The Jew is the Ultimate Blue Pill

I'm officially off the NatSoc train.

'Muh joos' is literally the biggest blue pill you can take. It simplifies the entirety of the world with all its complexities and intricacies across human history and geo-politics, to the understanding of a 12 year old. I mean, its literally as basic as you can get. You're saying, there is one group of people, who are identifiable by race (about as basic as sport, making the opposition wear a different uniform), be responsible for everything wrong with society.

Not only that, but its implications in your own life are deadest retarded. Its essentially an excuse to be a fucking useless lazy piece of shit, because there is nothing you can do about the world. You can either attempt to 'fight the jew', and completely alienate yourself from everyone around you as they liken you to what is in there minds the most evil people in human history. Or, you can keep to yourself, and do fucking nothing about it, an easy excuse for pathetic laziness.

Of course we should fight cultural marxism. Of course we should be proud of our race. Of course 'muh six gorillion'. But sorry guys, fuck this whole jew thing. Its the ultimate blue pill and excuse for your own incompetency.

> i wonder who is behind this post!!!11! xDDD

Other urls found in this thread:


no shit race is real, thats not the fucking point. I agree, just without the anti jew shit. Fuck 'muh diversity', just not goy

Jews do have a disproportionate amount of power and influence and are seemingly immune from controversy that would get whites fired. Look, in the media they can openly shit on Christianity and whites. You say one word about Jews, you're toast. They shouldn't be exempt from criticism. No shit it's not the entire religion or race doing these nefarious things, but liberal Jew media always generalize "white" people as being racist or doing X so it's basically the same thing applied to them.

Of course, but it'd be the same if any other races had the levels of intelligence they do. I just hate the whole conspiratorial aspect of antisemitism. I hate the liberal jew media too, but because they are liberals and pawns of the global elite, not because they are jews. Again, of course most of the global elite is disproportionately Jewish, but its just a massive over simplification and miscalculation to say that it is their ethnicity/religion which binds them together, rather than simply their hatred for Western civilization or lust for power.

Jews are to dumb whites what whites are to dumb niggers. A scapegoat from a more successful race to blame all your failures on.

You're off natsco because of muh joos, good one, you can call them elites and still that won't take anything away from national socialism, pointing out people surnames isn't retarded

>I'm officially off the NatSoc train.

Goy bye.



This is fucking spot on. But then why the meme flag?

Do you know fucking nothing about national socialism? The entire premise is behind the Jewish Question, and their divide between Bolshevik Jews and International Capitalist Jews, forcing a third way. I cannot see how you could logically, or pragmatically be NatSoc and tolerate the jews. The only ideologies which make sense given these conditions are pro-Capitalist ones, like NatCap or AnCap, which I havent worked out which yet. Being a national socialist and tolerating the Jews is like being pro-White but marrying an Asian girl.

Fuck back to pleddit kike.

Welcome to adulthood, user. Its a confusing place

but there really is a corporate elite that controls americas global empire and a significant portion of that elite is jewish

Called this, well done you incompetent fuck. Mum said gtfo her basement.


> unironically uses fascist meme flag
At least NatSocs have some ideology, you pussy.

Glad you're off the train. Please leave and never come back.

>why the meme flag

Fun fact: having a nazi flag when saying wrongthink on Sup Forums annoys the hell out of them

t. filthy kike

Fuck of back to nsg you fat fuck.

Yes, of coure. I don't deny this. I just deny that it is exclusively a Jewish conspiracy, or that Jew-ness is involved whatsoever beyond family ties and higher intelligence.


dont plan on it leaf, I'm not 8 years old

t. my whiteness is all I have

niggers will still think jews are white and they will kill them too. This is literally going to turn into hell on earth like no joke we will probably be put into slavery by the nigs

Yeah no kidding. Obviously jews are responsible for some fucked up shit. Obviously the Rothschilds are jews and some of those fucked up families are jews. But everytime you slip on a banana peel doesn't mean a jew did it. The people I know that scream jews, jews, jews all the time also think Trump sucks, Alex Jones is disinfo, etc.. They don't see any victories.

> implying nigs are capable of enslaving whites

>nothing to see here goyim

So what is the jew's endgame if he shares the same fate as Whitey

National socialism is not anti semitism, Gobbles advocated against it, it just that they wanted jew out of Germany which I doubt is an unreasonable request


what is whiteslavery?

Look, I've seen plenty of reasonable evidence for the Jews, but this is probably the worst shit I've ever seen. This is embarrassing. Back to /nsg/ normie, maybe you'll find something comforting there.

> muh pyramids n sheit

Causing chaos and I think it be like one of their stories where the golem conjured by Jewish sorcerer ends up killing everyone, classic prank



>jewness isn't a factor other than higher iq and family ties.

Doesn't realize Israel has lower iq than global average.

And yes family ties... to other jews.

I'm sure it's just a (((coincidence))) 2% of population is 50% of jews with minorly higher iq at best.

"I'm against natsoc because of this"

Yes because natsoc is just jew hating, not an entire economic system which reinsentivizes white birth rates.

In conclusion you've left natsoc because they dislike jews even though it's a fact they make the majority of the global elite you speak of, and you completely ignore every other part of natsoc.


This is probably them most spot on thing I've heard about this whole debate. Instead of being faggots and complaining about the undue influence Jews have at the top of society, how about you just outjew the Jew? Niggers.

Yeah it's a half baked ideology for simpleton idiots, I've been saying this for years.. Good luck getting through to anyone on this site though, it's a breeding ground for these morons.

This is Sup Forums, not plebbit you filthy kike.

Yes my white heritage is very important part of my life, my friends my family, etc. But every time I point out that you kike filth interfere with my interests you screem about racism and muh holocausts. All I want for you is just fuck off back to the east european ghetto you crawled out of and stfu. But the problem is that you won't until the forced concentration.

> gobbles
This is retarded, Goebbels was explicitly anti-Semitic. Back to English class street shitter.

Yeah, great. I know. Communism is primarily a Jewish-led phenomenon. So what? Its also a male-phenomenon. Their Jewness is irrelevant, and primarily as a result of their already alienation in 19th century Russia, encouraging them to revolt.

The enslavement of Whites?

Intelligence, not Jewness.

>lets abandon western civilization for the Semitic mercantile model
No thanks, the Jews only prosper as much as they do because they have a healthy white society to parasitize. When whites fail Jews live like pigs, nobody can live well if everyone is just jewing everyone else.

I only found one reference in the bible Psalms 139 16. The golem is apparently synonymous word embryo. Where did you get that source?

Naming the jew isn't anti semitism, he advocates against anti semitism in his manual for national socialist, as you are pointing out language instead of making points I doubt you are particularly smart so

As I said before, NatSoc is primarily based upon anti-semitism. You cant be NatSoc and like the Jews. Its essentially impossible.

Did you make that meme yourself xDdD

Agreed, he said it better than anyone.

Couldn't agree more.

You've probably been here for like a year, since Trump. Fuck off

Cunt I'm literally full White as well. I'm saying its all you have. You're White, thats it

Really makes me think

You sound like a 16 year old.

Go read a book kiddo.

Your time is over.

>jewness has nothing to do with it

Litterally entire Talmud talks about controlling "gentiles"

"Islam has nothing to do with Islam goys"

>Iq not jewness

Israels iq is below global average.

>"yes jews created communism but jewness has nothing to do with it"


>Russia alienated jews

Complete lie link or it didn't happen.


Who gives a fuck if you are off the neetsoc train
You're just concern trolling at this point

The jewish people definitely have a bad history, theres no doubt they should be blamed as a boogeyman. People exaggerate it on these boards for two reasons:
1) To really show that there are a lot of things that are their fault
2) To make it seem like posters are braindead and don't critically think to make it seem like only dumbasses claim the jews did bad things, as Sup Forums is a zionist board

now fuck off and go get skin cancer

"The Jews" is kind of a lazy way to refer to global elite. Globalists is a better term



Nice try JIDF. The thing is I respect other cultures as well as mine. Your on the other hand...oh I almost forgot, you kikes have none.

>natsoc is mainly about antisemitism.

>impossible without it

Nope the nazis spent BILLIONS transferring jews to palestine peacefully.
(Havana transfer agreement)

And natsoc is an economic system not just jew hating.

Globalists is a pseudonymn for Jews that you can say in public without being attacked and forcibly removed from society.


>NatSoc means being a cartoonish JQer.
That is bait and a disingenuous representation of the ideology. Lurk more

This. Say globalism fort normies until they are white nationalist then bring up jq.

I wonder who's behind this po...
Oh fuck



Fuck off. I have Jewish blood, and most of all these liberal kikes who support degenerate behavior and filth, should be fucking gassed. Open border kikes, hang em all, as well as any goys who follow. This World needs mass cleansing, and God is tired of dealing with this shit. Clean it up or you're going to die.

what we need to do is arrrive at some kind of consensus for this

so on Sup Forums, everyone agrees that globalist is code for jew, and uses them initerchangably

We can trick normies into naming the jew and if we use it to mean jew i.e. start talking about 6 million globalists were gassed etc

The jews will inevitably fuck up and publicize this when they try to shut it down.

Jews in the desert have the best infrastructure, entertainment (memri is satire..sorta) , military, and alliances in the middle east
Don't you think go- I mean pol?

OP definitely has a circumcised penis.

Literally every complaint Sup Forums has about the Jews can be attributed to Asians, but don't worry goyim: they're honorary Aryans.

K, stay bluepilled there buddy.

And Nazi flag posters STILL continuing to be the worst posters on this board.

Its not spot on. So do you even kno why jews are blamed for everything? Because its a post ironic gag that has some basis in reality. It's also clear that you dont understand the nature of what race is and the temprement of the ashkenazi jews predisposes them towards; parasitism not a leader race.

Also natsoc germany had jewish members (mischlings)