>where are you taking us user?
Where are you taking us user?
Other urls found in this thread:
to my basement
Famires for lunch, two hour drive to an onsen where we decide once and for all which one of you I'm going to impregnate. Hope you are ready, it's going to be a long night.
A safe location where you cannot be harmed.
Perfectly safe; we have a vested interest in keeping you alive. We'll be taking you to a secure site, leaving the vehicle and moving you into smaller groups to move to the airport. Stop trying the doors, they don't open from the inside... For your safety.
Just relax and enjoy the ride.
Nanaki Village
We're going on a field trip.
>"I'm taking you all to child protective services. Kids your age shouldn't be selling themselves out like that to older men. You kiddos belong in school. Don't worry, I'll buy you all breakfast at either Denny's, iHop, or McDonald's on the way there."
>*unsheathes fedora*
>*zips up dick*
To the studio, of course.
Except Mami, she stays with me for some alone time after that clearly suggestive pose.
I knew I should have stayed home today.
Centralia, PA.
The funniest part of this is the thought that you had your dick out while talking to children and only put it away AFTER you said all that.
Is that a giant dildo?
Why is Mami pointing her ass at me?
Waffle House
To the secret village. You all wanted to leave your old lives behind, right?
I don't know what anime this is, but the girl in the second row on the far right with the ribbon in her hair is best girl, right?
To a wedding chapel in Utah
She literally smells like a zoo.
You've never seen idolm@ster before?
Don't reply to summernewfags.
An old underground war bunker turned into a sex slave hideout.
Wrong. Back row center.
Get back to drawing Berserk, Miura. And ignore summerfags.
Why is Mami so lewd?
>didnt tag OP in his reply
>never seen idolm@ster before
>picks the worst girl in picture as his guess for best
Are summerfags even trying anymore?
>>didnt tag OP in his reply
Am I being tricked or do newfags actually think you are supposed to reply to the OP?
>>never seen idolm@ster before
I only watch mature anime for mature individuals such as myself, like Neon Genesis Evangelion and K-On!
>>picks the worst girl in picture as his guess for best
I think her ribbon is cute.
Are you going to give her private lessons?
yes, yes she is.
You're confused friend, see he picked out hibiki which is correct. Also you posted a picture of makoto instead of hibiki, which was probs a mistake as well tbhwymf.
Her singing needs some work, so I'm going to give her throat muscles some exercise.
>deepthroat increases singing skill
>sex is a full body workout that improves muscle tone/dancing ability
>taking dicks gives confidence which improves charisma/charm
>semen absorbed internally balances mood (there's legitimate science behind that)
Idol raising eroge when?
You will all get home by christmas!
>but of course, it was a joke
>whoring her out to rich businessmen and group sex raises popularity
>if you want her to stay loyal to you you have to do it the genuine way with concerts
Happy birthday Ricchan
Hibiki has her share of fans, she's my friend's favorite.
Is correct she will literally smell like a zoo but that's because she has something like 18 exotic pets including a crocodile.
She's a latecomer in the original im@s setup (despite what some people will claim about concept art). She was first introduced in the PSP game after the original arcade game, two Xbox 360 games where Miki was introduced, and first anime and OVA had already come out. So she's not one of the original 10 or even 11 if you include Miki from the original Xbox port and even then she was only a rival. She wasn't included as a 'main' cast member until iDOLM@STER 2 a full 6 years after the original arcade game.
Who cares? While these nerds do their thing, I'm at the studio together with Kotori.
My own rape house.
Got all kinds of kinky shit in there.
>choosing Kotori
She's best girl so not choosing her makes no sense duce senpai.
They're going to a Love Live concert, of course.
I'm not falling for this bait, we all know who best girl is
She's fun but that does not make her best girl.
Is this that "Loud House" show I've been hearing about?
Miki kawaiiiiiii
Yes, we do.
We're going Angelic Howl on this motherfucker.
> Advertisement portrays Pokemon players as corrupt and maniacal
Well shit.
More like, a field dip!
>whoring her out to rich businessmen and group sex raises popularity
but if it's found out the fans will stab her to death
Good taste
God dammit, Carlos.
To church
Y'all bitches need jesus
Underrated post.
No worries, there's an idol for that.
Two, in fact.
I want to marry Iori purely for her family's money
Best answer
Yes indeed
how dare you, Iori has many wonderful features, much more than money.
Such as?
uh, her hair? i bet it's silky smooth
- Anal
- Forehead
- Your typical Kugimiya Rie tsundere
You were one post late. A knight of the Anal Queen should be more diligent.
Iori's shampoo is made from the tears of a thousand poor Yayois
There's a thousand Yayois!?!?!!?!?!?!
Sign me up for ten!
Like her forehead?
The anal idol meme is getting too old
Her forehead.
Is the bus capable of flight?
This, tomboys are the best girls.
And the (You) goes to
I'm leaving everyone but Takane on the fucking road.
Phobos. We're going on the missi- I mean, field trip to a military base on Phobos.
There have been some... err... difficulties and currently we are suffering from... personnel shortage, so we need you to come there and... umm... boost morale? That's right, boost morale. With your performance. Yeah.
Shotguns? What shotguns? Ah, those shotguns. Those are just props, of course. You are going to perform in the military base after all, haha.
I don't know how to tell you this, girls, but we've found out what the Puchis really are and... Huh? what's that noise? It seems to be coming from this bo-HOLY SHI~
>and first anime and OVA had already come out
Which one was that? I always thought the 2011 one was the first Idolmaster anime.
>Xenoglossia was released before the 2011 anime
Fuck me.
Why is Iori always Ironman in any Idolmaster x Avengers crossovers?
Memes mature. They only go bad if they go mainstream. Hence by its very nature, this meme will never go bad.
Platinum Stars will be licensed, right?
She's rich.
> Liking girls with brain damage.
What's this image about
>bunch of girls staring directly at you
Play-Asia have been pretty dope lately so hopefully.