What the hell are these? They're popping up around bridges & tunnels in NYC

Some sort of anti drone device?

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New glory hole technology


You're a leaf.. wtf are you asking about shit in NY? I know what they likely are but want to know why you want to know?

what's behind the grill?

Traffic lights

Cvm Qveens

initial thought was something to help with bomb detection.. but that doesn't seem right when I really think about it.. really fucking weird

Why are you snow niggers so obsessed with our shit? You have fucking SLAVES in Canada now; google trilcorps industries and you will see that all of your licence plates in Ontario are made in Lindsey jail in Ontario and unlike in US PRISONS where PRISONERS are paid 50 cents an hour, your JAIL inmates (significantly lesser crimes) are forced to work on an assembally line for free. Fix your own shit

I Said what I thought they were in the OP you dopey fuck. I'm curious.

Jeebus H. Christ anons, chill
Fall is nigh, but its not day of the rake yet

What's your opinion on the current state of Canadian prisoner worker rights?

Give me one rational argument why we shouldn't make criminals slaves. Also the homeless would be better off enslaved. In our developed society we would keep slaves in good conditions so they can function for maximum profit.

The provided toothpaste tubes are too small

Fuckin 1984 Human Wrangling Towers. I bet there's some audio or hard drive shit inside. Those chode cannons are probably face and plate scanners

i know what they are but im not to talk about it yet.


All these garbage shills deserve to be shot in head

spill the fucking beans or LARP your heart out you fucking nigger i don't care what you do, just don't fucking jerk us around

Skynet that's what it is.

they use those to access your cell phone's hard drive

Infrared camera to catch "terroists" aka anyone the CIA is looking for the moment they go into NYC from one of their major hubs. Moral of the story. Take the BQE to Ikea and use the Ikea ferry to enter Manhattan if you are afraid of being watched.

Its a traffic/person monitoring camera system. They're in pretty wide use these days around the US, Yurop, and China too. TrapWire is the big commercial vendor. You can see videos of the software on youtube, its super neat. Been around for a while too.

Make sure to surround license plate with IR spectrum led floodlights

IKEA has cameras all over the place and I'm prettty sure those ferrys are packing cameras too

i remember this from like 5 years ago

5 years ago they said they were going to put up these types of sensors that could detect traces of like explosive or shit in the air

idk, but i be this is probably related

maybe this;

>According to Nature magazine, in an undisclosed location in the northeast, Homeland Security has been testing its Future Attribute Screening Technology (FAST) program which is designed to 'sense' and spot people who intend to commit a terrorist act.

>According to the DHS privacy impact document, there are five remote sensors that can measure heart and respiration rates, and remote eye trackers that can measure pupils, position and gaze of eyes. There are also thermal cameras as well as audio to analyze pitch changes in human voices. High resolution video is used to analyze facial expressions and body movement. "Other sensor types such as pheromones detection are also under consideration."


Our time is running out.

Google "workhouse". That shit wasn't comfy af and it won't be when you retards implement I again

meh. some hipster devs with tech that will never be used

But I can already read minds and xfer thoughts. Why would they need tech when they can clone me.

It's probably some shit that allows them to look inside cars, and they don't want to say that because of the fourth amendment implications.

Ahhhh, isn't it nice to have military technology used on us lowly tax-paying Americans?

>realise you're walking by a terrorist detecting machine
>hope you don't set off a false positive with the computer
>get nervous
>set off the alarm because you're so nervous
>get arrested
>denied basic human rights
>imprisoned indefinitely
>tortured to death because you don't have any information to give the CIA
only in the land of the free

Something that big is gonna have many multiple secret things in it. But don't worry about it. You have nothing to hide.

These "towers" seem to be just a flood light to light up the immediate surrounding area. The areas seem to be high vehicular traffic spots. However it is not optimal for that because 2 of the 3 sides are pointing at the wrong direction.

The design is rather over designed on the selection of materials and the construction seems to be for decoration and durability rather than any technical purpose. The all metal mesh construction which would be bad for any cell signal type activity. The thing has no visible camera and not optimal for camera type of work. The overall design of the tower including the little crest in front of it indicates is extremely superfluous and masturbatory.

It cannot be communications equipment housing either because the open mesh is not really protective enough for that, plus there seems to be no access panel.

Conclusion: the entire tower is really not optimally designed for any type of purpose other than being a big wanking monument to house a few poorly implemented LED flood lamps. The whole big metal overbuilt quality with a superfluous crest in front screams it is a PSYOP prop, probably some sort of crime/terrorism deterrent.

The lamps probably don't even light up.

To add: the big metal elements for the lamps are extremely superfluous and crudely designed when they can't even hide or harden the cable to the lamps with some anti-tempering sleeve. Anyone intent to disable the lamps can easily climb up and just snip the wires. (The big base might just be a big anti-climbing protection.)

The whole thing smells like a big wank. NYC probably got scammed by some private security firm.

this will catch a lot of mentally unstable homeless people looking at attractive women. good job Homeland Security


> Heavy-duty (vandal proof) and porus (lots of little air holes)?

If I had to guess; expensive miniture mass-spectrometers. Every chemical compound known to man are in MS databases. These things can tell you exactly whats in the air down to insane accuracy.

White privilege scanners.

can't wait for a cellphone with it, that's basically a tricorder right there

>day of the rake yet

Nice reference. I wonder how may caught it, though. Stephenson not really big with Amerifags

>In our developed society we would keep slaves in good conditions so they can function for maximum profit.

Ah, yes, the workhouses of Dicken's industrialized England

Walk by one of these things and the CIA will known what kind of shampoo you use.

>living in cities

enjoy your Orwellian shithole

>sensors that can measure heart and respiration rates
So what, any jumbo burgers not sweating with a pulse of 180 just driving their mobility scooters will be suspect?

repeaters for under/above ground networking, they didnt want to go with leaky feeders because they want to know where people are when they use the system

Yes but are they scanning a database looking for matches? Probably not

looks like they light up with pretty bright LEDs when events occur around them, too, could be some kind of strobing light that would be super-annoying to disperse crowds too

>anybody who posts about things I don't want to talk about is a shill
Please. Just go back to plebbit and never come back. I'm begging you.


Just one more step toward the end. This will go nicely with the mark of the beast.

>Nothing to see here, goyim

tl;dr anti-antifa devices probably and networking, there's likely a loud ass siren in them too

I'd say the most logical explanations are either an art installation or possibly vents for gasses to escape since i believe they are building a new subway in NY?

I wouldn't worry about it.

OR you can just deport every non-white.

All of this intrusive terrorist senssing/image scanning shit could be avoided if we had just NOT LET THE SAND NIGGERS IN IN THE FIRST PLACE

would make sense if the tower with lights on it housed the antennas and was some kind of cellphone surveillance tower like the EU did to all of their cities to steal your texts

Apple expresses intent to integrate new Li-fi technology into iPhone7, set to be released later this year with faster speeds and enhanced privacy that may undermine anti-terrorism efforts.

...Li-fi uses frequencies generated by LED bulbs, which flicker at a rate of thousands of times per second, to transmit information wirelessly. The flickering transmissions have led Li-fi to be dubbed by some as the "digital equivalent of Morse code."....

LiFi - How every LED light could connect you to the Internet

Wireless data from every light bulb
Published on Aug 2, 2011

Who needs riot cops when you have street-size extensible auto-fences to kettle in masses of protesters.

Relax, those are just showers. Now move along.

Paying criminals money to work is retarded, they should have to work for food and supplies instead. Else they can starve to death, who cares.

>anti drone device
Sorta correct, they house attack drones which will be released against any terrorist drones, which are due any day now.

Bampity boo, shills need no (You)s

>New technology