Tried dating a liberal

Well guys it just turns out women who voted for Hillary ARE unhappy with shit lords like us, and can’t take a joke, nor have very little motivation in their life.. see picture for status of ex’s room.. she also said she doesn’t want to waste “heart click’s” on the gym as if they are a resource.. you can’t fix a broken record who works at Walmart for 7 years and only positive aspect in life is running a podcast doomed to fail...

Other urls found in this thread:

My family is completely retarded when it comes to politics and they think refugees have the right to live and that homosexuals should have the same rights as everyone else. But I know much better than them because I have been here on Sup Forums many times and learned from the memes of Pepe (top keke my fellow Wehrmacht brethren). So how would I go on to politically educate them to learn what I have learned about globalizms and Jews behind curtains that create pedophiles with H2O? How do I black-red-ultraviolet-cyan-rainbow-superposition-pill my family without breaking the NAP? Please help me Sup Forums.

God white women live like pigs.

t.guy with teen daughters and wife who live like this

Stay in your fucking thread underageb&

you didnt dick her hard enough my bud

>Tried dating a liberal

Everything from this point forward is YOUR fault.

Typical roastie habitat. They're all pigs and in most cases you can't see the floor in their rooms because of all the clothes everywhere.

I mean I work full time and I’m a student on Gi bill... I’m also a sex addict... bitches lie about wanting to get tied up and do anal...

Basically this but being over 18

Today I made a joke “what kinda punch takes out 20 kids and 6 adults?” ... “ a sandy hook” she gets mad and thinks it’s not funny... doesn’t talk to me all day..
Only happy when I bring her coffee at her Walmart job on the way to my job.. Played video games wth me a bit but I couldn’t handle how slobby she was with living conditions and messy with overall life.. roomate is a LGBT community bullshit faggotry.. doesn’t surprise when she said I think we should break up I said yes I agree have a nice life... the weirded part is everyone said I was out of her league...

You are a loser for ignoring the problem and not doing something about it.

>she doesn’t want to waste “heart click’s” on the gym

Does she mean heartbeats?
Are women this retarded?

>doesn’t want to waste “heart click’s” on the gym

But the more in-shape you are, the slower your heart beats since your cardiovascular system is more efficient.

That's why cross-country runners have a heart rate in the 40's and 50's whereas computer nerds have a heartrate in the 80's and 90's

>the weirded part is everyone said I was out of her league...

Not weird at all remember ALL FEMALES have orbiters waiting on standby

Well the problem was I addressed her being lazy, a borderline fat slob, and tried to take her to the gym... you can’t drag a women who gains 30 lbs in 5 months to the gym without being covert with intentions.. don’t be a faggot I’m 28 with a career she’s 27 with 7 years of Walmart and gaining weight about to hit the wall

>Dating Stacy

Fucking Idiot

All women are messy as fuck.

Also what the hell are "heart clicks"?

This is the dating scene in eastern wa

Lol no You got it all wrong user. No dating

You fuck Stacy You leave that's the interaction you need with them

she already busted through the wall like the cool-aid man

I’m gonna go back to my army days.. I’m a decent lookin dude I had a hit viral Facebook video I can get chicks... don’t mind the neck... it’s that way for the video lol also the cunt hated this video because it got so much traction’s...

0-4 : left
5-9 : right
dubs:threesome /barf

aww fuck

>Tried dating a liberal
Oh son, you should have known better. I'm sorry you had to learn the hard way. Libtards are horrific.

I’ve hit the male wall where you don’t want to fuck everything and want to settle down.. part of me tried to look past Hillary vote and I thought she was cool with being down with imgur and shit but ima Sup Forums oldfag... it’s hard finding a breeding partner with this life style... shit my last gf was a bungie developer out in Bellevue wa when I worked for MS... now I’m dating Walmart wall hitters.. fuck my life

you can date liberals. women are pretty easy to mold if you can make them laugh, especially at the left's stupidity.
make them doubt themselves (they already do anyways) when it comes to politics
replace their broken fucked up morals with yours, and be a man around her. she will flow into your frame eventually, unless you're a beta dweeb that she walks all over.

The problem is you. You're the one actively dating this lazy fat slob. Take responsibility for your situation. If you don't like it change it.

also you can date younger ladies
they are much more airheaded and moldable into a respectable woman.

I completely agree, I’m aware this is my doing.... and I saw the signs but ignored them..

Are you not the head of the household? Tell them to get their shit together you manlet cuck

Use the Isis flag irl too and they will accept your views in name of tolerance

Man. She's never going to embody the hero archetype to slay the dragon and rescue her father at that rate. Doesn't she know that changing the world is too big a problem for her, but cleaning her room is just her size?


> blocked in jewnited states
You fucked up Giuseppe.

Your gonna be fine dude just dont become a cuck

you had to have known it would end this way, i mean look at that fucking picture. any non-retarded user can tell from a mile away that this thing is fucking worthless

Id like to believe this would work but idk The kikes have a strong hold on our woman and children

post her ass

women are susceptible to that shit for sure, but it works both ways.

use emotional language, toss in some easy to swallow facts at first. toss in a few hitler/nazi memes every once in a while.
it's really quite easy.

if it doesn't hold, she either isn't that interested in a future with you, or is a brainlet who isn't worth a future with you.

wait, you allow this in your home? lol

just y, OP? did she have a magic vagina?

Worse. He created it.

Slovenly behavior is a symptom of a sub-par mind. Peoples directly controlled environments and mental state are closely linked. If you meet somebody who has a trashy cluttered filthy living space you will come to find that almost the rest of thier life is much the same.

In my life expierience people with filthy houses consistenly dont have the rest of thier shit together either. Bills are always paid late, stupid shit that should be simple is procrastinated until the last possible moment then half-assed rushed. Thier life is just a series of minor catastrophes and thier mad scramble to slap a patch over them.

People with cluttered houses have cluttered lives.

Holy shit is that actually you? I love that video. Post proofs its you please

>i will never have a qt teenage gf with a messy room
>i will never get to complain about her being untidy
>i will never lie on her bed watching her rummage through her drawers for a bra


As someone with a cluttered house, this guy's right.

This also applies to fatties. If they dont have enough self control to manage thier weight or clean thier house they probably dont have any control over anything else in thier life either.

I had to change my name to Bjork because I lost a contractor postion with. A major company that has liberal base: employees... after word got around about video... but it was “at needs of companies” cut

She got little attention as a kid, is dumb and probably legit sad. If you were afflicted in this way, you wouldn't clean your room either.
>If your room gets messy enough, eventually mommy will come. Even if she's yelling, at least she's looking at you.

Think about it.

The fucking calling card of my generation is bare white walls and everything set on the floor, very little furniture.

Haha thats awesome, I pissed myself laughing when I first saw that.

That’s pretty spot on with her relationship wth her mother.. her dads a cop and she looks up to him but she hates her mom and they still help with her bills... kinda embarrassing knowing I dated this.. all my Mexican coworkers laughed at her called her my ugly girlfriend etc

Glad my viral video got some laughs lol I wasn’t expecting it to go viral. A lot more positive feed back then negative only a few death threats lol

Funny shit op


>My family is completely retarded when it comes to politics and they think refugees have the right to live and that homosexuals should have the same rights as everyone else. But I know much better than them because I have been here on Sup Forums many times and learned from the memes of Pepe (top keke my fellow Wehrmacht brethren). So how would I go on to politically educate them to learn what I have learned about globalizms and Jews behind curtains that create pedophiles with H2O? How do I black-red-ultraviolet-cyan-rainbow-superposition-pill my family without breaking the NAP? Please help me Sup Forums.

weak cucklet detected.

no they dont, but they do lie about everything else. she didnt want it from you meme flag nigger

>that room
Nasty whore.

>shit my last gf was a bungie developer out in Bellevue wa when I worked for MS... now I’m dating Walmart wall hitters..

Pay for play if you have to user, at least there are established roles in that. What you've posted is genuinely revolting

t. actual low IQ social retards with no concept of the reality of family (hell even co-ed) dynamics.


Rollering for those sweet doubles

This is true OP. Also: You're not a sex addict. There's no such thing. There are people that get laid and there are people that don't get laid.

This. There are no bad clients, only bad prospects.

As someone who has a very clean house, this guy is wrong. I wish my life was together.

Hooktube, newfag.

My worst cleanliness experience with a girl was the sluttiest I've slept with. Mistakes were made.

I remember every time I came inside her shed just grab a tissue or item of clothing that was to hand to clean the initial leakage then throw it across the room. Was a bit weird.

Then again I was the one putting my dick in that with no condom for like 2 weeks. Luckily didn't catch anything but still. 24 guys all presumably with little to no condom usage and she didn't have anything. Quite impressive actually.

Current gf is a nice virgin girl who I will marry. She's ultra clean in our apartment.

Dude I bet she believe that the dragon is real

>not knowing women are generally retarded children
Sorry you had to learn the hard way.

how many black dicks has she sucked, user?

> >0


Are you brain damaged?

Does your roastie have friends? Go to them and fuck them right now. Then break up with roasted chicken, and absolutely ghoast the bitches.

Can confirm. My house, car and life are in an absolute shambles.