You walk into your room, and you see this. What do you do?

You walk into your room, and you see this. What do you do?

Look for my train ticket.

I open the door.
Get on the floor.
Everybody walk the dinosaur.

Try to get along with him. Claire is pretty chill if you don't try anything funny, same with Ladd.

five words

Promise to set him up with a cute autistic girl

Slam the door shut and run to my car and leave.
Sophists scare the shit out of me and a Sophist more than willing to kill is a fucking nightmare.

Solipsist. You wouldn't last long on Sup Forums if you were scared of sophists.

Flip a coin and start listening to Paradise Lunch.

Thanks. My autocorrect messed my post up.

I appreciate this post

Can he kill Heiwajima Shizuo

Vamp anime when

Tell him where the bathroom is so he can take a shower to get the blood off, and offer some spare clothes.

fuck that guy, he does the most unbelievable shit in the whole show. There is a difference between being an acrobat and being a superhuman. Dude fucking DODGES BULLETS. What the fuck. Also Chane and Huey's english VA's are insufferable, thank god she was mute most of the time.
what's going on here? is captcha trolling this thread?

Well I've neither met him before nor am I a cute french girl.

I guess I just fucking throw myself off the train.

I haven't done anything to disrespect trains or their use so I should be safe. If not I die.

Cry furiously

>You don't have to tell me what happened, but you do have to wear all my clothes

To hell with Vamp.

Etsusa Bridge anime when?

Say he must have worked hard to be that good.

Yes. That's what I want.

My room?

I walk out and start cooking some pasta. Killer acrobats fucking love pasta.

Ask him if he's alright in one of those meta-ironic tones.

Fuck I keep forgetting to read it. And I only want to see Vamp animated for the organization vampires. Maybe then I'll understand what Dark Gray looks like

Tell him to go on a train ride with me across the country.



The only correct answer.

Yes yes you've made into my room, very good


Claire was pretty cute, but I preferred Luck.

"can I at least know who ordered the hit before I go?"

Cum on his face for quick healing

"You gonna finish that? I'm kinda hungry."