How this series will even work without "lewd theme"?
Not mention that atmosphere move between old composer and new composers is too fucking huge.
Also spoilers soon!
How this series will even work without "lewd theme"?
Not mention that atmosphere move between old composer and new composers is too fucking huge.
Also spoilers soon!
Other urls found in this thread:
Lolis make everything work.
Imma be fappin so hard when it comes out bois
I believe it's against the unofficial rules to post that images without the text "a complete insult to the Fate franchise."
3rei takes a huge fucking turn to dark edgy shit
That was exact reason why I used this picture. To avoid "insult meme" shitpost.
Change in composer/atmosphere is fine the atmosphere in 3rei changes too anyway.
People always say that anything edgy is automatic shit but is that really the case? Can edge be done properly?
>avoiding it
Faggot, just accept it
The first season really wasn't that lewd to begin with so it should do fine.
It started with naked Illya seeing her brother's dick so I don't see why people didn't expect lewd when season 2 came along.
There's no rule that they can't use the classic kiss theme despite having a new composer.
Besides, there's only one kiss scene in 3rei anyway.
You're the problem.
Kato Tatsuya is a genius and Prisma his best OST
The lewdness really only took center stage in 2wei when Kuro was introduced.
Before that, it was really just an action/comedy magical girl with fate references and occasional lewds, sort of like Nanoha. Even the past threads on Sup Forums reflect this.
Now is turn on Technoboys Pulcraft Green-Fund. Their first piece from trailer doesn't sound bad:
Kuro is such a best that she makes whole series become better
>'waaah muh memes'
>calling other people the problem
Accept what? That some people need to shitpost?
For shitposters, yes.
Tatsuya Kato's music is pretty simplistic. I'm sure those other guys can come up with something similar.
NGE and Escaflowne.
R.I.P. Sakura
Not this season. Wait for next year.
Julian reveal was confirmed to be happening this season.
Him being on one bonus promo art doesn't actually confirm anything.
Titles for first two episodes more less confirmed same pace as in previous seasons. So this season will end somewhere around chapter 11.
They're going to be cutting out a lot of shit then. It's going to feel rushed I bet
Don't worry. See
>Him being on one bonus promo art doesn't actually confirm anything.
Why the fuck would they even put him there if they had no intention of revealing him?
Darius being Julian is supposed to be a twist, there's no way they're going to spoil it via promo art.
>can't understand the significance of memes
Dude, it not first time when promotion department messed with plot twists!
I can't wait to hear Shitaya saying those lines with crazy voice!
Actually does she ever had proper Yandere role, not counting Kyouko from Kore wa Zombie?
Hiroyama. I'm sorry.
i don't get it.
It will test the waters for Heaven's Feel movie.
Prisma Illya 4ier when?
Look at date of news.
pick one
holy fuck, in what thread?
Jesus, tune that fucking piano and get me some bandages for my ears while you're at it.
There's not going to be lewd? damnit
So, does shirou regain memories or what exactly is going on?
This season will probably still have some glorious lewd. But without classic music theme from previous seasons. Since Tatsuya Katou is no longer in charge of music.
We are going into Miyu's world and see her Shirou.
Couldn't they still use his track for it?
>Shirou jobs to sakura
Holy shit, the new composer did Trinity Seven OST? Now I'm hyped, it was one of the best soundtracks in 2014.
The sheer arrogance of this makes me laugh he does nothing but copy other people's shit then get's butthurt because
someone nicked his knockoffs.
They told me we got a 2nd Shirou with extra edge but damn i didn't think it would be this bad.
No, unless he will be still credited as "guest composed" but that's rare.
>They told me we got a 2nd Shirou with extra edge
Well, we will.
I am so goddamn sick of flashbacks, I want Kuro raping Illya's mouth already.
It's almost over.
It'll end within the next 2 chapters.
Absolutely terrible why did they do this we had a Shirou already. A happy guy comfy guy who got a happy life instead
of some murderhobo shoving a scabbard up his ass.
Literally everyone is tired of this shit.
Will 3rei be better than the abomination that was 2rei herz?
He's probably going to die.
I'm not
Now it isn't literally everyone
I like the flashback.
Wanting to save your sister over some fuckers you don't know is edgy now?
Kill yourself
Julian and his voice actor are also listed in the cast.
WIll Illya and kuro going love the other world Shirou as well? I don't want that
I don't remember this colour page.
Where's the promo art with Julian?
I've seen one image with Darius in the background, but looked hard as fuck and couldn't see Julian in that pic
Where is Julian?
Composers. Technoboys Pulcraft Green-Fund are actually three people. Most famous from them is Tomohisa Ishikawa who composed also Innocent Venus, Kite Liberator or Togainu no Chi. Other two are relatively unknown.
Beside OST Technoboys also always compose and arrange ending themes for anime on which they are working (which they do for 3rei as well).
Here are their previous endings:
His design and his "i'll become evil" crap are edgy cliche shit. He's every bad fanfiction's "Diet Archer" Shirou in name only OC/SI
>Kill yourself
Careful with that razor little boy you may cut yourself.
Why are you posting OP/ED?
The bit of ost we got in the PV2 was good:
How is he edgy? it's just HF Shirou done right.
He's in the Animate store bonus
has this word became a meme? i see it everywhere nowadays.
That isn't really edgy. Julian, if anything, is the edgy one of the two. He is extraordinarily heavy handed and arrogant in the worst way, put Shirou through hell just because, and ended up making Sakura into a living corpse (I think Apocrypha might be the only world that girl doesn't get kicked in the cut by life). What Shirou means is that if by Julian's standards opposing him is evil, then he 's evil, because he doesn't care what the guy's reasons are, he is being a twat.
The only thing he wants is to not happily murder this girl everyone else wants to sacrifice to allegedly save the world.
>judging a character by the design and an out of context sentence
Holy shit, you're retarded
There is no Sakura in cast list, so Julian's cast is probably just about this scene.
Which basically just mean that we will get Illyabear subplot, or at least part of it.
>HF Shirou done right.
Nah, you'd be about as wrong as he is if you thought that. It's essentially the same issue. There is pretty much no reason to sacrifice Miyu, just as there was no need to sacrifice Sakura. For this, Julian and Ainsworth it's them believing they can save the world using Miyu as an eternal world restorer, and for HF the decision to erase Sakura is made because of lack of information with two trolls running around.
Both scenarios can happen when two parties come into such situations and the concept of 'the greater good' is thrown about.
Darius: Konishi Katsuyuki
Julian: Hanae Natsuki
Besides her experience with Sakura (though Sakura isn't really yandere desu) who probably helped with doing Kyoko, she actually has quite the range.
She'll probably do Sakura as she always has, but with the deeper tone she uses now after CCC. She does sultry quite well, but has the talent for tonal shift, which is important for doing unbalanced characters.
Miyuverse Sakura is complete ax crazy yandere. So she will must doing crazy voice.
>There is pretty much no reason to sacrifice Miyu
To make the world better? You could literally wish to stop a plane crash and the 1 loli that died would be outweighed by the hundreds of people on the plane.
There are a billion reasons to sacrifice Miyu.
If they get to Illya bear I can't see how they won't go until the end of the fight with Julian. It's nothing but rising tension from the moment Illya is kidnapped until the end of that fight.
Shut up, Kerry
If I had to choose beetween all of humanity and my imouto, I'd choose my imouto in a heartbeat.
Specially if I can send her to be happy and make friends to another world not facing apocalypse
Probably another anime original fight interruption like in Herz.
>How this series will even work without "lewd theme"?
Specials and OVA ramp up the lewd
>Saber Illya front and center
With this, it should be pretty obvious how far it's going to go.
Wait, there's no lewd in S3? And I was just about to pick up this series, guess I won't.
This series isn't for retards like you
It's by a fatefag for fatefags first and foremost
Any other audience is secondary
There's some lewd, but less than in the other seasons.
OP is talking literally about that piano song that plays during lewd scenes.
Fate/Kaleid is about cute magical lolis doing cute and lewd things together while trying to get their onii-chan to plow them
Saber Illya is also in chapter 8.
You haven't read the manga, have you?
It's pretty obvious now who the main target audience
Faggots like you are secondary. The mangaka doesn't care about you
Not anymore.
You're the faggot for not wanting the lewd, idiot
You could also rob and kill all the few superrich people to finance the millions who suffer from poverty and hunger, which is a more realistic scenario, but nobody is gonna carry that out, will they?
You're the idiot for being butthurt that someone who loves everything by TM (including FSN, of course) decided to pander to fellow fatefags in his Fate spinoff manga
3/4 of 3rei is still lolis doing loli things. Flashback seems to be going forever because of very short chapters and frequent breaks.
It resulted in by far the weakest manga "season" though. Julian is a boring villain. Flashback is going for far too long. It's been a year since we got a good action scene.