So, just finished pic related. What does Sup Forums think about Gunbuster 2: Electric Boogaloo?
So, just finished pic related. What does Sup Forums think about Gunbuster 2: Electric Boogaloo?
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I think about it a lot.
I can't believe I got tricked into watching this shitty series. Same Imaishi story again for the billionth uninteresting time. Gunbuster was no better.
Better than Gunbuster
Anyone else have this Lal'C on pre order?
I like it. It was overall more well rounded than Gunbuster which was pretty weak in the first few episodes,
That's really nice.
I felt the opposite, but I just appreciate what they were going for during those episodes.
It made me think that no matter how hard I try I will never be a super cute robot girl with a sister complex and a gundam inside me.
Can somobody explain to me what was this last scene try to convey? Why there are two lights instead of just one? Did Nono survive? Who is the second light then?
I don't get it.
You can probably accomplish at least the last part.
You've made a horrible mistake.
what did i do?
you fucked up.
It might've been nice if there were a single fucking likable character, but apparently we had to go the "everyone is an obnoxious faggot" route on this one.
I liked it until episode 5 and 6. It was like they ran out of adventure plot so they gear-changed and filled it with drama.
But Noriko and Onee-sama were way more obnoxious
Watch Gunbuster. That's all you need to know.
The ending was cute. Is till wish they would've played more into the previous series more.
>Gunbuster 2
Please refer to this pile of shit as "Diebuster" as in "I'd rather die than watching this cancer again." Gunbuster was, a good show. This is not.
Agreed. Diebuster is several times worse than Gunbuster. The ending that shamelessly appeals to nostalgia is the only thing that makes people like it.
I will smack the living dog shit out of you. Nono was an annoying generic moeblob with LE SUPER EPIC BUSTER POWERUP trying to pass as legit character development, Lalc is a mini clusterfuck of a character that has no idea what she wants to be, not because she's a young woman struggling through adolescence but because the writer clearly has no idea what he wants her to be either, so all we're left with there is a shit. A bunch of other buster pilots are introduced all at the same time then killed at the same time later in the same fucking episode. Or was it next episode? I forget, but either way it was fucking stupid. The supporting characters don't support shit. Every other character is either boring or a twat. We finally get to the forgone conclusion that Nono and Lalc were the only characters that mattered at all in the end, then Nono dies because we have to have a super sad death scene to make the ending as emotional as possible at the cost of any semblance of reason or intelligence, then in the end blatantly insult Gunbuster by tying it to the massive fuckfestival of retardation that we'd all just watched. The more I think of it the more insulted I am, that and the fact that such a great OP was wasted on such a piece of trash.
Watch gunbuster
You posted a frog.
>watching Diebuster before Gunbuster
normies will NEVER appreciate gunbuster
diebuster is gainax's failed attempt at a sequel that appeals to the FLCL / (now) TTGL audience, because they're the demographic that would consider Gunbuster "slow and boring" and would probably consider Honneamise "too normal looking"
I don't think they were necessarily attempting to appeal to a specific audience.
TTGL is my favourite anime and I love Gunbuster.
Fuck off.
It's just more modern.
Am I not allowed to like both?
Suffered from the same inherent problems as 1, with it being a massive sci-fi epic crammed into just 6 short episodes leaving the story feeling rushed, the characters undeveloped or even displayed, and the explanations of the universe's extensive lore seeming wasteful and pointless. But it was overall more stylised and fun than 1, so it was at least a bit more entertaining.
Stylized by the current standards of the time.
No, you're only allowed to like one thing and endlessly shitpost about everything that's not that thing.
I don't get it, what's the appeal of Nono?
Cute, innocent, driven, motivated, huge.
Dem hips
It's actually her legs though.
Awesome ending, meh everything else.
I wasn't that crazy about Diebuster when watching it, but all I need to is watch this one video to get teary eyed.
The OST for Top1+2 is so fucking good though, definitely one of the best of all time.
Beyond the River of time is absolutely god tier
It was above average with an incredibly satisfying payoff in the end as long as you watched Gunbuster before it. I overall enjoyed it although I prefer Gunbuster more.
I watched both for first time last year.
After few minutes of getting used to style, gunbuster was great.
Diebuster started nice, but some really basic cgi in very first episode made me cautious. Nonon was great and that's about it. I couldn't bring myself to care about rest of cast. I'd be lying, if I said I didn't shed a tear at epilogue, but that was because of original, not sequel itself.
user, I...
It's the heroes returning home after an unbelievably long time
Ace Wo Nerae was better
Good anime.
Shit sequel.
>Did Nono survive?
Actually, according to the director, she "went somewhere beyond time" and might come back to look at birds with Lal'c eventually.
I thought it was a pretty satisfying sequel. I like Gunbuster a litlte bit more, but Diebuster is still really cool. Love the fanservice and revelations around the halfway point. Didn't seem to have the same sort of impact as the first one though. The time dilation issues from the first one and all the cool science stuff really made it an excellent giant robot show. The sequel felt like it was lacking a lot of the cooler things, and then it got to a point where the plot even said "we cut out the cool stuff" but still, it looked really cool at least and there was clearly effort to please fans of the first.
What does eventually even mean in a world beyond time?
Diebuster didn't have that godawful Smith episode and an older sister who almost abandoned all of humanity to be with a cripple for a couple months at most so Diebuster > Gunbuster
The exact wording was
>(talking about the vision Lal'c sees) The content described appears to be like Nono's wish, and as it is told as though real, it can also appear as if Nono may have already experienced this. Nono vanishes beyond the gravitational singularity and goes beyond time. Thus in the near future, or the far, far future, Nono and Lal'c may go to see skylarks together.
That vision Lal'c saw when Nono gave her the crane might or might not have been one of Nono's memories from a future meeting.
Unexpected kek.
I'm going to marry Nono!
I didn't know this. Neat. Sort of fits with the themes that were explored more explicitly in the first series. Makes me feel a little better too. Some part of me was always a little bit sad because Nono was dead, or so I thought.
There's some really interesting information in the DVD booklets that helps offset the sadness of the ending. Here's another excerpt from that same interview talking about Lal'C:
>So in terms of story structure you could say that Lal'C is the main character.
>Enokido: When I watched the previous Gunbuster I felt that Noriko had missed out. She comes back with One-sama, but One-sama is with Noriko after experiencing married life with her beloved Coach. Noriko was sent to the front line while in the middle of school life, and thrown outside of time without experiencing anything. So this time, I wanted to set up a friend for Noriko. Gunbuster 2 is therefor a story in which a friend for Noriko has been born.