jews first, and non-jews are just cattle to be milked and exploited. They learn to be this way, and they shan't be cured of it by anything less than renouncing their judaism.
If you hate someone who steals from you, that's understood and approved by society. But if that person who steals from you is a jew, then you are evil for hating him for his actions. It is your fault for not keeping a tighter grip on your coinpurse. Antisemites are blamed-victims.
(((max bemis)))
This is the fucking goblin who was shilling for Stalinism, trying to use Talmudic pseudo-reasoning to combine Existentialism with Marx's materialist determinism, lecturing about seriousness and "believing in words." This is Neil Degrasse Tyson tier propaganda for fucking lemmings.
one eye on the goyim, one eye on the shekels
absolutamente basado
That is hilarious given the fact that literally no one in the mainstream will ever debate anyone about the holohoax
psycopaths are usually cock eyed.
.... there is too much irony in this fucking timeline guys
objectively a better author and philosopher, was actually a doctor and a soldier, and completely understood the true nature of the jew.
btfo of faggot sartre in every way, but has no media coverage in USA because he hated (((them)))
aside from EVERYTHING else, all wickedness stands this fact:
semites reject Christ.
If you're ever bored try saying this to a boomer.
>"Y-yes they do"
>"Muh chosen people"
>"The nazis and the holocaust"
Are the only three replies you will ever get.
Why would you burn a cd instead of just listening to mp3 file?
Looks like more projection. That's exactly how our enemies behave. Just replace "Semites" with "whites" and it's more accurate.
Dude what? It wasn't socially taboo to be anti-Semitic until very recently, way after sartres time. Hell even Nixon was openly anti semitic
He's schizophrenic and delusional. Probably thinks (((his people))) were holocausted in WWII or something.
>Buy 5 CDS
>1 is already cracked right through
>1 skips for no reason
>2 get deep scratches in my brand new car's stereo because of a lose part in the dashboard
>1 now sits on the shelf because it'll get ruined somehow too
Buying CD's and DVD's legally has taught me to never do things legally.
fuck that deranged pedophile and his disgusting ratkike partner to too, never met a single person who brought up sarte that didn't smell like urine and b.o., I guess that's just anarchists though.
Didn't even have the balls to call himself a marxist in his later years, died how he lived; a smelly, lying weasel.
Why do leftists keep acting like nazis are even a thing? Nazis stopped existing when the Third Reich fell. The rest are just mimicking some of their ideas, but they're still not part of the Third Reich.
Hundred of years trying to get those motherfuckers out and in less than a decade cucks are letting them in Spain again. Jesus Christ what a shame.
What's your sex life like?
Isnt it weird this dynamic only exists for people who hate jews, but not at all for people who hate whites, a virtue
And ended his life as a literal Maoist. Most of the left doesn't touch him for that reason.
Anyways how's your sex life?
>a LITERAL cuckold
>Max Benis
Not quite:
>If one rereads all my books, one will realize that I have not changed profoundly, and that I have always remained an anarchist.
Obviously just to save face after SHTF in China and being a commie was untenable (more so than it already was). If he wasn't a fair-weather he would at least be an interesting read out of historical curiosity.
Everything this random nobody is saying is wrong. Why are you paying attention to him?
and to think he was once a master at BTFO of roasties.
You could make that accusation about every group arguing for or against anything. Its generic as fuck.
There's absolutely no reason to listen to the words of someone with fucked up eyes.
Gradually I came to hate anti-semites.
but when they do they beat the high score by 16 million
Pol Pot was literally Sartre's disciple
Read Henery fords "international Jew" and get back to me
Because the '30s exposed the lie that history has an inexorably progressive/liberal/socialist trajectory; the Nazis weren't "supposed" to happen, what WAS "supposed" to happen was that Germany would fall to a TRUE socialist party/movement (of either the revolutionary or reformist varieties).
The fact that the Germans chose Hitler threw a spanner in the works on that, and plus the whole jewdeath thing means that pretty much every Leftist lives with the suspicion that there are nazis everywhere
What the fuck is burning CDs?
Daily reminder: this Sartre quote is a description of what ALL SIDES do: de-platform your opposition, accuse them of what you're doing to them (or about to do), pretend your side has the high-ground while the other side is cheating.
>Jews dindu nuffin
>Anti-Semitism is genetic tho
>Culture also determines all differences between humans
So many conflicting claims