ITT: Girls that are too fucking best for their respective manga/anime.
ITT: Girls that are too fucking best for their respective manga/anime
As best as her life choices
We already have a best girl thread that ia doing well, dont see the need for another one. But since im here might as well the best of all best girls
Whether you like it or not Taiga will always be best girl
I don't see any demonstration
Havnt seen Toradora since it aired, if i remember correctly Ami was in love with Ryuji too right?
not even tokyo ghoul had as much tragedy as her life did
Shiro is better.
Taiga is better
You have good taste Sup Forumsnon
I never saw another character like Ami in any series. There's a minimum of 1 Taiga requirement for every anime series.
Unique character > Derivative Tsundere
She deserved to be in a better series. Her source material was even worse.
She looks familiar; who is she.
But then again there are tons of girls that wear that same exact unitform, have glasses and pogtail braids.
where's she from?
Book of Bantorra. It's from the Rokka no Yuusha guy, really interesting 1930s-era world where everyone who dies generates this stone tablet with all their memories on it. The brown girl is from this group of librarians that all have magic powers, and her power is to punch things really hard. She believes the entire world belongs to her because why not?
The show was pretty poorly put together, though, and the ending dragged and now we remember a lot of shows that aired before it that had half the episodes. It's a shame, I really wanted it to be good.
She is the MC of an H-manga called Emergence by Shindol
She from an h manga written by shindol. The series is pretty fucked up.
I just wanted to be helpful
Thank you.
>he doesn't use the other place while GIS recovers from Gorillagate
Fuck you OP and fuck you shindol
>giving people source to Emergence
>implying this is helpful
Don't give up reading it, suffer with the rest of us.
Only through pain can people grow.
Never knew a hentai could make me feel.
Too good for this hamster world.
But that's not Kanau
what? does that have to do with that shot gorilla?
Nope, not going to fall on his doujin again.
God I want a second season
She deserved better.
she deserved it
I want to save this drug addict.
who this
who this
please help me I beg you
It's already been asked and answered.
Read the thread
I wonder how her daughter actually survived after such a huge dose and after being kicked so much, i guess miracles happen.
Not even best girl or sister.
Hahaha, yea I know user. What a miracle that Saki and her child survived that ordeal!
thank you kind user
Though to be fair she could have very easily avoided almost every "tragedy" that befell her in ways that even a wimpy socially awkward outcast should've been able to manage, she's just an idiot on top of being a pushover. And that's what the world did, pushed her over and she laid down and died like a bitch.
>reading shindol
Claire a shit.
Her best friend is way better
>died like a bitch.
ShindoL isn't Oyster or Fatalpulse, he has variety.
The final chapter wasn't as clearcut after her resolve at the end of the hobo chapter, there was hope. Hell, even during the last chapter there faint glimmers of redemption.
Which is why it hurts so much
so like every character in anything with drama?
Saki is thicc
jesus fug
>reading Emergence
The one with the wheelchair girl is probably my favorite happy doujin he's done.
>reading enough shindol that you have the good and bad ends all memorized
Everytime I think about it I feel disgusted with myself. I literally masturbate to shotacon trap porn, and I felt more ashamed jacking it to this than I do to traps
What does this expression signify?
The pleasure of getting a glass bottle inside.
>Wah you are so rude I wanna break up with you
All girls are shit and only Taiga is less shittier among the bunch.
Bah, I enjoyed that up until the very end when she dyed her skin. I hate the ganguro look, it pushes trashy too far, to the point where they're not even attractive.
The lesson here that the most quiet and socially outcast women have the biggest tendecies to become sluts.
I mean, I'm basing it on real life, AND anime.
Saki didn't deserve this, she deserved me but I failed her and let ShindoL write this.
Saki didn't deserve this, she was manipulated. And the story doesn't make much sense too.
I hate this character so fucking much.
She is indeed best. Just a huge waste of an episode when she wore that wig for the play episode.
Nonetheless, Koiti and Reina are also absolutely fantastic. Just not as best as Mai
Why are some finding this so obscene? This is happening all the time in the world. Innocent young girls turning into slut is a very common thing, it just happens behind close door and people are good at keeping appearences.
Who gives a shit about 3D women
>The final chapter wasn't as clearcut after her resolve at the end of the hobo chapter, there was hope. Hell, even during the last chapter there faint glimmers of redemption.
You obviously didn't understand it. That was quite literally the worst ending.
Because she fucking died
Meh, too retarded.
>I want to become popular in High School
That thought is a gateway to become a slut. Serve her right.
Until the pack of teens came out, Saki was on the come up. She had saved up, was weaning herself off drugs and then she got the boot of ShindoL.