I'm white and dating a black girl but I love her and would like to marry her
Did the Jews win pol
I'm white and dating a black girl but I love her and would like to marry her
Did the Jews win pol
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are you getting married in a synagogue?
Just don't have kids and you're fine desu
Is she at least Christian, or both of you are animals?
Yes. Your children will be dumber than the average, they will regress to the mean, and your descendants will be an overall burden on society. You're making us an overall more dumb less successful group of people.
One word: cakesoap.
I'm not going to have kids though.
Great shitpost.
Dating a black chick makes you immune to feminazis, trust me. It triggers their Marxist "kill or breed out the white people" sentiment, the feminazis at my work left me alone after I hit on a few non white girls (in reality I did it because all the white girls were feminazis or Stacies).
My family is completely retarded when it comes to politics and they think refugees have the right to live and that homosexuals should have the same rights as everyone else. But I know much better than them because I have been here on Sup Forums many times and learned from the memes of Pepe (top keke my fellow Wehrmacht brethren). So how would I go on to politically educate them to learn what I have learned about globalizms and Jews behind curtains that create pedophiles with H2O? How do I black-red-ultraviolet-cyan-rainbow-superposition-pill my family without breaking the NAP? Please help me Sup Forums.
@OP just kys seriously mate
Troll or not, I don't know why anyone gives a fuck if they're happy.
As long as your respective affaires allow civilization to thrive, you'll be fine.
God created races for some reason you nigger.
Why hasn't anyone drawn a penile jew yet? We need one for this kind of thread.
make her a nazi and infuriate litteraly everyone
Black women have the highest shelf life. White women expire in their 30's
>looks at flag
Every god damn time.
You don't love her. You are addicted to her. There are 7 billion people. At least 2 billion of those could give you the exact same kind of dopamine and serotonin.
You are a good goy.
Raise your kids right and make sure they talk and act like white kids and it's pretty much fine.
Nah. You just lost OP.
There's a good chance that your kid will be mixed looking, but there is a chance that it will look white. I look white, my kid looks white, and half of the kids from 5 different dads that my cousin had look pretty white. It's a gamble. Think it over, and if you are going to play the game then you need to double down on being the most red pilled father ever, otherwise you might as well not even think about playing.
Nope never listen to pol. Healthiest dogs are muts.. diverse gene pool is good. Best of both worlds.
>references literally kike propaganda as fact to appear wise
just fuck my shit up
Why are Australians so good at shitposting?
Why you even browse Sup Forums with such asinine cuck views?
So you seriously dislike black people who know how to behave? How does that help anything?
MM go fuck your sister and prove me right redneck .
quality post
How new are you?
Civilised black people are not fucking unicorns.
Pick only one
nigger detected
And even then they contribute to the white culture and race dying out. This thread is a good example.
And miscegenation is bad in general. Unhealthy and not sociologically and psychologically tangible. It's well-documented.
No, but after T_D started using them to virtue signal Sup Forums started countersignaling them.
> I have no agency of my own
Every race mixer who believes in jewish supremacy.
It is true, that the (((media))) did try to brainwash you, but it's more your fault for sticking your dick in her.
lol if you're aware of (((their))) effects and still choose to go along with their suggestions anyway, you didnt get swindled by das juden, you chose to do it voluntarily. make sure to kill yourself on the altar
also sage for good measure
stale pasta