How will you ever recover?
How will you ever recover?
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The left can't meme
Stop stealing jew and nazi jokes you commie faggots.
Why the fuck are liberal memes so god damn wordy? The best memes don't even have any text. If the animation can't get your message accross you failed.
Why can't the left make a decent meme?
Wrong arm
this. It's just sad.
Hey, do you remember when a bunch of antifa said that they were going to punch Nazis but when actual Nazis showed up they didn't punched any of them? I sure do.
The verbosity and long windedness of this bullshit brings back painful memories of the Obama and Joe Biden memes. Holy fuck are libshits unfunny.
Also the overly long explanation of how the term friendzoned is misogyny in that one Borderlands game
I might be in the minority here, but I think memes in general are just garbage.
Recovery is impossible
it's because you need a lot of words to dress up lies. truth is easier on the lips.
Well they've just ruined the meme.
who is this dude
Nice unfunny hyperbole.
Please be referred to Leddit politicalHumor, you will fit there.
Charlemagne. Executed a whole bunch of Saxon pagans and started the Viking Age.
Charlemagne, a shaft of light in a dying age.
But noone wants to do those things to PEOPLE, why are PEOPLE so upset?
Charlemagne started the Frankish Empire, not the Viking age.
The supreme leader who united Germany under one language, cultural identity by conquering the Saxons.
Carolingian Empire apparently.
>the only ones that can make funny jokes against us is us
so fucking true
I need to start tallying the # of times per day this tired thread rears its head.
>massacre in 782
>saxon wars lasted until 804
>first viking raid is said to have been 789
>this germanic christian kingdom suppressing pagans totally had nothing to do with pagan raids that started AFTER the suppression...
>Not letting non-whites into white territories is murder.
Who is murdering them?
I guess the "left can't meme" shit was true.
>The left can't me-
Mate, the Saxons started it by raiding the Church at Deventer, secondly the Vikings were the Scandnavians. Thirdly they raided England first.
And finally considering how the Norse loved to raid one another as often as christian Europe I don't think they gave a rat's arse about some tribe of swamp Germans, they just wanted slaves and wealth.
No. They really can't.
Other brown people mostly.
>"The left can't meme" became a meme
even if the text was decent the exclamation point tarnishes the whole thing as it doesn't capture skinner's inflection
> the Saxons started it by raiding the Church at Deventer,
I bet you support the destruction of mosques on Christian lands. Christianity was a foreign culture that had showed up and started building shit on holy sites.
>And finally considering how the Norse loved to raid one another as often as christian Europe I don't think they gave a rat's arse about some tribe of swamp Germans,
The "vikings" were from many parts of Scandinavia, but a large portion were Danes. It even says in the Saxon wars article that many Saxons fled to the Danes, which is probably how the Vikings got the idea to start raiding.
in an alternate universe whoever made this meme is crying that Donald trump didnt win cause the nuclear war with russia happened with hillary over her bombing of iran
Nah they really can't meme. Politically correct memes are just shit.
Its humor for people who aren't funny. They get to plug in situational into a ready-made joke and pretend they came up with it.
Basically humor communism.
>I bet you support the destruction of mosques on Christian lands.
Not just on Christian lands.
And nor was Europe entirely Norse. so a great non sequitur there.
And again, the Saxons started it. What nigger tier philosophy do you expect that allows for one people to raid and pillage and expect no retaliation? Doesn't matter if they're new if you have religious qualms murder them all instead of engaging in low end banditry, like civilized folk.
I bet the leftists who like/share this image feel so smart and pat themselves on the back for it, but the thing is I'm not homicidal nor genocidal, and neither are most people they'd describe as nazis. They aren't aware of what we believe because they shrink back in self-righteous moral indignation whenever we start to talk about it.
jesus this is so shit tier. What's the point of the background or the font? Are you making fun of a the_donald user? Do you think we're the_donald posters here?
This is why leftists can't meme, you fags don't understand what you're trying to mock so you fail really hard at it
right memes:
>edgy but funny
>provokes thought
left memes:
>rips off fashwave by rightists
>insults pepe but provides no alternatives
by laughing at fags that use mainstream cartoons for unironic political messages. the faggy equivalent of anime profile pics
>And nor was Europe entirely Norse.
Who cares? What does this have to do with anything?
> What nigger tier philosophy do you expect that allows for one people to raid and pillage and expect no retaliation?
Since you seem incapable of thinking from the perspective of other people, allow me to construct an analogy that you might be able to empathize with.
Say you're a Christian King sitting on your own minding your own business and all of a sudden all these other white Christians show up at your doorstep after fleeing from their land. They tell you this story of how Muslim whites from the south started proselytizing and desecrating their churches, so they burned a mosque down in retaliation and the Caliph executed thousands of them and began more aggressive conversions.
Do you:
1. Chastise the people who share your religion for staying true to their god and trying to rebel, and refuse to take any action at this expanding hostile culture
2. Realize that you're in a state of active war with this foreign religion that will inevitably encroach further north, as they had been doing for centuries now
If you're not a retard you'll choose 2. and that's what the Danes did.
>inb4 Germanic tribes fought all the time over resources
Non-argument. Christians fought each other all the time, even Christians of the exact same race. Christian Europe was waging war as much as pre-Christian Europe, if not more so.
>inb4 there was no kinship between Northern Pagan tribes due to faith or culture
Celtic tribes in Britain were known for fighting all the time, yet they all united into a group called the Picts for the purpose of fighting the Romans, who were foreign to all of them.
behold the stereotypical lefty meme
fuck this one is way better than mine, saved.
Oh well, I've spent 2 minutes on WordArtOnline kek
do you have others?
I haven't liked anything for years. Some of syria general's early stuff was nice, /bant/ is garbage, everything sucks. Why do I come here.
They never dare to try stepping over the line and won't say anything that isn't inoffensive and bland.
yours is good too. The wording was funny and i'd use it. no need to spend a lot of effort in an image editor to mock losers
Why are you lefties so bad at memes ?
It's like all lefties just lack creativity to make anything funny at all it's just cringy.
also sage niggers
>Say you're a Christian King sitting on your own minding your own business and all of a sudden all these other white Christians show up at your doorstep after fleeing from their land. They tell you this story of how Muslim whites from the south started proselytizing and desecrating their churches, so they burned a mosque down in retaliation and the Caliph executed thousands of them and began more aggressive conversions.proselytizing and desecrating their churches
And the Franks assailed the Saxons and desecrated their holdings before they did when?
Christians built churches on pagan holy sites all the time. They turned the Pantheon in Rome into a church. They toppled many temples and so forth. This is all well documented
Are you suggesting that they stopped these extremely successful practices as soon as they reached Northern Europe and decided to let the pagans keep their holy grounds? They erected crossed on Gaulish prayer grounds, why wouldn't they do it to the Germans? In fact, they didn't stop with there, after the Viking age when Scandinavia was being Christianized, they continued to build churches on top of holy sites and destroy burial mounds. The practices did not change from Rome to Denmark to Norway. You'd have to be a confirmed sub-90 IQ brainlet to think the pagan practices in Saxony were allowed to continue unmolested up until the evil heathens spontaneously burned down a church. It's a literal dindu nuffin mentality (why dey po po shootin us we's good boise kneel for tray tray).
Catholics. Spaniards would trash sites of worship and the Vatican would come in and erect huge fucking temples in the ashes.
Also the only source I can't even find any source for that church burning after looking around, and wikipedia doesn't cite one. Care to link me to a direct source?
the only source is wikipedia itself*
That's still no evidence that the Saxon's were assailed, it's all conjecture and allusions.
Hard fact is the Franks retaliated after the Saxons chimped out, all you're providing is soft facts.
> You'd have to be a confirmed sub-90 IQ brainlet to think the pagan practices in Saxony were allowed to continue unmolested up until the evil heathens spontaneously burned down a church
Considering that Saxony wasn't a Christian holding at the time no I wouldn't be, you provide zero evidence that the Saxons were being molested by the Saxons prior to acting like bandits.
>Hard fact is the Franks retaliated after the Saxons chimped out, all you're providing is soft facts.
Funny thing is, I literally cannot find a source for this, other than the mentioning in Wikipedia. In fact I've seen other secondary sources claim the original Frankish incursion and the destruction of an irminsul was unprovoked.
Why people confuse the jews agenda with the nazis'?
Also this. A blatant lack of humour can explain their permanent bitterness and suicidal personalities.
Here you are. Unless you choice to be so adamant that a key witness would lie.
>native converts persuaded by theological arguments
>equivalent to a hostile foreign population setting up shop against the will of the population
Also, England wasn't Norse. No one was attacking the Scandinavians. They were just acting like niggers.
Apparently the Pagans were upset that some of their numbers willingly converted to Christianity and so they ransacked the Church.
What a noble and thoughtful peoples.
>We'll have to go back
I guess they can meme
And if it was Saxon refugees leading the raids why the fuck did they raid England first? They obviously had the forces to raid the Frankish lands as demonstrated by them burning down the Church of Deventer again trying to desecrate Lebuin's corpse. and uprising for a few hundred years after.
A biography of someone written by a monk which mentions the burning. Was there no corroboration to this? If fucking Charlemagne of all people was aware and used it as a casus belli then another person must've written it down somewhere. The fact that this biography is not even cited in other places makes me feel skeptical
>Unless you choice to be so adamant that a key witness would lie.
Christians engaged in libel against their enemies all the time.
>What a noble and thoughtful peoples.
how do you feel about this 100% British picture?
>Apparently the Pagans were upset that some of their numbers willingly converted to Christianity and so they ransacked the Church.
>anonymi 1189
Ah yes, the famed anonymous of 400 years after the event actually occurred. Surely he is reliable
Some photoshop-capable fag needs to change the swastika to an Antifa symbol, add the word "white" in front of "people hate...", and change the the text on the bottom to say "no, it's because they're a bunch of sexist, racist, xenophobic (etc.)"
>people want to commit genocide of whites
>accuse whites of wanting genocide
Indeed. They're dumb and built on lies... just like liberal beliefs.
>Provide no evidence.
>Complain that a Saint's biographied life is not consistent or trustworthy.
>All arguments are "they must have being persecuted because muh evil Christians".
Did they send you to Australia for being a faggot or to be a faggot?
You joke, but that's exactly what it is. They started by trying to kill off the internet in its early days ("it's just a fad"). Then they basically forgot about it until recently, when they suddenly realized that they don't have complete control over what people can say online, and they knew they had to do something about that or they'd be found out.
>the left can't fucking meme
I feel sorry for you.
Whomever made that needs to seriously get a knife shoved down their throat for putting black text on a dark red background.
this post has the approval of the god emperor of mankind and jesus and the buddha
on fire tonight with the gets
>how do you feel about this 100% British picture?
Disgusted, re-consolidates my hatred of Islam.
Difference a voluntary convert is not justification for eradication, Muzzies give plenty enough of those in other areas.
>provide no evidence
You have provided no evidence that the church was even burned down, let alone that it was pagans. You have a second hand biography written way after the fact, and a quote from an anonymous source CENTURIES after the fact. On the other hand, the Frankish incursions into Saxony are all corroborated, and the chopping down of the Irminsul in Saxony is also corroborated. Mainly because it's literally written AT THE TIME in the Royal Frankish Annals. If that's not enough, you can look at historical Christian behavior prior and afterwards towards pagans and maybe can establish a pattern and perhaps interpolate what was going on during just prior to the Saxon Wars?
>Difference a voluntary convert is not justification for eradication,
What are you trying to say here? Fatty ginger didn't voluntarily convert?
>Disgusted, re-consolidates my hatred of Islam.
That's the Saxon spirit in you
dumb frogposter
dumb britcuck
You've just proven our point.
You see, memes, or jokes how we used to call them, are supposed to make one laugh, not "educate"
yes my man
I understand that niggers and spics hate me and I don't mind, but fellow whites have no reason to hate me.
>That's the Saxon spirit in you
I'm not Saxon though, I'm Nordic (Swedish, shut up).
And you are just choosing to ignore evidence that doesn't fit your narrative. If you're so big on Christian's behaviour why not tell me why they'd go to war without Casus Belli? Also would you not see Saxon colonization of Britain as an act of religious aggression? Giving even more justification for Charlemagne to kill those miserable mongrels.
Wait, are you people implying that wearing a swastika armband, or waving a swastika flag, isnt completely and utterly retarded?
>bb bbbb bbbuuuttt its not illegal
so what.
you're still a faggot thats gonna get punched in the face.
Here, let me tell you how to fight cancer:
>see antifa?
punch it.
>see (((((nazis))))))?
punch it.
>see commies?
punch it.
Dont be a cuck, wave your own flag.
I hate when people post this meme.
Nazis did not want blacks and sterilised all the Rhineland bastards