Is this America's future?


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show your flag emucuck

As long as their are based red blooded American patriots I see no problem with that. Fuck off Yuroweenie

no because white woman want white babies they might have one non white kid but then all white after that

> Muh Based BBC
Fuck off with your meme flag

Fuck off yankee cuckold. Go suck Sherman's dick

It's america's present.

Replace the niggers with mexicans and then it's a yes

>they might have one non white kid
So you're telling me there's a chance?

It will be until the Day of the Rope

Oh fuck. The blonde one is my cousin.

BBC theory is an undesputed fact
Roastie on the right looka like a spic

no this is


>Roastie on the right looka like a spic

This is bulgarias future



One hears often now that boys flounder in school, drop out, generally perform less well academically than girls, and don’t go to college. A certain amount of this commentary comes from women who seem quietly to enjoy the spectacle. Given that women control the schools, this might suggest that, if they are not actually causing the problem, neither are they in a hurry to do anything about it. Other people worry that the comparative superabundance of female college graduates will have no one to marry: While men will marry down, women won’t.

Please tell me you at least know the flag codes


modern white women , yes

Who will bleach you, brah?

>confederate flag
>loves BBC

Hmmm everything checks out

Take it from a guy who's actually left his room: white women abhor black men


That's America's present.

It's o.k by American standards the kids will be white.

Why would anyone find having someone else's arms wrapped around you from the back comfortable?

Cuz it show she mine nigga

I blame their cucked faggot half wit father who doesnt know how to instill values into his child. This is poor parenting 101. Doesnt even care about his descendents. A real white male alpha father would epitomize his daughters expectations in a man. Instead she gets her values from zuckbook and instatrash.

>1 in 6 marrying outside their race
>28.8 interracial marriages
>women beginning to prefer blacks

Such a misleading, shit-tier article

I can tell your daughters are going to ride so much nigger dick and then pretend she's your perfect white angel when she comes home.

Nooo not my daughter riding the niggerdick!

>Notice anything?

>Economic downturn Since The 1960s ((Great society))

1972 America GDP growth rate was 5.236% (85% White)

1997 America GDP growth rate was 4.487% (70% White)

2016 America GDP growth rate was 1.6% ( 60% white)




>implying Bitch alreay not have Shitskin DNA

Yes this is the future. Nogs take our scraps and we pay more taxes for rape-crisis and other female abuse programs