New Crane Game.
Idol debut right now!
Crane Game Girls
Gorilla ceo is kill.
Don't trust her lies.
Poor bystanders.
Thank Buddha there's another episode. It will never end and keep going for eternity.
Newscaster is cute indeed.
I wish
I almost thought they might start dancing until crane games happened.
[anta ne intensifies]
They opened an online store.
This is your waifu for the day
That symbolism of the final super technique being the triangle. It's truly poetic.
What does it all mean?
Triangle's are one of the most sturdiest shapes as each corner is supported by the rest two.
The unbreakable friendship.
Is it over?
That means either they'll all pull through and become idols or they'll all die together and the Earth will idolize them as heroes.
They'll make it
What are the chances the show spontaneously goes grimdark and kills any of the characters? I need to know if I can unclench my anus after this suspenseful cliffhanger.
You may unclench your butt
What is this expression trying to convey?
>We are Dark Gorilla.
This line is making me crack up. Her receding hairline horns are cool though, looks like an ogre.
I was about to say how cute she is but if she beats random people up for no reason then I don't know what to think about her. At least there's another cute girl in her staff.
I want to feed her bananas.
Has the animation gotten better?
I wonder why they keep bringing randoms on board to voice unnamed characters lately. There was nobody aside from the core cast until episode 10. Are they still supporting the dream of becoming a seiyuu? If so, #BASED
I hope they pull a JK Meshi.
It's confirmed 13 episodes on Twitter tragically.
There's an 80% chance they'll die.