SJWs blown the fuck out

Croatian gov has just passed new family law that describes family as unity of "Father and/or mother with at least one child".

This is after referendum on marriage being only between man and woman was succesful.

Liberal media and SJW paid shills on suicide watch.

Other urls found in this thread:

BASED Croatia!

Za Dom Spremni!

meanwhile in (((Serbia))), a Kike Dyke runs the Zoo.

Ustase to Remove Kebab when?

also, thank you for Tesla!

based vodka sipping gopniks
ill be drinking for you tonight

I am so hard right now, comments on Jutarnji are giving me fuel for the rest of the day.

>man and woman who live as partners and aren't married won't be called as a family unit
>childless couples won't be called as family
>kids with foster parents also aren't a family (suggesting it is better for you to stay in the system)
>same sex couples aren't a family (we recognize civil unions, no marriage)
>seeks to bureaucratize and further complicate process of getting a divorce if kids are underage as a form of discouragement.

But it still isn't enough.

Eastern Europe is best Europe.

Reply to this post with outrage links pls

got any links to prove this Story? its really interesting how Croatia gets more BASED while (((Serbia))) gets more Cucked.

i always prefered Croatia over (((Serbia))), another reason why to like it more.

Neo-Ustase to Remove Kebab, coming soon.


>seeks to bureaucratize and further complicate process of getting a divorce if kids are underage as a form of discouragement.

What if one of the spouse commit adultery or something? Do you have some sort of consequence for that?

Well good man.

Whoa that really warmed my hearth, and made me smile with such rigor I'm so happy for them, at least some good things are happening in the world.

Sadly no

Jasenovac Grand Re-Opening when?

Ustase to Remove Kebab when?

Its all over the news in Croatia. PM will explain this decision in two days. Socialist in Parlament are in meltdown and wont get more then 20% in next elections so they are non factor.

hm not such a meme country after all

give me some Links.

so, can any Croat give me Links to OP's Story?

Croatians take offense to being called Eastern European
They're pretentious like that

hvala ti!

God dammit. I'm wearing my Serbian flag shirt right now. Into the trash it goes, replacing it for a Croatian flag shirt now.

little bit of faith restored in humanity

While this all seems meme worthy,you do understand this is just a coverup for economic corruptions going on atm?

Like Agrokor?
Like Eko-Sever?

Damaging the economy by millions and filling up already full swamp.

I can see most of you have no idea about how law works and how this is meaningless and will only make you move away from glaring issues.

This is why some slavs are considered niggers.

what we call today "Eastern Europe" refers to former Warsaw Pact and Former Yugoslavia, (sadly including Croatia too) which is quite an Articifial term to say.

if anything, Croatia is Central, (together with Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Czech, Slovakia, Poland, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Netherlands, Denmark, Luxemburg, and Belgium.) Europe, or even Western (Italy, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, France, Britain, Spain, Portugal, and Ireland) Europe. if anything, its (((Serbia))) thats Eastern Europe.

>This is after referendum on marriage being only between man and woman was succesful.

kek, it was the same with us, just watch out for backdoor agreements and incremental adjustments towards homosexual families

good for you! it was Trash anyway, and besides, wearing a (((Serbia))) Shirt is like wearing a Rainbow Flag Shirt now anyway.

That map gave me terminal brain cancer.

sorry, i didnt make it, i only found it, and i just LOVE it.

now, too bad Croatia has Slovenia though, its Bosnia that is Rightful Croatian Clay.

Slovenia has an idea how to manage it's economy.

would move tomorrow

Which is more based, Ljubljana or Maribor?

Leaning towards Maribor a bit.

As I understand, NK Maribor has a strong fan base?

>Slovenia has an idea how to manage it's economy.

that's just your media suffering from an inferiority complex. Don't really know Maribor, but if I had to choose between one of those I'd pick LJ. Wouldn't live in a city for the life of me though.

>implying any of this ever happened

Crorats are the lowest lifeform on earth.

Was in Ljubljana

Beautiful city. That castle on the hill that watches over the whole city, what's the name? Was there during winter, aesthetic af.
Bled as well.

>sudden desire to move to croatia


You're lucky, our gov just passed a bill giving "minority rights" to Turks and Roma. Can't beat up the ghetto trash anymore.

Yes they did, you Cuck.

cry more, i like your Salty Tears.

At least you favor another Slav country, and not Sweden or Germany like 90% of our rednecks do.

>Tonibler LARPing


Pavelic was one of the most BASED People in the entire History.

KEK, you cant even spell Croats right, you RETARD.

cry more, i like your Salty Tears.


sorry for sounding like a newfag but... who?

>our gov just passed a bill giving "minority rights" to Turks and Roma

They gave minority rights to Albanians?

Very funny, shouldn't you be in another thread about Balkans slavs not being slavs? But in all seriousness, the laws before recognized only ethnic minorities such as Serbs, Montenegrins, Macedonians Greeks and Bulgarians, which meant that Turks and Gyppos could be deported anytime, had no legal right to be in the country and couldn't claim constitutional rights. And now they can't be deported.

>implying anyone on Sup Forums cares about some muslim shithole

Albania is a nigger-tier Shithole right out of Borat, but at least you dont have a Kike Dyke in Charge like (((Serbia))).

You seem to care enough.

I'm liking Croatia more, and more.

A few peasants in Kosovo named their child Tonibler to honor Tony Blair and now every serb in here is convinced there are in the thousands carrying that name.

you should like it even more by knowing it doesnt have a Kike Dyke in Charge like (((Serbia))).

I always knew Croatia was my favorite Balkan country

okay, but why would you Shiptars name your kids after (((Tony Blair)))?

you should like it even more because it doesnt have a Kike Dyke in Charge like (((Serbia))).

There's supposedly some story about how a pregnant woman was saved by British troops and decided to name her son after the head of the UK, which was Blair. I call bull, probably some sort of publicity stunt since i haven't met anyone with that name.

since you cant meet anyone with that Name, its most likely a made up (((Serbian))) LIE and Propaganda.

that reminds me of jews saying that Germans tortured them with Masturbation Machines during the Holohoax.

best balkans is one without albania you fucking subhuman roach not to mention youve never been able to conquer serbia and you never will

Never forget the Masturbation Machines of DEATH goyim!

why are eastern europa countries so insulted in Sup Forums?


names two western countries that meet these qualities

>inb4 none

or the Rollercoaster!

i am quite surprised you actually have the Source for that LIE.

Za Dom Spremni!


tfw you export degenerate ugly ones to Serbia

>those eyebrows and ears
was he even white?

reminder to not respond to baits of this roach LARPing ustasha croat behid nazi meme flag so he'll never show real t*rkish one


my grandfather and his brothers were proud domobrans in ww2, butchered many partisans, feels good man.


kys you cornball

Desu, I'd rather have a girl and children without getting married. Marriage is fucked and I don't know if we can get it back as it was.

Hey I'm looking for the some Croatai memes:
The one with the "real" kebap remove country
and there was one about the bosnian kings.

she's Croatian?

why? are you Mad because the Map shows Albania with Belgrade? i dont agree either, but i only found the Map, not making it.

Based. Keep and unite the I2a1b.

he was Whiter than you thats for sure.

>if their kid dies, father and mother aren't family anymore in croatia

fuck yes

oh, this roach is back


Stop right there criminal scum!
Show me the aforementioned ()
memes or serve your sentence!

I have doubt on this. The PM is cuckold of Brussels and I doubt he would have the guts to make such law.

Go fuck back to the S*rbia thread if you do not have anything to say about the topic. And have fun with your dyke PM.


why so buttblasted, ante?


just let that Serbian Retard screech somewhere else.

DAS RITE you Fag. now fuck off back to Fagoslavia.

die r*ach

Ustaše were and are idiots, full of unnecesary hate towards our serb brothers.

he's a literal turk from turkey so he doesn't have anything to do with croats and ustashe, he's just a LARPing faggot who's appearing in these threads and shitposting about it till the dawn

that must be the case, any sane croat isn't an ustaša unless you've listened too much jure i bobana.
Znao sam da je larper.

>serb brothers

Fuck You (((Slobodan)))!

Has a serb fucked your mother or are you 12? Why do you hate on them you idiot? the ustaše provoked the rivalry by slaughtering serbs in jasenovac. Ako si hrvat onda pričaj u hrvatskom, jer ti za sada ne vjerujem.

>the ustaše provoked the rivalry by slaughtering serbs in jasenovac.

you should have left Croatia alone. Ustase were a reaction to Serbian Occupation of Croatia. (aka Yugoslavia)

>the ustaše provoked the rivalry by slaughtering serbs in jasenovac.
As demonstrated in this topic Serbs are wild Animals so there was no way to negotiate with them. Now, stop raiding this thread like some nigger

>Serbs are wild Animals
>projecting this hard
even nazis themselves disgusted by the atrocities ustashe did

you aren't a croat so (you)r opinion is invalid
>serbs are wild animals

hey you nigger next time dont force violent protests on us to replace a government for your puppets and we wont have gay pm's

>implying that there is any difference between an albanian and a gypsy.

>Serbs are wild Animals

yeah, they like getting triggered so much. i hate Bill Clinton for not Nuking them in 1999 while he still could.

>Serb using kike tactics
Slaughter of Serbs have never happened. That is a post-war made up story to pacify Croats.

>its all Americas Fault

i like it when Serbs get triggered by their problems so much they blame others.

>croatian education


Good job, slavbros. In Poland we had recently education reform and here it what it looks like
> The Holocaust will not be mentioned in the context of World War II.
> The anti-communist partisans, who fought against the socialist regime until the 1950s, are much more important
> The sexual education curriculum in biology class will no longer include instruction on contraceptive methods
>masturbation and pornography are worse than an atomic bomb
>sex before marriage is bad
>marriage with negroes and arabs is bad
>other cultures and races migrating are causing tensions and are bad
>political correctness is bad
>abortion is bad
>women need men's both physical and psychological strength
>church is good
>every guilable even from the history is removed
>every liberal book from Polish lessons is removed
>every required reading is basically patriotic and nationalistic
>concepts like "evolution", "global warming" or "garbage segregation" have been removed or almost ignored