>DD-E cup
>Fat ass
>Fat thighs
>103 pounds
Why is this allowed?
DD-E cup
>no Height
Maybe she's a midget?
Anime weights are the stupidest shit ever. Sometimes I'll see a thick girl with a listed BMI nearing underweight, and sometimes I'll see a Clamp-tier twig in the middle part or high end of normal.
I don't think knowing her height would make this acceptable
lean meat.
>draw a cow
>call it a girl
Why is this allowed?
Muscle weighs more.
>why isn't there more
What if she was basically three feet tall, like all Japanese.
For fapping.
If she was three feet tall with a body like that there is no way she would be 103 pounds
She's probably within the 150-160cm region.
Seriously did you know goku is like 60kg, he should be way heavier with his gains.
BUT, 4'10"
Source for the weight?
Natsu is in pretty decent shape and he's always bitching about her weight when he carries her.
Plus she eats alot of sweets and stuff.
Probably closer to like 130-140lb.s if she's normal height. I.e. 5'2"- 5''3"
If you Google it, wiki and some other site both say she's 103 pounds. Apparently her height is 5'5
East Asians has light bone density. I mean, it would make some sense for Japanese (or other East Asian characters) but for someone who is not, it doesn't make any sense.
Your skeleton doesn't account for THAT much of your weight.
Anime characters are always so short and weigh so little, just like actual Japanese people, yet they draw the females very voluptuous and the males with six packs. Seems like wish fulfillment to me.
In reality if you weight 100 pounds you would have small breast since they are made of fat and fat wouldn't just collect there, it's proportional.
Now, if an anime girl weighed about 130 pounds they might still have a nice body and room for big boobs if they exercise.
>DD-E cup
Those are fucking G cups at minimum, those are fucking gigantic bazonkers
The anime weights are just bullshit. Someone like Lucy should weigh 130-140 pounds with 5'3" height, to have breast and hips like that.
So unless her curves are an illusion and not actual body fat those numbers are bullshit.
Pretty much this
I don't get why so many artists struggle with equating appropriate weights for respective heights and body types
How no one has inseminated her is beyond me.
I would tie the cunt to bed
Wendy is cuter
New OVA english subs never
That's a lot. I was ~140 pounds as a teen, and I was 6 feet tall.
I just Googled Adriana Lima's stats, and she's 5'10", 117lb.
Jessica Alba: 5'7", 127lb.
Adriana Lima isn't fat, Lucy is though.
Try Lucy Pinder instead.
5'5", 130 pounds.
>130lbs at 5'2"
>She's not very /fit/ so not a ton of muscle
>her tits weigh more than muscle
You've never held a woman or passed an anatomy class in your life, have you?
Fuck off
user, we're discussing anatomy and how Lucy can or can't weigh what she does, comparing it to 3DPD for a metric on body shape.
Either learn moon yourself and quit bitching, or just watch and fap.
It's because her personality is shallow like all fairy tail characters.
>comparing to 3DPD
if 2D followed the laws of 3D physics, we wouldn't like it in the first place
who says the world of FT doesn't have lower/higher gravity or some shit? it's magic you dumb niggers
why is she so fucking hot jesus christ
>huge tits
>stomach so flat you almost see abs
>vagina bones
>pussy so tight you could barely fit your pinky
>meaty thighs
Never before has this picture been more applicable.
I think it's the hair and eye colour combination.
oh god
Just the right amount of everything without going too overboard.
Kinda like how Nami used to be.
>tfw that's my hair and eye color too
Yes? Was there something?
nami was cute and stacked before but now she's kinda meh, I jumped ship for lucy who is superior in every way
And we even have masculine/feminine versions of the same name.
Fuck, Lucy is basically genderbent me.
That's what i mean, she was good before, but now shes just a caricature of what she was. Lucy is far superior.
My compatriot of African-American descent.
I'd fuck genderbent you.
what is she saying
>implying you wouldn't have your fat in all the wrong places
is this gay?
Well I'm underweight as fuck as a man, but who knows how I'd be as a woman.
I do know wide hips run in my family (for the women) though. No idea if I'd have Lucy's giant tits.
So would I.
Or if I became genderbent me, I'd let you.
>looks like this
>is a virgin
why is she so hnngh
And your whining, why?
Erza > Lucy
Muh dick
>implying natsu doesn't slam that
Don't forget she's also 17 years old.
Sweet, sweet jailbait
Wouldn't she be in her 20's now?
She's at least 18 at this point. Possibly 19, but definitely 18.
she'd be 18 or 19 now
can't fool me pedoshaming scumlord
My point was more about how everyones freaking out over how incredible her body is, and yet she's still a teenager.