She deserved it
She deserved it
Is this PunPun?
I dropped it when PunPun killed Aiko's mother because I thought it was insufferably boring and trying to hard to act dark and felt like I was watching just one huge circlejerk created for edgy 17 year olds who think they're unique.
Does it get any better?
no she didn't you fag
hang yourself, edgelord
Pick up
yeah, aiko ends up killing herself
Wasn't she such a crazy cunt she stabbed one of punpun's eyes out?
punpun stab himself to commit suicide
No, before that in a restaurent-like place IIRC, Aiko stabbed Punpun's eye with a fork.
This was after the whole murder thing and by that point they were botch crazy and pun pun had beaten the shit out of her.
Nice puddle.
It was around this time that I realized PunPun had jumped the shark. Actually, I realized it when PunPun killed Aiko's mom, but it really just hit me at this part.
The manga started out as a coming of age story but devolved into just edgy angst. It's a real shame, the start was GOAT. All the characters were flawed but likable, and seeing PunPun grow from a innocent child into a flawed adult was awesome.
Then PunPun went full angst and the series immediately became shit. Nothing is resolved, and the ending just leaves a shitty taste in your mouth.
>it leaves a shitty taste in your mouth
I don't know, maybe that's the fucking point seeing as it is a transition into adulthood. Take it from a robot, life from adult pov is shit compared to adolescent/juvenile pov.
You say teen angst I say realism.
>Murders Aiko's mom
>Runs away from police
>Has Aiko stab his eye out
>"Transition into adulthood."
Maybe you should read what I wrote senpai. I literally said that his transition from childhood to adulthood was awesome but everything after Aiko's return was shit. PunPun maybe flawed, but he isn't a murderer or psychopath.
I completely agree with you user. The beginning and transition was fine. Aiko had to come and ruin everything. This bitch deserved everything that happened to her
>coming of age story
Retards like you dosn't deserve good manga.
Yea but didn't PunPun commanded her to?
yeah she did
Did she shit herself?
Fresh corpses generally do that, yes.
>jumped the shark
From the beginning Punpun was suicidal and fucking crazy. The uncle was his parallel when Punpun was a child and mentioned frequently that he hoped Punpun wouldn't go through the struggles he went through/be like him.
Aiko kills herself to effectively 'save' Punpun in her eyes and prevent him from dying. Although how that actually turns out is debatable. It's up to the reader to decide if he'll enjoy what he was given or not.
Nice detail. Thats my fetish.
Not sure if blood or excrements.
Im pretty sure Aiko killed herself because she was mental as fuck, nothing ti do with helping PunPun.
>PunPun maybe flawed, but he isn't a murderer or psychopath.
By the end of the manga, he is. That you didn't like him becoming that is other thing, but you can't say he dindu nuffin
you dropped it after the best part then you dont deserve to end it.
So overrated.