Is One Piece better than Game of Thrones?

Is One Piece better than Game of Thrones?

whats that?

Yeah, at least Oda isn't trying to make a feminist powerhouse fantasy.

Luffy only has one dragon

Kill yourself. one piece is shit

One Piece isnt better than jack shit.

Go away.

At least this I can agree with.

Zoli could one shot everyone in GoT

>is rancid pile of dogshit better than rancid pile of dogshit?

There needs to be sex scenes, though. Who would Luffy have sex with?

Is Hunter x Hunter better than The Nature of Things with David Suzuki?

They're both shit, but One Piece had a few decent arcs like Alabasta and CP9 stuff.

So yes, it's a bit more superior

>Comparing Wan Piss to a masterpiece literature like GoT

>Masterpiece Literature

Yes,I agree.

>TV show

No,I do not agree.

>masterpiece literature
>like GoT

Too bad the anime makes it seem like crap with its super slow pacing

1. The Sopranos
2. One Piece
3. The Wire
4. Naruto
5. Berserk/Breaking Bad



That's fine the manga does a good job of making itself look like shit

Hell no.

Game of Thrones > One Piece

of course

Yes, but that isn't hard

Well let's compare them at their best in any of their mediums:

>character development
About the same. Maybe Game of Thrones wins this. Maybe.
Game of Thrones
>fight/action scenes
One Piece
One Piece
>holy shit moments
One Piece
>tear jerkers
One Piece

Well there you have it. One Piece is objectively better.

take your tv shit out of here and go back to your cancerous reddit board.

>is shit better than shit

I wonder.

Everything is better than Game of Thrones

The writing in One Piece is fucking nursery book tier compared to Game of Thrones.

Hell na GoT has better world building than OP. Every location feels so close to each other and some are just underdeveloped as fuck (Dorne kek).


>some are just underdeveloped as fuck
>implying OP is anything better
Random island here random island here

Isn't Game of Thrones just all cocks and rape?

Well now it's just all about "muh female empowerment". The show is absolute garbage now. It stopped being good after season 3.

Sunset found her...

GoT is the most abnoxious shit that has ever existed

its the opposite of game of thrones

Tv series - yes
Books - no

Theon got his dick cut off so Yara is the only way to secure a future heir for their line. Dany doesnt follow any feminist ideas at all.

The whole our fathers were evil men was probably her ego talking about how she is so much better than her daddy.

Anything is better than A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones.

I've realised the best way to show newfags Luffy's character development is to highlight all of his quotes against main antagonists. You learn a lot about Luffy purely by the dialogue between him and his enemies.

Ok. Do so.

I will eventually but right now my time is focused on finding a job.

Both of them are for subhuman Mexican redditors.

Learn what?
That hes an oblivious moron?

>people genuinely seriously undoubtedly think One piece has good fights

The only memorable one is Luffy vs Lucci, everything else fucking sucks.

No fuckwit I'll list some off the back of my head.

Luffy vs Buggy, the dialogue is about what Luffy treasures.

Luffy vs Kuro, Luffy hates the fact that he has abandoned his pirate name and Kuro hurts his own men.

Luffy vs Krieg, Quality over quantity. Strength of will like Zeff mentioned to Sanji.

Luffy vs Arlong, relying on his friends and crew, him admitting he can't accomplish his dream on his own.

Luffy vs Wapol, Luffy protects Hiluluks flag and says its a symbol of the pledge you take to risk your life as a pirate.

See what I'm getting at?

The best one imo is the dialogue between him and Crocodile. Luffy doesnt care how strong or who Croc is, he aims to surpass him no matter what. Also we learn that Luffy understands that a 'fight between pirates' is dirty as fuck. Which goes hand in hand with what Shanks taught him in the beginning, you play to win not to fight fairly.

These will make more sense once I re-read them and analyse them properly.

I don't even watch Western shit so I can't compare

>something happens in every episode of got
>something happens once every 50 episodes in op
checkmate atheists

Try doing this for post-timeskip (modern one piece).

Luffy vs. Hodi - Luffy doesn't like how he's being mean and cruel to the whole island

Luffy vs. Clown - Luffy doesn't like how he's being mean and cruel to the whole island

Luffy vs. Doflamingo - Luffy doesn't like how he's being mean and cruel to the whole island

If you're going to be reductionist, you could say that about all the pre-time skip villains aswell. Dressrosa had one of Luffy's best character developing moments when he decided to fight fujitora instead of running away.

>such revolutionary character development

Thank fuck I don't read shounen trash when this is what underages get astonished about.

A meme straight from Sup Forums.

user this is the same crap that Naruto preachs about basically that Luffy state to his enemies.

No they all had character development moments too user, you're just simplifying them too much atm.

Luffy vs Hodi was more with his discussion with Jinbe. Luffy doesnt' want to be seen as a hero, even though we as the readers acknowledge he pretty much is a hero any ways.

Luffy vs Caesar is highlighted in Usopp's speech. "Caesar is the kind of guy Luffy hates the most." Caesar hurt his own men, and then Caesar tried to hide behind his threats, Eg saying the Yonko will chase him if he continues to harm Caesar. But Luffy doesn't give a fuck and he was planning on fighting the Yonko regardless.

Luffy vs Doffy is just before Luffy goes Gear 4th. Doffy tells him to stop playing 'hero' but Luffy retorts back that Doffy is in his way. I interpreted this like Luffy saying Doffy is just a fly on the wall, a bother that is blocking him from going towards the Pirate King. Think of it this way, literally everyone was pissing themselve because of the bird cage and Doffy's wrath, but Luffy just thought Doffy was a mere nuisance. The only thing that bothered Luffy was how Doffy controls everyone and how "it makes it hard to breathe."

Yeah that's what character development is, learning aspects of a character? It's always 'improvement' user.

I havent finished Narushit senpai and don't really want to because Narutos character annoys me. Even though shonen characters are similar, they are all different. To me Luffy is Goku with much more depth.

Forgot to mention with Hodi, what made Luffy want to fight him the most was actually because Hodi also wants to be Pirate King. That motivated Luffy way more than actually saving Fishman Island imo.

Thready reminder that Ramsay and 20 of his good men couldve saved Ace.

What plebs Enies Lobby was the absolute nadir of One Piece. Go back to reading bleach if you liked that arc.

if i put my bias aside, yes it's better

Haven't found any GoT futanari stuff so yes.

Wrong, you just read at a fifth grade level, which explains why a TV show is more appealing to you.

What is the appeal of GoT? It's a global phenomenon and I've heard countless discussions, but not once have I ever even slightly considered watching or reading it. Sounds drab and boring as sin.

Luffy doesn't give a fuck about that. He beat Crocodile up for his friend Vivi, not for 'the whole island.' He beat Doflamingo up for his friend Rebecca. He captured Caesar Clown as an agreement with his friend Law.

>implying both are good

why don't you go watch it and find out

They're both shit but at least one is a colorful cartoon with catchy weeaboo theme songs.

How can you compare 'em!?

Soap Opera that men are allowed to watch because kewl dragens

>Implying implications

Anyone has different taste you dingus.