Hugh Hefner just died. What's our opinion on him? Pioneer or degenerate...

Hugh Hefner just died. What's our opinion on him? Pioneer or degenerate? Press f to pay respects or press h to send to hell?

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nothing of value lost


How is this related to politics? Fuck off.

that is one scary nigger

that man probably had his shriveled nuts fondled by more models in a day than most Sup Forums users have in their lives

Didn't he used to wank to porn even though he had 3 fit women living with him?


All porn is degenerate and leads to hellfire.

Arsene Wenger how?

>Pornography is bad.
>Man that spreads pornography is..


damn they already changed it

H = send him to Hell
I = Incinerate his corpse
S = Spit on his grave
my vote = HHHIIISSS

We are a society that lionized this man, and enriched him with millions upon millions of dollars, for peddling cheap photographs of whores. That is reason alone to burn this fucking country and civilization to the ground.

TOP KEK. Which one of you did this???

>"Hugh Hefner 'embarrassed' Trump appeared on Playboy cover, son says"
>Aug 24, 2017
The Trump Curse strikes again

Just another dead jewbag. Good riddance.

I'm glad he's dead

Hopefully the playboy brand itself dies with him

Playboy died 3 years ago when they stopped posting nudity

Unironic CIAnigger

Smut peddler and infamous "philanthropist" and "political activist". One of the oldest nigger-lovers.

The man

>caring about playboy; the most classy and least degenerate pornographic magazine out there with blacked and all the other utter degenerate sites thriving
Dumb fucking nigger.

Pioneer. Basically lived the American dream of fucking hot young women and making money off vice.

Degenerate, just like us ;_;


Completely indifferent.

Scumbag degenerate helping push the Jewish porn agenda to destroy the west

He started screeching that the republican party picked a "sex driven psycho" (Trump) over a conservative christian (Ted Cruz). Which was a victory in his book because the republican party is actively "leaving the traditional family values behind".
He then went on to bash Trump because stuff.

Tl;dr kek got to him

Feminists will be parading tomorrow in the streets. Hope it is another slut walk......


We should revive him so we can gas him

F to spit on his grave

Pretty much an hero.. before the internet he brought tits to millons of fappers.

now that he is dead more sjw faggots will rape america. the celebrity of 10 years from now will be androgynous tyrannys who look like sandra bland mixed with poo-hammad

All the playboy centerfolds were ugly roasties with a huge bush and fake tits. He had shit taste and I'm glad he and his faggy bathrobe are dead.

>All the playboy centerfolds were ugly roasties with a huge bush and fake tits

>Faggot who saw 2 issues at most

The fact that this pornographer was idolized is a mark of the times.
The degenerate boomer that helped spur the 'sexual revolution' didn't live to see the full scale of the damage it has yet to inflict on society and western civilization.

>Hugh Hefner just died
ultimate degenerate. this is good news

people like having sex and watching porn, what you are asking is against human nature

there is much more to the world than religion my friend, you perhaps need to indulge in it

hardcore sex machine

you're definitely a faggot

Mods are kiking all the Hefner threads - too many people outing the dead faggot as a Jew

>Hugh was hated #1 target of feminists
>Pol Hates Hugh

Make up your mind, faggots

If you think what he did was ultimate degeneracy you clearly haven't been around here long.


That fucking image....

Is used so fucking much in image processing

It was a low effort duplicate you faggot stfu.

Why are Hugh threads vaporizing right now?

>his faggy bathrobe are dead.

that's a faggy smoking jacket

got many celebrities i love to pose nude so he gets a pass by me

Why are the mods such fags?

Hefner is burning in Hell because he led so many innocents to sin. that ok?

Probably too many of them.


Good riddance

on some real af deadass shit rn my dudes.. what happened to torpedo tits?

He was pure white though. Coincidentally could trace his ancestors back to a Puritan governor of Plymouth Colony


And the chinese liked opium. Liking something is not a moral argument.
Sex shouldn't be considered evil but selling sex should never be considered moral in any civilized society.
Porn is an addictive drug that causes men to become reclusive and apathetic.
Because modern society lacks morals it doesn't make these things ok.

Penthouse was always better anyway, slimeball.

I have it hanging on my wall. It's a great photo.

Finally, I hope he is in hell now

>An unusually high percentage of the material on sexual liberation was written by Jews, as well as significant representation among its advocates. On a more commercial level, for example, Jews have been strongly represented in Playboy enterprises. B’nai Brith’s Anti-Defamation League had no problem, for example, when some years back they presented their American Freedom Award at a fashionable black-tie dinner-dance to Hugh Hefner. (Dresner p. 325).

>Dresner notes that the ADL honored Hefner for "a philosophy of social change." The fact is noteworthy when it comes to defining mainstream American Jews of the sort Alan Dershowitz represents, a group whose identity is religious in only the negative sense, i.e., by rejection of Jesus Christ. Given this raison d’être, any "philosophy of social change" a group like this would espouse would be ipso facto revolutionary. It would necessarily espouse the overturn of morals as away of destabilizing the civil order, as a way of taking poltiical control. This theory of sexual politics, as espoused by Wilhelm Reich, another secular Jew, is precisely what Hefner embodied in Playboy magazine, and it is precisely for embodying it that the ADL honored him.

Worlds happiest penis passes away.

Because all the dumb newfags can't even bother to check catalog before making their trash threads.

>All these posts by atheist larping neonazi 12 year olds talking about the afterlife in an attempt to find some reason to be against Hugh cuz they gotta be edgy and rebels


that shit is cheap now
not when he started peddling

silicone, and push up bras. nothing more. they're still out there, user.

A fucking queer degenerate that contributed to the downfall of America.
He's bisexual, so yes. Queer.


If the remarks of former Bunnies are anything to go by, ol' Hef was a fag that could only get off to hardcore gay porn

wow i see they have not pruned this thread yet bu the did mine.

This is HUGH HEFNER let him slide all......


NO WANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!


PROUD BOYZ 4 LYFE!!!!!!!!!!!!

>Hugh Hefner just died. What's our opinion on him?

Nobody will remember him in a decade.

>Porn is bad
>Feminists hate porn
>I hate feminists so I guess I love porn now

We're not like leftist faggots who suddenly love anything Trump hates (wtf I love human trafficking now).

no fuck that. tits are shit now. something changed.

good riddance

If you haven't noticed it's entirely Amerifats. Do any other countries even post on this board?

maybe it is immoral to you, but selling sex is something that has been going on since the beginning of time. they don't call it the world's oldest profession for nothing.

as for pornography, it is a free choice. and i would argue people being able to make free choices of their own accord is a good thing to have. better than having a busy body king telling us all how to live.

Pressing S


that old faggot sucked more dicks than nina hartley

Let's see

>rich as fuck
>lived to his ninties in great health
>teens and 20 year olds fawning over him his entire life

Seems like Sup Forums hates him because they aint him.


He was a degenerate for sure. It's rumored he wanted to watch the girls get fucked by dogs.

birth control

>I oppose degeneracy, that's why I post on an anime website where virgin pedos trade furry and cuckold porn.

Ehhhhh. I don't see it in my experience. But maybe diet?
another good contender

When George Lincoln Rockwell agreed to do a Playboy interview, Hefner sent Alex Haley (the guy who wrote Roots) to do it. The interview was pretty hilarious.

>American Dream reveals that Hefner once had a gay sex encounter
>New York Post reports that Playboy founder Hugh Hefner has developed a taste for gay porn
>Hugh Hefner- The A&E BIOGRAPHY documentary of his life revealed that he is indeed a Jew

Faggot Jewish Pornographer - now burning in hell for all eternity.

We "thank" this piece of shit for normalizing the filth that has made millions of men and women miserable.

I don't. I pray (almost) no one goes to Hell, but I realize some will. If he accepted Jesus, he's in. We can hope, but..yeah..

Degeneracy is always caused by them js

If your on Sup Forums then you fap to porn, don't fucking lie

when did woman start shaving their legs?

Why do fagots have such fine female friends?

I have a feeling dirt on him will come out now that he's dead.

Hehe good point. F. Hugh was what men should strive to be. Yes yes, he had a lot of sex but that only solidifies the fact that he was the alpha

>selling sex is something that has been going on since the beginning of time
so has murder.
>as for pornography, it is a free choice.
Not to the millions of men addicted to it.

Opium crippled Chinese society until they grew some balls and became 'moral busybodies' and kicked it out.
Alcohol crippled abo and native american societies until they ban it.
The poison being used to cripple modern western society is porn.

White women are the most degenerate of all the races.

Yeah, like they'll uncover he slept with tons of women 50+ years younger than him.