North Korea EMP attack about to wipe out 300+ million Americans

>North Korea EMP attack about to wipe out 300+ million Americans
>0 threads about it

Aren't you worried? You're gonna be fapping and shitposting one day and then BOOM, shock/dead.

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cool keep me posted.


If only

Make a thread when it happens pls.



I wouldn't be too surprised if the media tried to completely cover up WW3, but if OP knows something it'd be helpful if he could explain the veracity of his information.

that's not how EMPs work user.

Plus - NK doesn't have any EMP's,
That technology is still beyond their realm.

Nice source faggot

that sounds like the most pleasureable expirence.

>300+ million
Let's increase those numbers

280 million americans realize they have no friends without social media.

>over 300 million dead from one bomb

You realize 300 million is the entire US population right?

Good thing I just moved to the country. I have a decent chance at survival.

EMP's aren't some special technology, it's what happens when a nuke detonates in the upper atmosphere. The electrical pulse fucks up circuit boards.

Israel will false flag to try and divert attention from being exposed.

Fuck Israel. They will lose. They are FUCKING SCREWED.

We won’t die right away.

The zap will just fry all our electronics and cars.

If you’re diabetic you should find a way to refrigerate your insulin without electricity otherwise you’ve got like 2 weeks to live, tops

>For conservatards

>For libcucks

Worried that I won't be able to watch the livestream of them getting glassed afterwards? Yes.

>Plus - NK doesn't have any EMP's,
electronics-frying EMP is let off as the result of any nuclear explosion. an airburst nuclear detonation in the right spot could destroy every sensitive electronic device over the entire continental united states

300 million dead from an EMP even. a thing that could fry great grandpas rotary phone.

that's why I wear a Faraday cage 24/7


oh shit

>tfw helicopters near my house

When's it gonna happen


>Soviet Union EMP attack about to wipe out 240+ million Americans
>0 threads about it

Aren't you worried? You're gonna be fapping and shitposting one day and then BOOM, shock/dead.





Why not just bomb something normally. It's not like NK has the force projection to invade and take over the infrastructure that an EMP might save, and it's not like 300 million people will die from an EMP. I doubt it would be more than a couple thousand.


Hit LA plz.

well, i hate almost half of them already so i don't really care. this will affect degenerate dems the most anyways. come on kim, you dicklet fatass!


Go To Sleep

It would be the wake up call this generation so desperately needs

I just hope it hits when my wife and child are home with me. I have enough food, water and ammo to last for awhile but if our cars die at work we might never see each other again.

My farts do more damage than Nork toys.



>worried about amerifat lives

>zero threads about the same stupid le habbening bullshit that never happens


I live for societal collapse. I can't wait for nuclear war to turn the rest of the world outside the US into ashes so I can play Fallout or for yellowstone to erupt so I can play STALKER irl.

Emp mainly affects conductors that run a long distance like powerlines. My car and the rest of my stuff should be fine. I prepped for collapse months ago.

If north korea had the balls to launch a fucking nuke into the stratosphere and cause a emp storm over the planet they would be fucking geniuses. They would wipe out the vast majority of electronics which means every faggot with their new iphone is immediately the owner of a 800 dollar brick. Internet and media addicts are now barren without a source. Porn? hope you got jc penny mags.

There is absolutely nothing else on this planet that could single handedly unify the majority of the planet to completely fucking erase your existence with hellfire.

Pls rocketman.

EMPs aren't long range from point of detonation

You're going to take out more electronics by ICBMing a few power stations than dropping an empire over the center of New York or LA

You spin me right round baby

>They failed
My fucking sides

Because it's very difficult to have an ICBM reenter the atmosphere accurately and without damage. It's a much simpler and effective design if they only need to send a hydrogen bomb up and not back down.

heh heh just like vietnam

nice try faggot

It would be like if Kim cmmitted suicide on behalf of all of NK. A second after most of the US was without power our most potent military assets wouldnt be, and without regard for hearts and minds theyd vaporize NK

Pedro, what is that?

Well if the pornweb is broken ...
I guess we'd just settle for 3D.

Gonna be so cool for NKers for about 5 seconds until they get vaporized and their land is turned into glass.

Yeah. If the USA was facing an event that big our boys in the bunkers would make an example out of them to the rest of the world.

>not being in Texas with your own power grid. unlike you East coats and west coast casuals. enjoy your unprotected surge banks. ill be living with my AC and shit posting through the apocalypse.

From an atheist perspective I'd be more worried about the rapture than these magical emp attacks

US trident test over LA into the pacific. The boosters provide enough energy to ionize nitrogen and oxygen giving you the blue haze.

giant flying sperm

how does an emp kill people?

An EMP has the potential to kill MILLIONS more than a nuke ever could, you uneducated simpleton.

>North Korea EMP
Cool, I get to use all that firewood I have and try out the new Eno.

I'm fine with it.
RIP in peace Americucks. Take your "western culture" down with you.

>tfw the only thing that will happen in the US is people actually going outside for once, because no internet.

ANYTHING electronic instantly becomes unusable. That includes any automobile, including tractor trailers. So that means grocery stores become dead in the water, which means no food.

>living in the city

There's your mistake right there.

When did I ever mention living in the city? Almost every American depends on grocery stores.

this country fully deserves it

People act like EMP is a magical anti tech ray. In reality its mostly going to effect the power grid by blowing up transformers and starting a lot of fires. The majority of electronic appliances would be fine because they dont contain enough circuitry to induce a harful charge. It would simply be an expensive matter of replacing a bunch of power lines and transformers. The only real issue is civil unrest delaying reconstruction. But its a non issue. I dont think people understand how powerful and accurate our detection systems are. First we got missile defence sites in south korea, then japan, then the ones on boats in the pacific, alaska, hawaii, then the US mainland. We can scramble fighters too. Any missile carrying an EMP payload would have to make it past dozens of overlapping fields of detection and defences first.

I actually got to play with an old radar unit once in kuwait. It was circa 1980's tech and it was capable of detecting individual birds and pedestrians dependant upon sensitivity and angle of scan.

Like no shit, we saw a bedouin like 5 miles away with our perimeter optics walking around, fiddled with the settings and successfully pinged him. Computer read "GROUND CONTACT, 1.8M SURFACE AREA, 1.2 M/SEC NORTH, ALTITUDE 0 AGL" In otherwords this ancient radar array was telling us the body surface area, walking speed, and direction of travel on a single guy. Im sure they have even better now.

By turning off the power grid that pretty much all of our infrastructure relies on halting services and making it impossible to ship food and shit. These disruptions lead to famine and large scale civil unrest.

>implying NK tards would get past our air defense system

Wrong actually. EMP works by inducing charge on metallic surfaces. Its incredibly weak, so for it to have effect it would need to have a huge surface area. Powerlines mostly.


Ah hah! I always suspected most people were secretly robots...

I live in the least likely place to ever be bombed with anything so no I'll be fine.



This. And the Norks fucking know it, which is why they won't dare.

All our ICBM bunkers are EMP-shielded, and if we got hit first we'd nuke North Korea until the entire country glowed red. They know it, too. That's why everything their fat fuck ruler has said is garbage. Mattis and Kelly won't let Trump attack first, so the US will sit tight. North Korea knows hitting us first would be suicide. So nothing will happen.

Can EMP hurt the innocent computer? Why would anyone do that!? Killing people I can understand but leave the computers alone!

have you ever heard this guy speaking? talk about a chain smoker voice

>300+ million Americans

Is this supposed to imply that over 300M US citizens have pacemakers?

Just read one second after, it's all about Korea EMPing us.

Okay. For what purpose would NK do this?
What do they gain out of this other than hellfire?



>that's not how fire work user.

>Plus - the orcs doesn't have any fire,
>That technology is still beyond their realm.

I think you need to stop losing sleep over someone who can't even nuke Guam when he says he will. Both Trump and Kim are all talk.

Because a single low orbit EMP is a declaration of victory.

It's completely debilitating.

What would worrying achieve?

Big if true.

The same reason NK does anything.
Shitposting on a global scale.

In reality, Seoul and Tokyo are more screwed than anywhere in USA. Even then, there's no major emergency and everyone's carrying on while occasionally rolling their eyes and telling Kim to stfu.

You're not at least a little worried?

run downstairs and pretend your mom is Sup Forums

North Korea cna't do shit.

>implying they aren't bleating about this today

Only if

Because I don't believe that. I believe maybe 80 million could die, but I think it's a load of shit that 95% of the USA would be dead.

You get an EMP from a nuke, that's how we discovered it....

>rest in peace in peace
We will all go together :)

>You're gonna be fapping and shitposting one day and then BOOM, shock/dead.




he cant you idiot we will be dead reeeeeeeeee

