Lets discuss

Polygamy is the next taboo post modernists will support and promote under the premise of female choice. Is this a good or a bad thing?

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good, betas should not reproduce

Ofcourse it has doubled. The amount of muslims has doubled.

>alphas get literal harems
>spread their genes exponentially
>betas get nothing
>their genes die out

I see nothing wrong with this.

according to the latest pew research starbucks barista poll, 95% of americans support hiv positive anal sex

This shit has been on the rise for a long time. Some good friends of mine (liberals) have decided to open their relationships, marriages, etc. and become literal cucks. Super fucking weird but you can't tell someone that they will be getting divorced in the next year or two.

It's good in the sense that polygamous marriage societies are more likely to experience revolution

>Surprisingly, non-religious Americans are much more likely to approve of polygamy than people of faith. Gallup reported that “[b]etween 2011 and 2017, 32 percent of Americans who do not associate with a particular religion or have no religion at all said polygamy was ‘morally acceptable.’”

>Tyrone and friends notice Chad with multiple Stacies
>Jump him
>Rape Stacies
>Burn down house
>Everyone chimps out
>End result is genes selecting for violence

1. Import millions of Muslim men into Europe
2. Legalize polygamy to appease immigrants and destroy the native population even faster

There is literally nothing wrong with polygamy.

i rest my case.

>liberals are easily "enriched" by muslim preachers of tolerance

Its a terrible idea. Homosexuality at least is a one off. They write themselves out of the human story. Polygamy has permanent genetic consequences that it passes on to the next generation and all after it. In no way shape or form should we tolerate it.

This will NEVER happen in America for tax reasons. Republicans will get behind the idea that leftists will use this as a tax break.

Democrats won't be for it because can you honestly imagine the turmoil dumbass niggers would go thru trying to pay divorce fees? They have a hard time registering a vehicle let alone getting to court on time

polygamy literally enforces the idea of darwinism

sorry if you cant get 5 wives that will all spawn your children, beta male

>marrying one cunt, much less four

If some madman wants to deal with extra nagging and divorce rape, then who am I to deny him his right?

This will result in a massive white baby boom

Females "sync up" and have their periods together and encourage each other to get pregnant

The spawn of this age will rise up in righteous fury and destroy the world that made them

It's because they never have and never will draw any lines with females. It would be "too masculine". If some white Cali "man" felt any kind of connection with a girl or went on a date with one they automatically register that they're "something". When that girl fucks another dude of course the guy doesn't care. He's a "polygamist" but in reality he got shafted.

this. it must be punished by executions of the family members

>is the destruction of civilisation a good thing
Really activated my almonds

>Americans' 'Moral' Approval of Polygamy Has Doubled In the Last Decade

Translation: The population of Muslims and FLDS members in the US has doubled in the last decade.

>the average IQ will go down
>I see nothing wrong with this

See here

>ITT perfectly okay with another guy banging your wife

only done by CHOICE by white men and women.

Would marrying 2 girls who are sisters be degenerate?

it's good as polygamy is amoral, but bad because polygamy will be represented by kikefags to mean have one jamal for every luke and white women are dumb enough to actuslly do it. and white men are cuck enough to find more joy in the black child they support than the white child they created.

1% - 2%

What an increase!

the dual-sabered are better than single-wielders

its already super rampant in my uni but its honestly pretty much just when average to less than average looking guys get a gf thats way out of his league if that girl is a 'thot' and not a goodie good what i've seen is eventually the girl talks the boyfriend into it and the boyfriend cucks cause shes hotter than anything he would get
only see this in white guys tho

consider suicide then consider it again


>from 7% to 17% in bit more than a decade

We just keep slipping further and further away from civilization and back towards nature. New dark-age can't be far off now, if things keep going this way.

It seems like an emerging trend, where many avg roasties have gotten so used to getting pumped and dumped by Chads that they no longer have a grasp of their true relationship market value. So instead of going the depressed spinster route or finding a beta male they would have never touched in their 20s, they're starting to see polygamy as a real alternative . Why would they want to marry a loser who will never make them feel the way Chad makes them feel? These women always end up cheating on their beta male boyfriends anyway.

This has been the case in the black community, where it's common for black women who live in a given street corner to all have the same three or four baby daddies, whilst rest of the black men get nothing and they turn to violence to prove their masculinity. This is happening to you whites now. Now you're all chimping out.

Polygamous society's always end up matriarchs. A Father too busy to spend time with his Children, mother's abusing their children because they didn't see much of their fathers growing up, men turning into workaholics/alcoholics and become even more abusive/oppressive...

If you want to know what a polygamous society looks like, just look to the Middle East. If you aren't raped or honor killed as a kid, you get to strap a bomb on to feel important for once.

And all signs point to the fact that it is going to get worse. Feminists know this, which is why theyre prepping you all up by beating the masculinity out of you and turning you all into pacified cucks. You've all been warned.

It wouldn't. Historically it's upperclass and royalty that are able to afford having multiple wives.

Extremely bad. The rise of no-fault divorce, open relationships, and casual sex have all but destroyed monogamous relationships and nuclear families in the West. Legalization and broad social acceptance of polygamy would be the death knell.

You think it's hard finding a decent woman now? Imagine when every wealthy chad can legally support a harem.

The middle east is an alpha tribe society. Your status and desirability in the middle east, mostly corresponds to your tribe status and how close you are to the rulers of your society. The better example is probably the black community in the US.

>not taking multiple wives to produce dozens of white children

The sandniggers dont need law to fuck mutliple women. Niggers been doing it for eons. Its only the whiteman looking to enshrine this breeding process with marriage.

Yes, then the betas, who hold society up, have absolutely no reason to participate. Guess which class of men then crashes society one way or another?

Why would a man go through with polyamory instead of polygyny?

I mixed up polyamory and polygamy nvm

I also mixed up polyamory with polyandry

The only difference is white men feel responsible for giving all their children a good upbringing. How many children can most people really afford to have?

>hurdurr 90% of men shouldn't get the chance to fuck
Literally going to end up with everyone getting killed or the sex not industry being the next big thing since video games

betas wont stand up for themselves, let alone to the alphas, its exactly what makes them betas to begin with

The only polygamous relationships I've seen in the last decade, from my own experience, have been SJW/Modern Moralist type females with 2 or more boyfriends.

I once met a girl who seemed awesome, then found out she was with other men and invited me to be part of their "relationship". This destroyed all my faith in ever having a wife.

Women will destroy our society, as they destroyed Sparta.

Polygamy without Patriarchy is just women being whores and weak men putting up with it.

I have a lot of money and a lot of women nowadays are worthless and pretty much objects, I wouldn't have problems with having more than one wife at the same time.

On the other hand, people in open relationships are fucking dumb.

why is there even a 'moral' argument, monogamy is a construct of historical monarchies direction to the church go make it so
your moral compass is literally a European king told the church he'd like it that way, and they did it

Idgaf what goes on between consenting adults so whatever. Don't infringement on my right to privacy and hot threesomes with college thots. Also get tf off my lawn.

Polygamy is only acceptable if women aren't allowed to have multiple partners.

Very concise and well stated.

Polygamy will never be allowed in America because marriage confers an advantageous tax status in the majority of cases (there is a penalty if you're both high income earners).

Enjoy your stone age.

Monogamy is basic common sense for any society that doesn't want a bunch of unsexed angry men young running around pissed off that powerful old codgers took all the young women because that is what inevitably happens in any polygamist society. Polygamy ALWAYS ends up heavily gender-imbalanced because it makes no biological sense for a woman to have more than one male sex partner at a time, so they don't. Women in modern "poly" relationships are basically just cucking their beta providers.

Gadsden fags are the worst posters on this board

So now we're further in on the final stages of this:

All meme flag users are shit (except you Dixiebros, but only if you're not a fake southerner and the Dixie flag should just be mandatory and only available for all IPs from former CSA states)

Go away buckwheat.

let women have their "christian gray" they can all share the same alpha billionaire that they cry about not getting so much