Sup Forums what is the one red or black pill truth that you wished was talked about or brought to light?
Obviously something aside from the run-of-the-mill topic of femoids.
Da Truef
Canada is an archtype communist state hiding behind selective enforcement and England is litterally 1984 year tier Big Brother
Dr Pepper is really just vanilla soda.
CIA mind control technologies.
Australia is the literal embodiment of natsoc principles
>think about it before you disagree
Literal satanists running the world.
I want to know why people need to have organized religion in order to believe in God or have any kind of morals. Are people really that retarded and backwards when left on their own? Why does anyone need a book to tell them that pic related is perverse, disgusting, and harmful to society? Why do people take said book at face value, basically giving a big fat "fuck you" to God by denying his role in the beginning of the universe and evolution? Why do atheists ignore our built in sense of this higher power, and how do they explain the highly logical and mechanical nature of the universe?
These are things I want to know.
If gay is genetic, then, by default, they will breed themselves out of existence on their own.
>If you die you have to wake up somewhere else. You may not be entirely aware of it, but you will.
>Murder is always justified if you intend to die concurrently/soon after.
>Humans are capable of comprehending life after death but never the details of what happens after death.
>It's a waste of time to try and sway the opinions of others. On a very basic subconscious level, they are who they are until they die. It's a very disgusting thing depending on who you're dealing with.
Trump plus ultra
It's not genetic.
exactly my point
Are you retarded it has like 33 flavors or something Nigga
I wish that there was a huge focus on currency and banking in American schools.
this isnt fucking askreddit fuck off
what about adoption? what if it's a recessive trait?
All of Humanity has Autism. No exceptions.
I believe that it's caused by environmental factors such as childhood abuse or other anti-social behaviors which are allowed to continue over time.
There might be something to this.
most girls are deflowered by the family dog.
if we've found recessive gay genes exist, then so do dominant gay genes. Recessive gay genes inherently imply that the gayness quality of the recessive gene is not manifested in outward expression, therefore would still breed itself out out of existence as it is continually overtaken by dominant genes provided by mates. The only chance of a recessive gay gene producing another gay person is the recessive gene becoming dominant in offspring. Not impossible, but likely to be bred out of existence sooner or later.