What are progressives progressing to?
What are progressives progressing to?
I want to SNOWPLOW that girl 2bh.
It's nice to advance one's technological and cultural strides, so long as it's healthy enough to turn to tradition and you're not progressing off a cliff.
Liberals just want to see how far the car can fly once it's off the cliff. Freedom without responsibility.
Sexless virginship
the end of all social standards and norms. there's not even a reason for it they're rebels without a cause. whatever comes next will make everyone suffer
Progressives will degrade their DNA and cognitive capabilities earning sociology degrees and paying for overpriced avocado sludge.
I will remain white and every woman will want to fuck me.
Don't think negatively you dumb fucks.
The leftist dream is masses of short, obese brown lemmings ruled over by an elite caste of jewish bankers.
There's a reason for it.
It's all chingchong propaganda. The chicoms have been stirring racial tension since the civil rights movement.
3rd world utopia
They don't have a fucking clue. After society is reduced to smoldering rubble and chaos they will still be bitching about privileged and sexism.
Doesn't concern me since the only real world outlet i have is the interweb.
Intersectionality forever dividing society into smaller victim groups and blaming the “others” in an attempt to cripple society by destroying cooperation and trust.
Absolutely nothing aside from using their "progressiveness" to virtue signal and shut down their "Nazi" opponents.
If you want the ultimate red pill, read the essay by the dissident mathematician, Igor Shafarevich titled "Socialism in our past and future."
The answer is that progressivism is a societal thanatos, a death instinct. It is literally cuckoldry, athiesm, and the abolition of private property.
And why did we let them name themselves "progressives"?
Another one for the Memri folder
Who cares?
Let them destroy themselves, and just sit back and watch it happen. Just as feminism started as burning bras and such, and evolved into feminists doing facial abuse porn to fight stereotypes, the rest of the liberal agenda will collapse.
Whats the story here?
Moderate... Lolololol.. faggot ass , bald ass, nigger..
Total enslavement by global jewry. What they don't realize is that they're merely tools being used to collapse the west. If the jews get their way, progressives will no longer be useful and will be eliminated.
It's insane how leftists can get away with this blatant dishonesty. Fuck I hate liberals.
Zero the hero
Well we let them my trips friend. What's the point of having trillions of $ of weaponry if they can undermine the mind of the man who's supposed to push the button and everyone else up the chain of command? We're done.
Serious answer: to socialism, and then communism.
Marx saw society as moving through stages. Feudalism gave way to capitalism, which, in their eyes, is the rule of a small elite through ownership of the means of production.
This will lead way, if left unchecked, to socialism, the dictatorship of the proletariat, during which the vanguard will sieze control of the means of production, weapons, speech, etc.
This will, theoretically, lead to communism, a beautiful with no rulers, no classes, where there's plenty for everybody. Utopia.
But in reality it will stay a dictatorship until it collapses or is overthown, and then be declared not actual socialism.
Technically, real communism hasn't actually happened, but real socialism has (the ones with the death and stuff.) and there leaders were real communists.
>Be me last fall.
>Used to be a hyper lib. Shilled for Al Gore in High School and ran climate models on my computer to show how omg how bad the global warming was.
>Have finally come around slowly through 8 years of Obama's shit.
>Used to watch PBS Newshour for 15+ years and now I've branched out into more right leaning sites.
>Try and tell my family about things like I'll admit it T_D and and Breitbart and Zero Hedge especially.
>They just ask me if I've ever heard of fucking salon.com.
I dunno but it was talking shit
Nothing, they're simply attacking all sense of social norms under the idea of a pursuit of happiness and reparations for perceived wrongs. Tolerate everything except intolerance.
>William Saletan is the national correspondent at Slate.com.
>Background and education William Saletan, a Jewish native of Texas, graduated from Swarthmore College in 1987
To a fucking hell m8, a lawless shithole. At least without laws you can make human experimentation great again, but I doubt scientist survive that future.
I'm tired of being mad. You all told me it was impossible to take the blue pill again after taking the red. Well I've successfully formulated one in the form of edgy centrism. Both sides, I've convinced myself, are silly and beneath me. Politics indeed is silly and beneath me. Thus will I preserve my sanity, thus will I no longer be rendered insensate when going in public and being forced to mill around with blue-pilled normies, but instead I will flourish.
Thus I: and depart.
>my grandkids
Why them? Why not my kids?
Are you saying I don't like brown sugar?
How do you not know if my kids are gonna be brown and my grandkids white?
And why is that funny? Why?
Is it about with a certain skin color disappearing?
I bet if you were around 500 years ago, you'd be carrying a sign that says "LOL Your grandkids are gonna be white"
Are what about modern Africa?
The Chinese are beginning to colonize it.
Are you gonna tell them "LOL you grandkids are gonna be yellow?"
The Americas are a grave horror. So many Native Nations were destroyed by Western European Elites.
So the Americas are supposed to be reddish-brown, but other regions are different.
Black, brown, white, yellow, etc.
Do you blame the working class who live under tyrannical elites in Western Europe, who labored the fields, mines, and factories for the crimes of the elite.
Do you blame people who told at most half-truths about what was going on?
Do you blame the working class in Eastern Europe who suffered under similar tyrants to that of the colonialist West?
Do you believe they should be destroyed because the crimes of the elite and a minority of their relatives who left?
If so, then you seek the destruction of most African blacks.
Remember, most African blacks are ethnically and culturally Bantu, who long before Western Europe began colonialism, genocided non-Bantu African blacks from the continent?
Or what about the Japanese and their islands?
Or the Chinese?
Or the Arabs?
Or the Aztecs?
Or the Incans?
Is that why they get all assmad when there is talk of China and its gene editing future plans?
A muddy mass of cultureless morons with a (((small ethnic elite))).
Yeah, then right after he gave this interview claiming to engineer conditions in the US, the Soviet Union imploded.
I feel so sorry for that child.
Being poor as fucking garbage while also brown but hey if my neighbor shanks me for some bread my healthcare is free.
Once they "progress" their DNA to a certain point, we can declare them animals and hunt them for sport.
liberally garbage shit, especially Salon
LA degeneracy. Everyone is on cocaine and fucks black guys.
Total equality where no ones feelings get hurt and everyone is afforded the same opportunities and outcomes and no white people
Government sanctioned pedophilia, communism, and western cultural genocide. Everything they do is done for those 3 goals and only those 3 goals. They LOVE islam because it can encompass all 3.
Thats not a picture of a progressive you fuck.
No they won't and besides it doesn't look like she will have any sort of kids.
the lowest common denominator that man can get to before he makes himself no longer exist.
A 600 year dark age.
My grandkids will NEVER be brown. I will teach my children, as my father taught me, that brown people are bad and should never be trusted.
A third world country. They happily enjoy the fruits of White Man's civilization, while simultaneously clamor for its destruction. Given the opportunity, these ingrates wouldn't dare live among the brown people in third world countries, yet they want to turn the U.S. into one.
These people are mentally bankrupt, dishonest, destructive, and attention-seeking. All wrapped up into one grotesque bundle.
God help us.
1. If you've actually ever watched anything he said you'd know that the KGB only helped along homegrown movements, he wasn't claiming that without the Soviets everything would be great in America but that the Soviets were adding fuel to the fire.
2. Cultural Marxism in America and Europe has only gotten worse since the Soviet Union fell. The mix of degeneracy, economic instability and race war will eventually kill America. The only question is what will come after it, when the Soviets were still around it would've probably been some kind of Soviet Style Communism that did away with the Cultural Marxism and put the minorities in their place, but now I fear it will be some kind of Radical Progressive Communism and America will never recover.
the largest hippy jam festival you've ever seen
It's not about progressing to anything.
These people are just really fucking afraid of being seen as "evil" in the same way that public school textbooks and disney portray evil.
Evil that always gets portrayed by them is ultimately
>pro religion
So in turn, progressives ultimate goal is to ris the world of these things, be ause in their eyes, this is what is causing the world to suffer.
What they don't realize is that they've been caught up in the jewish agenda and are just pawns on their games
A world where everyone's nipples look like milk duds
Also mentioning
The "progressive" left just wants to progress to a society where there can be no possibility of evil in the world. They're retard because they don't go totalitarian, which they would be able to achieve their goals. I guess they care about their feelings than their ideals
A sad sad life
What's that piece of paper in the top left corner? What language is that? Vietnamese?
The destruction of humanity