I am legitimate scared now

I am legitimate scared now

Wtf is this????Multiple videos and multiple witnesses

>inb4 Sup Forums interactuals claim it's flares
Yeah because flares stand still and don't move

Other urls found in this thread:


more videos




hmm, probably some military technology or fake


multiple witnesses and videos.Can't be fake

This is my first time hearing about this. What is it in regards to? Aliens? Planet X?


>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill

>flares stand still and don't move

when they're far away it seems like that.

No idea what it is, but seeing mil flares personally, that was my first thought.

Always off by one...


I have a theory about 23 of September.What if this date was actually referred to the Julian calendar which is 13 days behind the Gregorian?

Acording to Julian calendar today is 15 of September and not 28.What if we have only 8 more days on this earth?

See what I mean. Always by one.

The hour draws near mortals.

Big if true.

so 5th october would be the end?

>on this earth.

Even if all this prophecy stuff was true, it doesn't lead to the end of the world. The world never ends. It would just be the beginning of the new age. I for one, can't wait for the dark ages to end.

>None know the time

it's only smellz

Pls be true


I've seen UFOs

not 100% convinced it's aliens and not secret gov. tech.

More strange shits happend in Russia the same day!



cool flares, i see them alot during summer

>Quick get the potato camera.

reminds of me of that

and this

It's colombia my potato friend.Average salary there is 5$ per day.They can't afford iphones

it's 23rd of September AKA literally nothing

I'd believe it's aliens if it was confirmed and announced by the multiple nations, or if they did something obvious that I could see myself. never trust random videos like this online....

what if the original guy who calculated the gregorian calendar was actually off by a couple hundred years and it is actually only 1783? seriously, look this up, it is true and hard to find info on. not talking about phantom time.

ICBM probably

The only thing moving is your shitty camera-ape.


Space war's heating up lads.

Yeah I am familiar with this theory, a Hungarian wrote a couple papers about it actually.


Find me one UFO/ayy lmao video that isn't recorded on a potato camera. It's all bullshit. The channel you linked is trash.


I am not familiar with this theory.Can i have more info's?

Is it the Phantom Time Hypothesis that supposingly someone has faked 300 years?

The sign was fulfilled by the astronomical alignment 5 days ago, regardless of which calendar you use. It means Jesus is getting ready. Other things have to happen before the end, including a 10 kingdom confederacy.

Looks like the amber lights. Watch the Phoenix lights documentary. It was an alien space ship. The Phoenix mayor, or whoever he was, first made fun of it joking about it as if it was alien, but later he admitted he saw it too and said he believed it to be alien, but had to make fun of it to not cause panic among the public.

That's an ICBM test

The others are flares at night; note how they burn out to nothing, and yes, they barely look like they move when they're dropped

ya I will look on my computer here and locate it, give me a bit

i found a link to the guy's site with a handy new updated timeline in the mean while


there are several of these hypotheses, Issac Newton thought they'd faked 500 years and wrote a book about it, pic related

also another guy, a russian mathematician, has been revising the chronology for like 40 years as a side project, his case is very compelling, anatoly fomenko is his name and he wrote some books about it too

Looks like ball lightning maybe something similar.

They actually built crafts that harness the EM field of Earth. Strange how they never tell the plebs an EM field is rising from the ground, passing through them, and out in to space. You can actually ride it if you move fast enough, like an airplane.

>ICBM tests
>in Colombia

Please enlighten me

Is he the one who brought out thst guy in an alien costume to make fun of the story?

oops forgot pic

they called mr newton crazy of course for writing about how he thought history was partially faked

they are shooting the sky and they are shooting barely visable objects , unless you are filming with a fucking television camera its gonna look like shit. I dont think there is any mobile camera , especially phones would be able to capture a clear vision of an object so far away at a pitchblack or completely blue background

>phone cameras still lack manual focus and exposure controls in 2017
fucking lame

ever tried to shoot a plane in the distance with your phone camera?

Welp, mystery solved. Drone + flare. You guys know drones exist right? You can put anything on them.


Is this in Mexico or the US? You can hear the poverty just ooze.

How is a Los Angeles base relevant to videos from Colombia?

>be super intelligent alien
>kill nazis on the moon and harvested their technology
>use their ufo technology to scan the earth
>intelligent enough to hide from every government in the world
>too retarded to hide from some retards with a phone


I don't even have a phone.

could be any number of things. could be secret military tech, aliens, spiritual crap, unknown science crap, or some combination.

pol is weird about aliens. It's gotten to the point where it's clear that there are some form of non-human entities that are in close proximity to the earth that the govts know about, which has massive implications with politics and (((them))), but for SOME reason, a lot of poltards still chalk it up to x-tier bullshit.

Seriously, even if you think it's ridiculous, imagine what it would mean if it WAS true. There are a LOT of implications behind it that even alien-lovers don't usually consider. It puts a lot of stock behind some of the jewish crap pol loves to talk about, but it also opens up massive rabbit holes.

for example, if ayy lmaos are here, they have tech so advanced that they could end the energy crisis on earth and reduce the suffering of billions. Yet here we are. It's really fun brainstorming why.

Either it's clear or "if ayy lmfao are here". Which is it?

my god, that camera quality! What year is it in Colombia?

friendly reminder it's not the full blown end times until the temple in Jerusalem is built and the antichrist becomes relevant.

>if it WAS true

Bruh there are trillions and trillions of planets in the known universe.The possibility of NOT to be any kind of aliens out there is like 0,00000000001%.

u lazy alien faggots just wanna get high and avoid paying taxes.

Spacewall when?

whoever it is they'll like him or her more than hillary if that's possible

watch for it

I think the most telling part of UFOs is that we've had sitting US presidents, and government officials that have gone, on record, saying that they saw a UFO and had no Earthly explanation for it. People as respected as Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, have actually reported to having seen UFOs. People are either willfully ignorant that SOMETHING is being covered up, or they are simply dumb and think that sitting US presidents have lied, before becoming presidents, about seeing UFOs.

I don't really know if UFOs are aliens, or if aliens have ever visited Earth, but there are too many things that make you think. Ancient Egyptian engravings of helicopters, Aztec tales of men coming in ships from the stars, Christopher Columbus writing about a ball of fire lighting the sky in the dead of night, moving almost unnaturally. These things have no Earthly explanation, and yet we actually have people going around and saying that it's just "nothing" and that we're "lunatics". It's really quite odd.

But, I digress. It's 5am and I have surgery in three hours. I'm not about to get into this before I go under the knife.

Aliens stuff are a psyop to turn the world towards atheism.

Yes he is. He was actually Arizona governor.

Here's the video where he says he believes it was an alien ship. hooktube.com/watch?v=W3zotvpZLnY


multiple people can fake the same event if they're coordinated

good luck user

Thank you.

>inb4 Sup Forums interactuals claim it's flares
Nigger it's flares

spic here.

I have family that lives on the outskirts of palmira colombia. They said they saw some lights too but heard a humming that went from low pitch to high for about 30 seconds.

They told me it has to be aliens lol, but theyve always been a little crazy.

The helicopter thing is pareidolia + palimpsest. No alien

Can you imagine the Jews reaction to aliens showing themselves?

"Quick, how can we get them to take black cock?"

good luck user




ayylmaos are here and they only can camouflage thselves as niggers. So that's why everyone and everything is promoting niggers.

Really makes you think, doesn't it?

What is this?

>space niggers

And wtf is this youtube.com/watch?v=q1xEMpRq7ig

What if you'e a subchimp dotard and nothing happens?

Motherfucker have you never seen a flare before?

>implying governments don’t know about alien contact
>implying governments would tell you anything about it
>implying governments are thereto help and inform the people

jesus christ Hanz, no wonder your country is fucked

The other Columbia coming down from the clouds

project blue beam



Should i be expecting for a happening salón?

>Flat Earth conspiracy guys (the non religious ones) predicted a fake NASA alien invasion in the next five years of some kind.

Beware fake news.

Fuck off sky niggers

God people are so stupid, its obvously some drone like vid related:


Hell, I'd love to do that just to scare some people

RAHU the black sun is the cause of eclipses. Google it.

Research Flat Earth.

>OP's video is showing RAHU, the black sun - the cause of eclipses.

kramer and bart simpsons love child

>Or showing the psyop alien invasion.

It's swamp gas, move along.