How do you feel about these creatures?
How do you feel about these creatures?
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>No heart shaped pupils
Oppai Loli best body type.
Oppai lolis?
Bretty gud
Fuck off with that non-loli oppaishit.
No u
Fuck off.
>My loli is more loli than your loli
My oppais are more oppai than your oppais
But Hestia's oppai are not even that oppai.
All oppai loliae suck except for Zankuro's. This is not an argument, but a fact.
It is shape that matters more than size, and sensitivity more than shape.
Way to grasp on the straws and shift goalposts.
I want to impregnate a loli's oppai.
Sorry if my logic isn't as simple as "bigger is better"
Apparently the best oppai loli imaginable has cosmically sized tits.
I like them, one of em is even my waifu.
Depends on the artist. Zankuro is so fucking good he could draw a dog turd and I'd fap to it.
Ultimate moe
Zankuro knows me
I don't even like oppai loli but zankuro's art does things to my dick that I don't understand.
This should be a banner.
I want to pop Popura's cherry
bretty gud
I was just going to post that.
Might you be a wizard?
zankuro is basically short stacked cute demon girls who want to drain every drop out of you
Just a guy who loves thick lolis and good banners.
Fuck me, why is his lolixshota /ss/ so god-tier? I can't get tired of it no matter how many times I fap to it.
And they are fucking masters of their craft. There are semen demons that wish they were as semen demony as these horny plump sluts.
he made a full video of the cat one dancing
Absolute perfection.
it looks like they are melting into each over
Romantic, isn't it? It's almost too sweet to be porn, but is still very pornographic nonetheless. Extremely so in fact, even by porn standards. The cuteness kinda makes it extra lewd.
Left to right
Is she an oppai loli?
Fucking endless summer. All the normalfags shitposting threads like this.
But oppai loli is a fetish that's pretty detached from the average normalfaggotry. Not only is it based on loli to weed out the most normal ones, but it also adds huge tits to them to get rid of the ones who fapped to an image of a flat-chested adult and are convinced they're lolicons. Of course there are always people like but that's how life is on Sup Forums.
I am conflicted. I want to think that oppai loli is a degeneracy, but I have fapped to multiple Noise's doujin. Guess I shouldn't deny what pleases my dick.
>oppai loli
Flat is literally better in every way though
I pray to Alekxi every night to bless me with athe ability to draw titties as great as he does
Ariane is not for lewd
From what the dude tthat made Ariane? totally not lewd at all.
Anyone got the download for her?
Oppai loli are fine if it stems from breast expansion antics.
Hestia isn't a loli. She's a shortstack like Popular.
But breast expansion is the best.
Lolis are only good for raping and leaving.
they're for bouncing.
how horrifying
>Apparently the best oppai loli imaginable has cosmically sized tits.
With normal boobs and normal women, you must forever strive for a balance between size and shape, as the larger the boobs become the harder it is to make them look right.
But the appeal of oppai loli lies within the contrast between the gaint size of the oppai and the small size of the loli. Therefore an aesthetically pleasing shape, while nice, is not as important.
What is with these big titty little girls trying to make men into pedophiles?
Arekishi is a god among men.
It's a conspiracy
Disproportionate boobs on a loli is what I love.
Small women/girls with huge breasts is the GOAT body type
Plebs just don't understand.
Tiny girl/woman = cute perfection
Busty girl/woman = sexy perfection
Tiny busty girl/woman = true cute sexy perfection
I mean its simple math, I don't understand how the plebs don't understand
They just don't.
More for us cultured gentleman then
>oppai loli lady j
Holy shit my dick.
The things I would do...
I am glad our niche is getting some more content these days fucking /aco/ ruined shortstacks because all they post is flat pear shaped midgets because "shortstacks doesn't mean they have to have tits"
Yeah, they always end up looking like shit.
optimal aesthetic pleasure
truly a miracle of the internet
This is my absolute favorite Ariane drawing.
Look at her eyes, flat has killed her inside
mean for (you)
It's not as easy as it seems.
I went to collage for this.
Literally this.
Oppai lolis are shit tier but there's something about Zankuro that makes it so irresistible.
The degree in Shortstacks has become a nothing liberal arts degree now thanks to the shitty academic system. Everyone is getting a degree in shortstacks and thanks to this worsening and oversaturated academic environment none of them know anything saying "breasts don't matter". Really nowadays only people who proceeded to follow up with a graduate degree in Oppai loli are true experts in this field.
This kills the Ariane
That body is perfect.
Oppai lolis make for the best onaholes
It's not pedophilia if they're pubescent, and if they have tits they are definitely pubescent.
You can't even argue with these retards. Shortstack means being STACKED, lingo for a girl having big tits. you can have a shortstack have a small ass and still be a shortstack but not the other way around.
God DAMN it.
To my knowledge shes from some shit gacha based phone game but god damn shes so perfect. The tiny body, the perfect thickness, the cute face. I am glad this crap isn't in English or I might use this money sink app.
>B-but muh pear shaped midgets!
It has gotten so bad they post traps/shota with big asses because "shortstack doesn't mean they have to be girls since a guy can have a big ass too!"
>they post traps/shota with big asses
Fuck this gay Earth.
The best thing about Oppai Loli threads is they are small and comfy just like oppai loli are
Is Hestia oppai loli if she's drawn by Zankuro?
I'm glad I'm completely allergic to western-styled art so even thinking about /aco/ makes me vomit uncontrollably.
>no balloon tits
Katakuri needs to hurry up and make more
But how is he going to top Demon's Sand 2?
did I say you could die?
That guy is another great oppai loli artist, it's a shame that he's been gone for a long while.
This smug faced girl is giving me a feeling so complicated
This one is one of my favorites and it's been a looong time since his last drawing.
It'll work out.
Shortstacks a best, if only midgets were proportioned like Hobbits instead of looking all stubby.
I miss ga015.
So cute!
Anything aside from Eiken with sizable lolipai?
Yes, its a trope that has appeared off and on in anime for ages.
Kodomo no Jiken
that one Samurai story awhile back
Idolmaster CG
A dozen others for sure, but I don't keep a list running. So I just end up naming them off the top of my head each time. I know a few more children's series, like maybe Blue Dragon had something like that. Also that one Yugioh copy story.
Its usually played comedically, I think.