I want to look EXACTLY like Koito.
I want to look EXACTLY like Koito
Other urls found in this thread:
>Liking anything in this shit anime.
Crawling in my skin
user if you managed to do so, can i fuck you?
I want to look EXACTLY like Ruru.
I always knew Sup Forums was full of sluts
Why is Koito so aesthetic?
It's kinda impossible to replicate anime physics in the real world. You could get to look similar but not exactly the same. Like for example the hair. Also the eyes, I wonder how would you go about the giant eyes, it also gonna look weird.
Godani magic.
I want to look EXACTLY like Baki.
It won't look weird if the world looked like anime as well, something like Live2d.
You should survive train crash or something to have anatomy like this.
Dear God that face. Are you sure, user?
Face doesn't matter as long as you're ripped.
But being cute gets you everything you could ever want. Muscles are gross and useless.
Koito isn't really cute.
Damn, Koito is seriously hot and cute.
But that's literally wrong.
Koito a shit.
I want to look EXACTLY like Mai.
Did nobody at KyoAni notice that this art looks like crap?
>But that's literally wrong.
Didn't the doctors at the hospital noticed that you look like crap? Yet they didn't kill you.
Now here is a real slut. At least I want to look somewhat androgynous.
>Damn, Koito is seriously hot and cute.
We know, Haru
>being this blind
ok user
They are just portraying Mai's natural state.
Would if I could user, why waste it
Koito was the best girl.
This should have been the OVA instead.
I want to be EXACTLY like Shinka.
Koito is such a little slutpuppy. I want to be her owner.
Koito is NOT a slut!
A weird nerd?
Everyone wants to be Shinka. I didn't think it was worth mentioning.
This too. At least a special.
I want to look EXACTLY like Maya.
>yfw we get this instead
Eh, I don't dislike the edgy. Shit hitting the fan is a nice contrast to the comedy.
I thought the Enigma stuff was well done enough, but I'd rather not have edgy furry demons.
Future Haruhiko makes me wet.
I'd probably fuck him in the ass, no homo.
If I looked like Koito, I would be a huge slut.
>implying he won't fuck you in the ass
That's gay
I'm pretty sure everyone would.
if i looked like koito, i would be a dude
Koito is very cute.
Cute. Any more new or recent cute pics of Koito? I haven't kept up with Phantom threads in a while.
>Hot design.
>Shity personality.
What's wrong with her personality? She developed the most out of the girls.
So you want to be ugly?
The shitty tsundere not the good one.
Too shy even around her own friends.
>Shit taste
What a perfect match.
>having a bit of dere when being mostly tsun is being "developed"
Mai is way more developed than coitus. Especially with the mother episode.
well, he does like reina
>shitty personality
Silver pic related.
Have you seen the PDs?
>Mai is way more developed than coitus
Only in body.
The only thing that make AAAAAAAA developed is that she is tsundere, which everyone knew from the beginning.
How are you reading our posts? Are you using some sort of special OS for blind people?
What was it, Sup Forums?
Specially in body
Buy a steamroller and become 2D
No, I just don't have a scat fetish.
Soy milk.
Shinka minus her personality isn't any better.
She's hardly a tsundere.
Cosplay Maki with Kyoani face
Vanilla whey with added scoops of sugar
Damn she has quite the sweet tooth.
If you did, you could at least enjoy having shit taste.
I always thought she was the most ugly girl in the show. Overly short hair just doesn't look good, and in her case it doesn't really compliment her small face. Also her slanted and frowning eyes just aren't really pretty.
Her developed extended beyond tsundere to MC.
It's okay, you're not the only person with shit taste in the thread.
Shinka's personality is pretty shitty. Mai is a genuinely good girl with motherly qualities.
Fuck I'm considering picking this up just for her.
No need to get overly defensive.
Warmed white chocolate milk with extra added sugar.
I can imagine her not being too appealing to a gay.
It reminds me of this.
How I wish phantom world weren't so shitty. I watched it exclusively because of Koito, and I regret it. If it were less shitty, I would happily watch the OVA and PDs and whatever else just for more of her.
Actually, I think I should download the LNs and look at the pictures. My moon isn't so good that I'll accidentally follow the plot while flipping pages, it's the perfect solution.
Fucking kill yourself bro
>liking androgynous girls make you gay
Projecting much?
If they release an OVA of the double deito with Haru/Koito and the two other ones it could be the best part of Phantom World
Who the fuck tapes their mp3 player on their arms
>he doesn't do that
I want to look EXACTLY like Reina.
Is Koito fat?
>I think I should download the LNs
Please don't. If you think the show was bad, the LN is worse. Unless this sounds good to you.
People who run while listening to music.
Poor Koito.