Best summer show is coming, boys. If they will be able to do it justice.
Mob Psycho 100
Wait, what? When the fuck did warner bros start making anime?
When will we start hating it?
>pretending Sup Forums hasn't always hated this hot garbage
right now apparently
>by the author that wrote OPM
Oh, boy.
It's 2X episodes right? That's sweet. I'm still more excited for Battery but this is cool too.
It was doomed from the start
Honestly how can they possibly fuck it up
Bump psycho100
should i read the manga if i liked OPM?
you should kill yourself
wow so rude
Is this another OPM or does this series actually know what it wants to be?
Sounds edgy as fuck. I'll pass.
The guy that made both admitted he doesn't like one punch and doesn't really care for it. The only reason he still makes it is for the $$$. Mob Psycho is his main work.
mob pscho will be the best one of next season by the end
not out yet but its "99" by some kind of band named mob choir
but will they deliver?
if they stick to the source and dont add some bullsht it should work out fine, also for all its worth there is a lot of sakuga eye candy
edgy is so overused by people who cant express their dislike for something in any meaningful way
Never? i don't get this post.
Warner Bros Japan
Since always.
>Mob psycho 100 has nothing to do with OPM besides the few cameo. If you're expecting more of the same parody aspects ONE used with Onepunch Man then you're going to get much of it there.
it's more about character devellopement & Slice and life.
a lot of people will be put off when they watch it at first thinking it would be really similar to OPM, but as soon as they see it as its own thing they will dig it
wow that's edgy, user
This....kinda breaks my kokoro....
Triee reading the manga and the dialogue between characters was incredibly boring to me.
I'll pass on this.
that's a lie.
like it was said overused and not funny but thats how it is on 4ch i heard, first time here
Dimple at Ep02?
they kept the japanese name for him so it's 'Ekubo'
I'm more interested in Murata's new cooking manga
looks like it, would be dope if they could start the hanazawa arc by ep 2 and not drag it out. Like they did with boku hero
they're doing 24 episodes so there is a chance they take their time.
ONE was also helping for the anime so the events might be a little different from the manga.
I've been a huge fan of ONE for a while and i never seen him say this. I also doubt that a web comic with no set release dates, released on his own website makes him more money then the way more popular remake or his actual paid work aka Mob
Just ignore and report obvious shitposters like this one and pic related.
wouldnt that be too many episodes tho? i hope they get the scar arc done in 12 eps
Doesn't this not have a redrawn version like OPM does? Maybe this is a soft confirmation of them animating the parts of OPM that haven't been redrawn yet.
no and no way.
MP100 is ONE's main project.
OPM is just a side thing he does for fun which is why he didn't mind Murata coming onboard.
>this series actually know what it wants to be?
The fuck are you talking about? OPM is an action comedy manga. Several jokes involve putting a humorous spin on standard battle manga scenarios. Mostly comedic in nature but also has a lot dramatic scenes, world building, plot threads, and a few character arcs. How else could someone interpret the series? What identity issues are you claiming it has?
stop spouting bullshit
no doesnt have one, murata did draw one small pic of all the main chars but not more than that. And i am not sure if they could adapt the awesome panels of the manga with cool choreo like murata did from scratch
Don't respond to bait sincerely, espicially tripfag bait.
It has the same sort of humor. I say give it a look, user.
They animated that just because he has the same face than OPM isn't it?
>They animated that just because opm was successful
i fixed
This isn't true.
One said that he doesn't go out his way to write or draw OPM, he does what he think is fun and he just wait for inspiration and write/draw when he feels like it. Mob psycho is his main work so he put more of an effort writing and creating a proper story.
Animation looks stiff. If this is the best they have for the trailer the main thing will be a trainwreck.
So realistically, will ONE ever be able to this good?
what do you mean?
dont quite get the question but yea they look like saitama cuz the design of saitama was the only design that was taken straight from the webcomic. so for anime only or even redraw only people it may look like that but ONE draws all of his chars like that in all of his works
it's close.
The animators managed to pull off ONE's style while being miles ahead in terms of anatomy, perspective, colors etc.
ONE has been improving and I'm wondering if he'll ever get to that level
You know anime studios have to plan their works at least a year or two in advance. So how do u think did they know that OPM will get successful. Also apart from that, while OPM was quite successful overseas it did only decent in Blu ray and manga sales in Nippon
Opm anime was last year
>Mob psycho is his main work so he put more of an effort writing and creating a proper story.
Meh. I thought the Exorcist arc was a great example of storytelling and character development but the Claw Boss arc that came right after was terrible aside from a few scenes. I also think the future events OPM is setting up in the webcomic are a lot more interesting than what's happening in Mob now. I do not know where else Mob Psycho could go after having an arc that felt like such a climactic end to the series.
i actually wonder how good ones art would be if he really tried and took his time. Following deadlines takes a toll on ur art
It was pretty shit during the DBZ arc. Didn't pick it up again,maybe it got better.
what i am trying to say is that both bones and madhouse started planning their titles probably at the same time, takes a lof time to organize an anime that has such a level of sakuga in every episode
Theyre not published by the same company and i dont remember murata working for Shogakukan. unlike the original OPM which is an independant webcomic ONE works on in his spare time, Mob Psycho 100 is 100% commercially published and worked on by ONE alone.
stop being an ignorant fanboy
he takes time with Mob. It's online like OPM.
do I have to watch one punch man to watch this?
it's on my backlog anyway so...
read it in one go, having to wait weeks for a upadate really sucked the fun out of it, its still not my favorite arc but its decent shonen material
i'm not a fanboy or anything, you're spouting bullshit.
Mob psycho lost in a poll about getting an anime by its online magazine Urasunday. The reason it's getting an anime is because OPM was successful.
Just fuck off from Sup Forums
nope no need for that, there may be some references that u could miss but they are basic so u could even notice them without watching OPM
The exact moment you ask and get more than five replies... well fuck.
you will miss the cameo in episode 01 about Reigen trying to defend himself with a picture of Saitama in his phone
shit, i spoiled
Dude they started production before the hpye of OPM even started. u know one of the reasons why kameda the character desginer in mob psycho and key animator in OPM couldnt do any cuts in the finale ep vs boros was cuz he was busy with something else(mob)
There's only one way to ruin this, and is if it's one cour.
Planning of an anime starts circa 2 years in advance. When Mob was green-lit, OPM wasn't even announced.
mob a cute. A CUTE
not really, since there was a poll about it.
>When Mob was green-lit, OPM wasn't even announced.
Are you retarded?
They pretty much improved by 100% ONE's "art". Kept the vibe of it, actually good drawings but stylized, and way cuter girls.
No, I'm just stating facts. It takes 1,5 to 2 years since the initial decission to adapt a manga/LN/whatever to anime to the broadcast
just think it through for ur assumption to make sense they would have started production of Mob psycho 7 months ago. thats just not possible and would give us animation on ep 5 db super lvl
the production of OPM began before Mob. So you're retarded. I don't want to repeat what i said before so just reread.
I heard this manga is selling like dogshit.
i don't think a lot of people will buy a manga that's poorly drawn, especially in the west.
>inb4 Togashi art is bad meme
anyone got a source on how bad it really is, but i guess it doesnt matter , only hardcore fans would buy it cuz its free on ONEs webpage
I'm not not sure what you're trying to say
If you're implying that's anywhere near the anime quality you might wanna check your eyes
>unironically replying to bait tripfag
> >inb4 Togashi art is bad meme
The lazy storyboards level pages gets redrawn properly for the tankbon anyway.
Visually, the show already looks much better than One Punch Man.
ONEs art is totally fine of course not on par with Miura or Inoue, not even in the slightest but i think it enhances the humour a lot and thats why bones stick with it and only made it prettier
It would look like Mob Psycho 100. ONE isn't some super-skilled draftsman who is just a slack-ass cunt, he draws in a way that reflects his skill and his preferences.
it's was a joke omake, chill out.
i dunno if it's supposed to be bad. His art grow on me.
>i dunno if it's supposed to be bad. His art grow on me.
+ it's funny reading the manga with this art. Not everyone will like it though.
well i love his art would even put him into my fav mangako list. i am prob sounding like a super fanboi haha, but iam being honest
>way cuter girls
They're just sameface anime girls, user.
Can you really blame a new person for thinking it's trash though?
for people who only read the webcomics they are looking fuking good
Murata is really only good as a technical artist, his designs and style are pretty generic in of themselves.
Personally I much prefer the ONE takes on everything because it's unique.