Tfw took the redpill

>tfw took the redpill
>can't sleep anymore
>barely eat
>terrible nightmares

What do I do? Kill myself?

Other urls found in this thread: 1&version=KJV

Realize and accept that you are in a spiritual battle for your soul and this is not something we are meant to fight against in flesh and blood. My recommendation is to have a genuine personal relationship with God. Protect your self from the poisons that affect you physically and mentally as best you can. The best defiance is living a healthy and fulfilling life.

yes, and livestream it plz

Git gud

Buy guns and ammo and get ready for the race war like the rest of us, dumbass. It's the best option. Stop being a pussy.

Thank you. Very good post.

sort urself oout

Choose wisely I failed at one may times and still do

No problem user we're in this life together and if we don't hang together we will for sure swing separately.

Its a phase, you soon will understand a spiritual path is required, preferably in Christianism, and will start to improve yourself both mentally and physically. The redpill is a bless once the initial cognitive dissonance is behind you.

>black roots
>black eye brows
>possible color contacts

Kike detected

dont worry user, you'll adjust

I'm at stage 5

I'm tied between becoming a Thinking, Philosophical Man or just a dude having a pure family.

Stop being a faggot and deal with it like the rest of us.

If our ancestors were like you we would have never left the stone age.

watch better anime

Okay this faggot: clearly doesn't have any idea what the fuck is going on, ignore him.

The reality of the situation is that we've all been through the same shit. If you keep soldiering through, one of two things will happen:

You will kill yourself


You will come to the same conclusions as the rest of us: that modern society creates illusions to control us. The reality is that nothing is truly above you(I'm not talking about religion/god or other metaphysical shite, but in this world) and that the only thing that matters in this world is true strength. It will lead you to a path of self-improvement. You will be unable to continue with your previous life of slavery and consumption and all your actions will begin to serve a greater personal purpose and for the first time in your life nothing will be good enough to meet your own standards, but not in a bad way, in a way that constantly pushes you to improve yourself.

When you overcome this emotional challenge (assuming you do), I recommend reading Nietzsche, perhaps starting with Thus Spoke Zarathustra. 1&version=KJV

You never kill yourself dumb nigger, go down the path of the martyr.

All we can do is have hope. Hope one day our messages will be heard! Hope one day we will break the conditioning and we will all be proven right! There is a great future waiting for us! It dosnt have to be this way! Have Faith that one day the truth will illumnate this dark world! And if we die in pursuit of this goal at least we die without shame. At least we can face our ancestors or even god himself and say I fought for good! I didnt waste my life pleasing myself! I sacrificed it so those weaker then myself may live in a better world. Have Faith we must win for the sake of every human on the planet. We must win! We will Win!


Be more specific

Get outside more. Eat better. Cardio. Lifting.
Focus yourself.

Take the Glorious Pill and make yourself into something respectable. Watch Jordan Peterson. Lift. Read. You will eventually learn to live with it but a complete shift in value structures is very violent for the mind. Took me like 6 months to accept reality and act functionally. Luckily I have a couple of redpilled friends too and that is a big help.

White pill yourself, bro. We're gonna win

>t. Newfag trying to fit in

Lol, can't get me faggot. I know I've been here longer than you, probably several times longer. Keep up the shitposting though, I'm sure you'll get someone upset eventually.

>tfw already killed self multiple times
Simulation pill bitch

You go to the source of your nightmares.

Then you fight the cause of your pain, and try to help those who can't fight for themselves.

Then you nuke the site from orbit.

It's the only way.

I lost 22kg's after initially taking the redpill.

I became rather ill and started drinking which led to my liver becoming toxic, which then exposed a high iron condition through blood tests which then led me to further my knowledge of the world whilst sick to then bettering myself and switching of the normie articles.

Feeling quite ok now

Just do what we all do, ironically shitpost under multiple layers of irony and use anime as a coping mechanism.

>a dude having a pure family

>he thinks this is still a possibility in 2017

You always get the redpill flu. You will overcome it and get stronger than you were before. If you are weak then you will perish and no one will care.

Please user tell me where I am wrong? What part of my post triggered you this much?

Being red pilled means you are an autisitic dork that has nothing better to do than read mostly made up BS online. Which means you spend a lot of time only. Which means you have no friends. Which means that you are looking for acceptance. So you make a thread about being red pilled to gain acceptance for online dorks like yourself.

Be careful not to fall for it.

Red pill and black pill are different things. Being red pilled means that you don't avoid the truth. Being black pilled means that you can't handle the truth.

You should have dreams. If there's something you really want, it will give you strength to fight against depression and degeneracy.

Well, that's an option.

Suicide is fucking stupid. There's always a reason to look forward to a new day. Boo Berry and Count Chocula are back for Halloween. What more reason does anyone need?

it's what keeps me going.
a drive to make the future better with other red-pilled people.

White women are the only reason to live

listen bitch nigga.

You mistook the black pill for the red, you fucking faggot