What's most important for Sup Forums in terms of their anime/manga?
Here's mine
1. Art
2. Interesting Characters
3. Non Retarded MC
4. Story
5. Good Ending
6. Voice Acting
7. Reread/watchability
Pic clearly unrelated
What's most important for Sup Forums in terms of their anime/manga?
Here's mine
1. Art
2. Interesting Characters
3. Non Retarded MC
4. Story
5. Good Ending
6. Voice Acting
7. Reread/watchability
Pic clearly unrelated
Not Kyoani, not moeblobs
Doujin quality
Do a ranking pleb scum
Follow suit like I did
1. Interesting characters
2. Non retarded MC
3. Good voice acting
4. Cohesive story/plot
5. Art
1. Do I like it?
2. The end.
Is it entertaining? That's the only thing. If it entertains me, I watch it more. If it does not entertain me, I stop watching it. How complicated does cartoon watching really need to be?
Good story
Well developed characters
>I'm a pleb with no fucking standards.
Why is art so low?
Visuals are the whole point of watching anime or reading a manga, rather than reading a traditional book.
1. Not being a battle shonen
1. Art direction
2. Interesting character (including MC)
3. World building
4. Art
5. Story
6. Explainable ending (like it's being subtlety hinted since the first eps or something like that)
Why are you watching these things? Are you on some sort of tireless search for something of value among the pile of hay that is all of Japanese animation? Or are you just trying to sit back and relax and be entertained for a half hour?
You're retarded if visuals are your priorirty
Basing this on manga but
Art and an interesting and compelling protaganist is the most important to me.
Really good music if we're talking anime is pretty important to me too.
Visuals are the most important thing hands down. Literally if visuals don't matter then why even read manga rather than a book?
Both you braindead retard.
You tireless search though, what is it for? I'm guessing something relating to art since that was your number one. Are you an artist, or an art student by chance? I think it should be difficult to conduct a tireless search while relaxing though, so maybe don't do both this time. No need for name-calling here. I'm really just trying to understand why you have this whole system for ranking and evaluating these bits of entertainment. If you feel like I'm trying to encourage you to join me in just enjoying the ride, then maybe I came on a little too hard. Far be it from me to tell anyone else how live their life, user. I'm just a seeker, like you.
I wonder if you might answer a quick question too, just curious. Do you take hundreds and hundreds of screenshots of everything you watch and save them in folders forever?
I took this as a list of the most important things, disregarding the myriad other reasons to watch a show. All other considerations fall under those 5 for me, art being the fifth.
For the great story or for the director's great work? Maybe it's just really funny?
1. Well developed characters and dialogue/narrative (Kyoani is king at this)
2. OST/music I can honestly enjoy a series with mediocre OST, but a good one goes a long way
3. Art (Once again. Kyoani is king)
4. World Building (this can be done through side characters as well)
Angst (plot and characters)
No matter how great it is, the way it's presented is key
You probably would be hesitant to eat a plate of the best tasting food on earth if I presented it to you looking like rat shit
ANd yet, for it to be "the best tasting" someone had to have tasted it, and others to confirm. Clearly the way it looks isn't really that important in this example, because it's food.
Anime is a visual medium though, I get that. But there's more to it than just that. It's the fact that the visuals are moving that makes it anime, or animated to use an English word. It's not just a stationary piece of art hanging on a wall in a frame. It's thousands of frames all combining to form something. And beyond the frames, there's also the different sounds to consider, the voice work, and the music.
isn't 2,3 and 5 a part of 4
What do you all mean by "art"? Just the visual style or visual gimmicks or the animation or the colour schemes or the composition of all of this? And how do you evaluate all this, do you go for certain visual styles, like more to contemporary common traits or more experimental or what ever. Does the animation have any place or is it just the visual style? How do you understand art in this context?
Get out frogshit
I'm not an artist or something like that.
I just want to understand what I'm watching so I can appreciate it more. If I liked an anime I want to be able to explain why, so I can assure myself I understand what I watched and how I perceived it. Saying you liked an anime because it was fun is cancerous as fuck imo.
And while most anime are shit, even shit series have well made and interesting aspects in it.
I'm not one of those elitists that will argue that theirs thoughts are objectively right, but I'm not a pleb who watched something and doesn't think about it afterwards either.
I don't even have a ranking on my own. A show can have generic characters but amazing art and music and still be good. Like Sword of the Stranger for example.
And yes I make hundreds of screenshots and save them forever but only if there's a really good looking scene or a funny or interesting quote.
>Kyoani is king at this
I second that
No, characters can carry a shitty story, like Kazuma in Stigma of the Wind
Also a good story and premise can have weak characters that are just taken along for the ride.
And a non retarded MC is just anyone who isn't a "muh friendship" guy
There will be people who eat it, just like there's people who will watch anime with shitty art, but my point is, the first turn on/turn off is the art, and if the art is bad, then no matter how good the story is, you won't be able to reach as many people. But with good art and a shitty story, you'd still have a large platform to reach.
>if the art is bad, then no matter how good the story is, you won't be able to reach as many people. But with good art and a shitty story, you'd still have a large platform to reach.
Well, alright. I think we can agree on something then. I'd argue that those who put too much value in art might be missing out on some things where the artwork is average at best, but the story is worth watching.
See for me, the one thing that has always amazed me about animation is the freedom it gives to a creative mind to tell their story. You'd see things happening in cartoons every day that were the pure stuff of make-believe, but there it was happening every day. Someone else's make-believe fantasies made it to my eyes, almost completely uninhibited by the laws of the natural world. That's fucking cool. So I guess for me, my number one thing when determining some sort of extrinsic value for an anime series would have to be direction. Given the freedom of the composition of thousands and thousands of frames of lines on paper, what did you try to do with it? Did you make some cool thing that left a lasting impression with it, or just try to sell some shitty LN?
fuck your reductionist bullshit if it's good it's good
I'd read anything but if they draw based from symbols and shit (big eyes but the rest of the body is QUALITY) it is offputting.
But it's fun to figure out why you like things
>you won't be able to reach as many people
That's doesn't have anything to do with the quality of the show, though.
Tell me: what's your take on stuff like Ping Pong?
Maybe for actual autists. I think regular people are capable of understanding their feelings just fine.