ITT: Characters made for rape.
ITT: Characters made for rape
>inb4 yotsuba
If I hated Azumanga, will I enjoy Yotsuba?
Isn't that a dude?
Yeah, so?
It depends on whether or not you can love the main character and the Ayase sisters
I can personally testify that I hate Azumanga but I enjoy Yotsuba. The later has good art and good pacing, which is important for me.
Nobody is made for rape user.
back the fuck off?!
you can enjoy Yotsuba only bad people don't enjoy reading Yostubato!, Azumanga is a school life Yonkoma, Yostuba is not
Azumanga was a yonkoma, Yostu
You're waifu
What are you implying?
That you suck.
literately made for rape
made for rape, made to rape
but everyone would consent to daddy