How does Sup Forums like Anohana?

I haven't seen any threads about it, so I'm curious. Aside from the "Okada ruins anime" meme, how'd you like it? Me and the roommate watched it a few days ago, he said 10/10 but I had a problem with him not proving Menma was following him in earlier episodes.

>I haven't seen any threads about it
Lurk more.
>Me and the roommate watched it a few days ago, he said 10/10 but I had a problem with him not proving Menma was following him in earlier episodes.
Not your blog.

Forced drama. But it's probably the best original okada original, which is says very little about it's quality.

> 1. All images and resulting discussion should pertain to anime or manga.

You should lurk more user, you're not even following the rules.
But you're right it's not my blog. Everyone should stop having opinions.

Lurk more.

What's the difference between forced drama and actual, well done drama? Did it feel contrived?

buildup was kinda boring imo but that ending really got to me

overall I'm glad I watched it

Lurk more.

A ghost exists for no other purpose than to create drama. So yes it is contrived.

When did samefagging stop need effort?

I played myself

This is a drama anime. Menma is a plot device. Not sure what the complaint about that is other than "I didn't like it"

Not him, and I personally think the term forced drama is a bad term that Sup Forums uses to aggregate several other terms (except for the times when it just means "drama I don't like"), but if I had to define it, I'd say forced drama is drama that comes out of nowhere, involves or even hinges on characters acting OUT of character, goes against the feel of the show, may revolve around a simple, easily resolvable misunderstanding, or is obviously used to create some sort of season/mid-season closer.

Not that I would saying that AnoHana was ruined by having all or any of these things, though. Rather, I'd say it was ruined because it was just bad.

OP here, that was the most solid definition ever. "Forced" drama, animation, comedy, ect can all be attributed to being out of character, either the people in the show or the show itself.
This show seems super divisive. People tend to either love it or hate it.

I'd fug Menma


I really, really disliked it.

I hate it.

The drama with each character felt really overplayed instead of believable, and the ending was pretty cringeworthy.
Okada just can't write dialogue very well. Even her best work, Hanasaku, had this problem.

It was pretty nice. Cried a bit during the ending n shit. Also the OP and ED were really fuckin good

Could you be anymore obvious

>oh no, they hate my thread
>better accuse them of samefagging

Hit too close to home, ended up crying buckets.

Not him moron it's just way too obvious youre samefagging

>watch it user, it's soooooooooooooo sad

what was with the unexplained crossdressing? why were the characters still crying 10 years after she died? why could she carry a plate to the dinner table and write on paper, but no one could feel her touching them?

these are the things I remember off the top of my head but this shit was so underwhelming.

But I'm not them. And they're not samefagging, OP.

>what was with the unexplained crossdressing
He decided that if he can't be with her, he will become her instead.

It's fucking terrible.



Anohana is the equivalent of comedy that's nothing but slapstick and people laughing contagiously. You can enjoy the product but at the same time notice how contrived everything is: the characters always behaving the way they do to drive the mood, even if their reactions don't seem realistic, or being too perfect, too pure or too sentimental. People in forced dramas are always one step away from crying just like people in porn movies are on the verge of cumming.

Nice try champ.

It went to shit as soon as they reveal that the ghost actually exist and carrying the floating drinks.

Wasn't that like, 30 seconds into episode one?

Okada ruins anime

Why are the female characters hysterical over who liked who when they were five-year-olds?

The bit with the crossdressing was weird, man.

>tfw Sup Forums actually figured out the flower's name