Nazi UFOs

ITT I will post a lot of hints showing that the Nazis build flying Saucers, including wittnessreports released by the FBI, a CIA report including a picture resembling closely the alleged Haunebu II flying saucer, as well as Newspaper article dating back to WW2.

For starters, early UFO sightings go back to the end of WW2
>The first sightings occurred in November 1944, when pilots flying over Germany by night reported seeing fast-moving round glowing objects following their aircraft.

This here was releast from Chilean Navy stating they basically have no idea what it is.

In some cases entire cities saw the UFO.

And they have been reported to simply turn of nukes

pic related is a german POW that talks about an aircraft whichs description fits a flying saucer, started from a german facillity. its page 91 of Part 12 of 16/view

Other urls found in this thread: Part 12 of 16/view with Mr. Wilhelm Landig_djvu.txt


i've dug/copied/classed all the Grill Flame project, collection of Wizard of Langley, the Stargate Division and the Princetown Collection from the big cia dump last year. It took me many months to figure it all. Ask me anything

bump anyone have more comfy classified docs like this?

of course buddy :D

A German prisoner of war in WW2 who was (((Polish))) and became a displaced “person” and came to the US and told an elaborate bullshit story. Nothing to see here. Whether it’s Nazi UFOs, Auschwitz wild mine rides with oven dumping at the end, flood and electrocution chambers, steaming to death chambers, gassing to death chambers that look nothing like gas chambers, shrunken heads, “human” soap, skin lampshades, pillows stuff with typhus-carrying lice-infected hair, geysers of blood, baby piles burning alive while Nazis toss them in the air and catch them on bayonets, etc.... Never trust a goddamn word these fucking jews were saying. Then or now

No aliens here, mein freund.

pic related is from the same document as the OP, page 88 Part 12 of 16/view
so next time you wonder why there arent good fotographs of UFOs ever, remember that every bit of technology will just stop function. from old ass tractors with only the most rudimentary electronics to cameras, watches, cars, even nukes they seem to be able to simply turn off. One report I saw on TV some while ago (sadly couldnt find any info on it on the internet) stated how a UFO hovered over the silos of ICBM nukes, fired up the system, went through all the security checks, opened the silos and only needed the command to launch, at which point it just shut down the whole system and left.

also this here is interesting (only 2 pages so dont be too lazy)

Where did the Nazi's and Hitler go? Besides the ones that came to the US.

Everyone says Antarctica.

Also NASA was run by a Nazi and they clearly release fake CGI footage of their actors pretending to be in space these days. Wtf does NASA actually do?

They designed them, and possibly were able to work out the propulsion systems, but there is no way thry could've controlled such a craft without massive computing power.

from how i see it they either live in argentina where they could sustain themselves like everyone else, or inside the hollow earth where according to the legends already exists some advanced civilization which might have aided the nazis in developing the UFOs in the first place

Pic related are instructions on how to get to Agartha/Hollowearth via Submarine and were released by the KGB (at least all sources claim so and i didnt find any sources debunking any of it). Nikolai Subbotin, russian journalist who seems to have some reputation, has an interview about these documents. but sadly its in russian with german subtitles only. but if you speak either of those languages:

This guy (Wilhelm Landig) was in the SS and talks about the warfare in antarctica. Among other stuff he talks about a "nuketest" where they detonated a nuke in the air, but in reality it was a nuclear attack on the nazibase in Antarctica. He only let the video get oublished after his death. with Mr. Wilhelm Landig_djvu.txt
A transscipt of the interview for the non-german anons

Admiral Byrd, who led multiple expeditions to Antarctica including Operation Highjump and deepfreeze and talks about a land "as big as the United States, never seen by a human being before on the other side of the southpole". I will post pictures which supposedly are maps of Agartha down the thread

(will post some stuff showing that nazis were active way after the war throughout the thread). as for nasa, I think when the nazis were still active there they actually got shit done, nowadays they are mostly a front

Adamskifotograph, made 7 years after the war. the document refered to in pic related
so you dont have to type it out yourself

Do you believe the Nazi's are still active today or do you think they were all killed off?

Do you believe they may have been successful in establishing a base in Agartha?

Do you think the United States controls Agartha?

well, i do believe they still exist. it seems like (((they))) cant really do anything as all weapons and equipments are pretty much rendered useless, including nukes by them. maybe they dont give a shit about us anymore. there is also the possibillity that they are infiltrating key position since world war 2 so that in case the mood swings they can perform a soft takeover, and maybe, with that plus ultra rumor with trump recently (which I believe could be very well the antarctic/hollowearth nazis if that society really exist) it just happened.

aside from nazi UFOs seen after the war Mengele is another sign that germans projects continued: for example he fled to brazil and continued his research there apparently. the village in which he took cover has the highest birthrate of twins in the world, and now look how they all look (pic related)

an user mentioned he read that german scientists from project paperclip were still communicating with each other and people outside the argentina where many nazis fled to is San Carlos de Bariloche. this place had a lot of germans and even a plastic surgery clinic which could be used to distort peoples appearence so they arent tracked down easily and can lead a normal live. georg anton pöch is rumord to be hitlers new personality.
the nazis from paperclip that were put into secret agencies could have covered for both, the communication, and the creation of new personalities.

maybe the scientist just stayed loyal to germany and didnt spit out the secrets and played dumb and just fed the authorities some breadcrumps.
project paperclip, instead of a bunch of traitors, may have been a trojan horse instead

alternatively they may are waiting for the people to get redpilled so that if they come back to BTFO kikes they dont have to fight the very people they want to safe as they would right now see the nazis as evil and aggressors.

and no, i dont think the US has any controll in agartha.

Explain the relation with Trump I haven't heard this one.

I'm aware of punished Trump theory but what are you talking about?

All I know is that we will see amazing changes to this planet in our life time. WWIII is so close, you can just feel it. Any year now.

I just have to wonder if all the sheep will continue to have the (((veil))) pulled over their eyes. It will only get worse before it gets better.

Yeah I remember reading up on mengele continuing his experiments a few years back, seems to correlate too well to not be true.

I hope it was a trojan horse, society, culture, the way we live our lives today in America and Europe is terrible. We have fallen so far yet have gained so much.

basically this, but not much else i could find about it except that trump recently said at the end of his speach again "the future belongs to us" as well as inverted swastikas over pences doors and a pic of trump more or less sieg heiling.
however its pretty difficult finding anything about that supposed secret society in general, so i cant really say if it actually exists

also not informative, but still pretty awesome


kecksburg acorn, seen 20 years after the war.
so how likely is it that rosswell actually were nazis, but thought it would be easier to explain ayys then nazis in highly advanced aircrafts 2 years after the nazis were completely obliterated?

if you have some shekels left you can read pic related here
otherwise you can at least confirm the headline

Interesting haven't seen these. He does speak cryptically, very ambiguous in many ways. I despise the civic nationalism he's brought though.

Lol where was the acorn seen?

Funny when you think about it, easier to explain it with the unexplainable than just Nazi technology.

its in the name user, kecksburg.

it was also seen over ohio dropping something that seemed like hot metal. were a decade earlier sighting of frogman occurd

some claim its a sojuscapsule but it flew over 2 states close enough over the ground that the metal that dropped down didnt cool down enough and caused some fires on fields and on grass. thats not how a sojus capsule would crash
also a sojuscapsule doesnt have any weird markings on the lower end

Kecksburg lol

Have not heard of the Loveland Frog, that's a weird one. Weirder because people talk about kek so much.

So what do you think about hollow earth theory? Agartha and what not, how is it possible to live in there? Does the core of the Earth provide light / warmth? It's hard imagine, it just picture massive underground open cities and lakes and fields but I don't see how that is possible. A system of caves with human structure built in it makes more sense but I don't know shit.

well regarding the physics:
usually hollowearth collapse under its own mass and gravity but there is something called the hutchison effect
The Hutchison effect is is effecting matter, from what i got from it, through electro magnetic vibrations, and deforms metal, and lets objects levitate, even ones that arent magnetic or metallic. the inner sun, said to exist inside the earth, could cause this effect naturally and kind of lock the earths crust in its position around it. inside the earth the gravitational force would be uniform into all directions and thus basically nonexistant. however that hutchison effect might as well effect humans and hold them on the inner side of the surface

Now according to mainstream science the inner sun would be far too small to get the fusion started. however what if stars, or at least our sun isnt what we are told it is
furthermore faking the physics behind it wouldnt be too difficult. You give the scientist the assumption that our planet as well as the others are just solid balls, and our sun is a giant ball of plasma, and they figure out the (((physics))) behind it out themselves and formulate wrong laws based on wrong assumptions.
who gives the information about all the star and planets and what they are? its NASA and a handfull of other spaceagencies which all are shady as fuck. they would just have to give some wrong sourceinformation while everyone who works on different assumptions will be called a lunatic even though their assumptions are just as baseless.

however i heard some suggesting what we think is a polar opening is actually a portal leading to another world. but who knows sure?

There are cultures from all around the world talking of blonde/red haired, blue eyed people with white skin that came over the sea and brought civilization, including the sumerians. Where did those come from when the sumerians where the first, and why are the people discribed always the same if they were just made up?
The sumerians believed the blue eyed white people where gods, the annunaki. The Aztecs as well, and describe them from coming over the sea with a ship that moved on its own. The chinese talk about blue eyed and blonde haired people who created the first civilization and ruled in the early time. A lot of egyptians mummies are shown to have had blonde hair etc.
The nordic gods, thor, odin, all blond and blue eyed, and (((coincidently))) asgard is on a map that supposedly shows the inner part of the earth
Hitlers Ahnenerbe tried to find out about the origins of the white people, and maybe he did find out something (((they))) absolutely fear which is the reason (((they))) try to destroy whites so furiously, more than any other ethnicities.
Later on Hitler went to antarctica, created New Swabia and again a lot of cultures speak about a realm beneath the earth, like shangri la for example, and civilization is said to exist there as well.
Did Hitler find out that the whites, or at least those people who spreaded knowledge (which may have nothing to do with whites today) came from the inner earth, the biblical paradise, and from there spread their knowledge with others. Is this why (((they))) want to get rid completely of the white people?
Now these whites maybe have nothing to do with the whites of today, they could be the fallen angels of the bible, the annunaki of the Sumerians or the gods of the atztecs, but finding out where those came from would be devastating for (((their))) narrative

Thanks user this is interesting stuff.

Another interesting thing is that "Paradise" in the bible originally came from the word meaning "walled enclosure" which would be pretty much fitting to the inner earth.
the hopi indians, also have the swastika. and their legends involve humanity coming from out of a hole on earth, and during the end of the 4th world/cycle (i think it was the 4th) when the flood hit (whch probably was the same the bible mentioned as well as many others cultures) other people came out of the earth, the ant-friends or ant people, brought them underground and ensured their survival until the earth above is habitable again. further more. further more the word "anu" means for the hopi indians "ant" and naki "friend" while the sumerian gods were called anunaki, so probably those were the same.
however from what i found the description of the ant people doesnt really fit, they seem humanoid but not human. but maybe there are multiple races living in hollow earth living peacefully there together. sumerians and hopi also used the swastika

Furthermore Nazis went to the North and Southpole, both said to have openings, as well as tibet which has legends of an underground kingdom, shangri-la/shamballah.
the hopi indians and tibetians use the swastika and have legend about a world beneath the ground.
China, the celtics, greeks, aztecs, all have legends of the white blue eyed people coming and bringing technology.
And they all use the swastika.

It always seems to lead back to the Jew. Also the Catholic Church, they declared Satan as God the other year ceremonially.

The greatest truths I yearn for is our creation and the truth of religions.

Do you think we are in the end times? As per September 23rd memes, it is foretold in the Bible and everything seems to be prophetic

well, satan kind of is the god of THIS world.
satan meant something like "obstacle". everyone had his own satan. someone who incites him to do bad things, a bad habbit, an addiction, anythinghe should overcome. only later satan became a figure of his own. this very world is ruled by satan, by obstacles, which it abuses to corrupt us.

6 is the number of man, and his weakness. greed, egoism, egocentrism, all the materialistic desires, and i believe of this plane existence in general (the earth is tilted 23,4 degrees, or if you count from the other direction 66.6 degrees, life, on this planet at least, is made of carbon, the 6th element, with 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons. 6 directions in the material realm, north, south, west, east, up and down, 6 sides of the cubes. saturn being the 6th planet, 6 directions on the 3D real, NESW up and down, saturn the 6th planet with a hexagon on its northpole). 666 is going over the top with the materialistic desires, pursuing and desiring only those and making you follow the path of satan.

The black cube of satan is a symbol for this material, 3 dimensional realm, and the time we fear is running out, which will let us die, and which causes us to do harm to others in order to lead a better life ourself. by this the black cube also symbolizes time and death without either we wouldnt have these earthly desires causing us to do evil. Our sole puprose, as i believe it, is to overcome (our) satan, proof we arent easily corrupted wether satan is just a symbol or a real entithy. So while this world isnt evil itself, this realm of existence kind of makes the corruption a lot easier. When people worship satan, they dont worship some deity or enthity. they worship this material world, the materialistic egoistic desires, and themselves.
>Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don't believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don't understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.

So yeah, satan is the god of this world ruling us through our weaknesses that come from this material plane of existence, and our job is to overcome his rule (at least thats how i see it)

but i assume thats not how they meant that declaration (even though i didnt here of it yet)

feels like it. but who can tell for sure?

There is the North Pole Inner Earth Expedition (NPIEE) which tries to find out wether there is a hole on the north pole or not. I didnt look into this much yet, but there are rumors about it being canceled twice due to sudden deaths of the leading expeditioner. This is what i could find so far
>By 2005, the team had grown to 22 members, but required 100 members to fund the voyage. In 2006, Steven Currey tragically passed away and was succeeded by launch manager and PhD Physicist, Brooks Agnew.
>After the sudden and strange disappearance of the the Park Avenue, New York film production company that previously had announced its plans to fund the expedition to make a documentary, we have regrouped and decided to run an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign

better dont announce such an expidition i guess
pic related is the southpole. you can find the pic on

What say you about this website?

It's about how God is called yahowah, all religions are false including Christianity. I can't remember where this stuff comes from, the talmut or talmud or something?

Do you need a submarine for these expeditions to see these portals or to get to the hollow earth?

well, since the satellite pic seems to show the hole i assume you can see it from above. however i guess submarine makes it easier to enter since you dont have to cross hundreds of miles of frozen dessert and climb mountains with heavy equipment. but no way to be sure until you go there

who knows? do we really need to know the name of god? either he helps because he is a loving god in which case he wont mind me not knowing his name
or he helps purely because of worship in which case its less of worship and more of bootlicking to get ones wishes fullfilled.

i'm personally confident in the whole nazi ufo thing. the nazis were basically hippies. they had actual government agencies doing research into spirituality and alternative clean energy sources before it was cool or profitable or necessary. maintaining an ecological balance with the earth was important to them.

naziism is an ancient religion that emphasizes coexistence within an ecosystem and living in harmony with nature, as opposed to egotistical and unsustainable domination of nature.

Yeah that's essentially how I see it.

How do you think you cross into it? Like water just falling into a hole?

well, depending on how big the hole is you may not even realize going around the curve as its too slow. i assume the gravity or whatever it is that holds you in place always points towards the crust so i dont thing it actually falling, but actually just curving around. but again, just speculations.


it's really, really more likely that there are simply massive caverns. look up lake vostok. it's an entire ecosystem under a hundred yards of ice sheet.

i'm more prone to believe that the nazis have bases in antarctica, south america, and the dark side of the moon, than i am to believe that the earth is 'hollow' in some kind of physics-defying way. though like i said, there could be caverns the size of a small nation, i can see that being possible.

entirely possible that its your version, but i still like to believe in the hollow earth. would explain for example why flat earth is suddenly so pushed, as a distraction from the hollow earth
also you may find this here interesting

regarding the workings of the UFOs
When looking into this stuff Victor Schauberger turns up frequently it seems when looking into the UFO stuff. pic related are what some suggest how the UFOs fly.
however i believe they combine a multitude of phenomena.
hey seem to work with electromagnetism from what i got. possibly even gravity shielding which would explain the UFO being able to fly maneuvers that would usually crush the pilot through the g forces which gets negated by the lack of mass through the gravity shielding.
here it talks about some guy claiming to managed to create gravity shielding resulting in a loss of 2% of the weight, which isnt much but if it works at all it only needs some finetuning to be valuable

from the guys wikipedia article
>In a BBC news item, it was alleged that researchers at Boeing were funding a project called GRASP (Gravity Research for Advanced Space Propulsion) which would attempt to construct a gravity shielding device based on rotating superconductors,[8] but a subsequent Popular Mechanics news item stated that Boeing had denied funding GRASP with company money, although Boeing acknowledged that it could not comment on "black projects".[9] It is alleged that the GRASP proposal was presented to Boeing and Boeing chose not to fund it.[10]
why specifically mention the blackproject instead of just saying "we dont do it?"

this gravity shielding however makes me think of the supposed schumann levitator in pic related which you find on some of the UFO plans and is essantially the same as the gravity shielding, except that you switch the superconducting ceramic disc against an alluminium disc. combine those 2 and you might get some interaction enhancing the effects of both

Another thing is that a lot of rumors are out there that the UFOs run on mercury. The old hindu texts for example (didnt read them myself yet, but thats what i heard) tell about the workings of the Vimanahs, ancient UFOs and they too seem to run on mercury. Pic related is supposedly telling about the workings of the glocke, also involving mercury. What makes this interesting is the following:
>She departed from Kiel on 5 December 1944 on her last mission, to transport to Japan a large quantity of mercury and parts and engineering drawings for German jet fighters
>mercury and "jet fighters"

in this text which suppoesedly tells of the working of the glocke it seems it uses mercury mostly a solvent for other particles. i heard someone suggesting they induce it with magnetic particles like some kobald, so they can move it around by controlling the magnetic field essentially getting rid of mechanical moving parts as you now just have to readjust the magnetic field and the mercury will form itself like you want (assuming you can influence the magnetic field precise enough.) making it pretty much a shapeshifting UFO. allegedly you also can create energy/propulsion through a mercury vortex


in here Byrd talked about that a "possible invasion of enemy planes coming from the polar regions" and that "in case of a war the united states will be attacked by aircrafts flying from pole to pole at incredible speeds"
have someone working on a full translation of the spanish, since i could only translate from the german and i cant possibly tell if that translation is correct (sadly the translator i asked seems to be as much of a lazy piece of shit as i am so since i am waiting for a few days now already). however the part i quoted was confirmed.
either way sounds like an outside force originating at the poles. Nazis?

i'm pretty sure any comparing of nazi science to (((modern science))) is going to involve a lot of headaches...

because i'm not even sure that the nazis understood precisely what they were doing, or if they even cared to. after all, its not like (((modern science))) has even come close to figuring out *why* things do what they do, even after spending astronomical amounts of money and effort to do so, while creating vanishingly little practical effect.

in comparison, the nazis scientists just did the most badass shit they could and used intuition to figure out what the next badass shit they would do might be. they chased EFFECTS. they were fervent inquirers into nature, but they weren't going to theorize and speculate and do peer reviewed papers, no, they were going to poke nature with a shit until it fucking jumped.

>hey guys lets make rings of hypermagnetized RED FUCKING MERCURY SOLVENTS BLESSED BY THULE rotate in alternating disks while we APPLY TESLA VOLTAGE IN FRACTIONS INCREASING EXPONENTIALLY AROUND THE RINGS and then lets PUT A SCHUMANN RESONATOR ON IT. oh shit. hanz. HANZ. hanz GET OVER HER. look. LOOK. when i mess with the resonance demodulator knob, IT FUCKING LEVITATES HOLY SHIT THIS IS AMAZING. SIEG HEIL! SIEG HEIL! SIEG HEIL!

this is literally how i imagine nazi laboratories.

incidentally, 'rick sanchez' from that cartoon is a josef mengele after he fled to argentina.

god i love nazis.

yeah, i assume it pretty much like that too. however there are some rumors that they contacted ayys or spirits which i assume would be those i spoke of in they probably gave a few tips here and there and the rest was experimenting around.

nikola tesla is also said to just have imagined or dreamed about some gadget, then build it exactly like he had it in mind and it happened to work precisely as intended.
our minds are able to do astonishing feats if it isnt byrocracy, money and corruption blocking it at every step

oh, they knew all about the spirit world. thules motto was 'not all good comes from above'. but of course humans have known about the spirit world since forever, and still do, at least some of them in every time and era.

personally i suspect ayys are humans from the future. or maybe just some of them. for all we know, the nazis in antarctica and the moon are basically earths defense force against aliens, fighting in secret to protect a planet that rejected and murdered them.

>our minds are able to do astonishing feats if it isnt byrocracy, money and corruption blocking it at every step

i'm prone to believe that it's precisely the spiritual sensitivity of the nazis that accounts for their incredible ability to obtain 'scientific' and technological prowess.

i saw a sign on the wall at an interview today, that said "the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams".

ayys are a tricky question.
reports of alien abduction and demonic possession are quite similar. both involve usually violent sexual acts, unableness to move or speak, general sense of fright and threat, and often it runs in the family. however on thing makes me think those are demons. it is said that both stop pretty much instantly when trying to say jesus christ or thinking about him.
but i guess there are both around, aliens and demons, possibly even demons from other planets the aliens brought with them, then the cia fakes stuff as well of course
however i cant tell if the reports are real because i never was abducted nor possessed

greys for example i feel like are demons since they are associated with the abductions. the nordics/pleiadians i believe are from the inner earth which may or may came from outer space and settled on earth millenia ago, but i like to assume they are native to earth and what the bible refers to as angels, or at least their physical counterpart (as above so below. if there are spiritual angels there are physical most likely as well.
the anunaki seem to be what is refered to as the fallen angels, possibly the same as the nordic and greek gods, or those of the aztecs basically those i mentioned in so im inclined to believe they are the same as the nordics, but fucked up and were banished to the outside world. were they became the gods of those civilizations.

no idea if LARP, but you decide



Whats going on with the Stargate? Is that a thing? How close to the meme tv show?

the stargate program was about remote viewing, not really a gate you go through, but traveling to places and times with your mind/spirit

there were rumors about a litteral stargate being found somewhere in the ME, but didnt saw any evidence for that

Aliens are drones. They act as like a set of hands on binoculars for the fallen damon controlling it. The tech is very real.. ie., UFO's, anti gravity etc. But its old. Like waaay old. So old we forgot there was tech and just started over giving the appearance of advancement. Weve done all this before.

going to make a bold statement here, but please bare with me for a moment. as far as i know the word used for heaven in the bible also just meant "sky" meaning they were taken into the sky and dissappeared there. i believe UFOs are around for a very long time (look into the hindu virmanas for example). so what if the angels actually came with UFOs, took him (enoch i think it was) to heaven/the sky (since they flew away) and from there brought him into paradise which could be inside the earth as mentioned earlier in well, considering all this i could see 3 purposes of project bluebeam:
1. Fake an alien invasion to unite the people under a common threat and create the one world government/NWO (the standard theory)
b) making the demons appear as (friendly) aliens so we dont oppose them or when hostile makes us unable to properly oppose them since we dont understand the spiritual nature of them
but there is another option considering this
III: Make the UFOs of the angels during the rapture or the UFOs of the nazis look like they are aliens invading the earth so we reject their salvation and join the government and fall for the great deception.

pic related is a painting in Church of the Dominican Monastery, in the town of Sighisoara, Romania. below it reads "Israel, hope for the lord" from either 14th or 17th century (depending on wether its from before or after the rebuilding of the church) the psalm mentioned below reads

Israel, hope in the Lord!
For with the Lord there is steadfast love,
and with him is plentiful redemption.


Its all about ritual, control and power. The plan isnt for one of the desired outcomes, its for any. Cuz, its like more chaos more power grab.


Not to rain on people's parades but some of this shit is really just CIA forgery meant to distract us.

You gotta consider that all their UFO leaked documents could be distractions for us to get invested into nothing rather than investigating into the JQ.

and while we are at it, compare the map of hyperborrea with the northpole on this map. looks pretty much exactly the same. also shows antarctica 200 years before it was discovered. allegedly they thought landmasses have to balance each other out on the hemisphere and thus just added a random continent down there


well, as i see it the real psy op is to make people thing UFOs are extraterrastrials, which some might be, but definitely not all.
these pretty much might have not been aliens for example


from the same batch of files as

been in the conspiracy thing for a good 10 years

I probably sit on really interesting information for you guys monitoring the thread

but what I can say is, regarding agartha and other things: why cant some people get together and homebrew an expedition?

get some funding, u-boat and go with a team of exploerers into antartica, or wherever

it all just feels like larping, tons of hints, tons of threads, stories, but no action

see you would need to get a lot of money for the ships, for food and water and other ressources. equipment, you would need time. also survival skills as you would need to cross 100s of miles through the ice desert and possibly mountains. its not as easy as just go there.
just assuming this is unrelated to nazis. then they had so much problems that the military expedition with high class equipment and schooled people had to cancel prematurely due to bad weather conditions

yeah but see there is always something

not once during all these years has somebody like us tried to do a get-together that is not larping and do something then come back and tell or at least try to communicate back somehow

It cant be that hard to find bored ex-soldiers and get some funding by a independent entrepreneur

well, easier said than done. either way, need some sleep now.

Maybe its Nymza considering trumps uncle did interact with that group or is apart of them i'm pretty sure? and they're supposed to be one of the major secret societies that helped develop UFO's

Just a guess

You can do all of that, but you would need to be very precise in what you do, in terms of locations and outcomes. Otherwise it's too vague. Where would you go?

What is nymza?