How can you call yourself a Christian when you espouse racist views, just read the bible.
>1 Corinthians 12:13
13 For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit.
How can you call yourself a Christian when you espouse racist views, just read the bible.
>1 Corinthians 12:13
13 For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit.
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da joos, etc
Listen, OP, white people don't have souls or spirits, that's why they're racist.
You found one bible verse. That's not how it works. There are plenty of contradictory versus.
They clearly didn't know how bad niggers really are
And btw, this verse is about Christians. It doesn't say that I can't hate atheists.
They hadn't dealt with masses of entitled niggers yet m8
Don't call myself a christian
also christian virtue is degeneracy
We are sinful, doesn't mean we are not faithful. I love our Christ and try very hard to honor him, but niggers make that very difficult.
>the Bible says what I think it says
>t. atheist
will this meme stop?
It's talking about how early followers came from different backgrounds yet become one of the same spiritual body.
Has nothing to do with the acceptance of diversity.
Not justifying racism here, just correcting your misinterpretation.
>Jews or Greeks
>not niggers or mexicans
there, I answered your question OP
Next thing you'll say Jesus was a Nordic
Do post some.
>INB4 you post old testament verses that applied to the Israelites
There are really much better quotes to reference to.
43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.
Daniel 2:43
And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;
Acts 17:26
>God killed his degenerate enemies
>why aren't you against these new degenerate enemies of God?
If god created everything, and everything is gods plan, then that means he created the different races, it's gods plan for multiple races to exist, and it's gods plan for racism to exist.
There is not a single person on this board that can claim "Christian". If you were a TRUE follower of Christ, you would follow all of his teachings. Not just those that suit you best. That would mean taking on refugees who are less fortunate than you, feeding them your bread and your wine even at your own sacrifice. That's why ChristCucks are a joke.
Well i am a actual christian not a new age "gay marriage, islam pls replace me, lets remove crosses" kinda christian completely subverted by outside christian hating forces to the point of eyerolling and facepalming. Keep your recently newly defined (by people hating christinity no less) pretend christianity.
Actual refugees are in Turkey you dumb nigger piece of garbage.
Noah did actually marry a cushite woman (ethopian)
Interracial marriages are allowed if both man and woman are Christians
Gay marriage is wrong, Islam is wrong, this has nothing to do with those things.
Mudslimse are dogs
I would probably give to charity if it were Christian refugees
Come to asatru, white man
You're right. They should PAY for the refugees to come over here. Buy to plane tickets, boat tickets, food for the journey, water for the journey. That's what Christ would do if he had the means. He would commit any sacrifice (even the greatest sacrifice) for the good of all men. The fact that there are places in this world without drinkable water, while trillions of gallons are wasted everyday by "Christians" proves that stupid religion is little more than a fear mongering money grab. Fuck you and your false diety.
>They're different
>Let's persecute them
Sounds very Christ like indeed. Good thing the Jews thought the same thing and had him nailed to a cross. What great teachings. Besides, it's my understanding that the Bible was written by common men, while the teachings of Christ were from, you guessed it. Christ! I wonder which one holds more weight? Shouldn't you turn the other cheek? Love thy neighbor as thyself? Treat others as you wish to be treated?
Jesus didn't discriminate on religious preference, and the fact that you do means you're not a true follower.
Yet the church pushes these things which is what i mean with saying commies underminded christianity by getting into the church with the expressed aim of making these things into christianity/destroying any resemblence of it.
We now have a pope that basically says what he get told by people that have the expressed goal of ending christianity. Thats how infilitrated the whole christian church is.. at least the new age crap.
There are no Christians here. Just people who like to belong to something they can use as a pretense to disparage anybody not in the group. They do not know Christ and they do not actually care about anything that he said beyond what they can weld as a cudgel against others.
These people are full of spite and malice, and they will answer for their lies and hatred.
New Catholicism is as bad as Protestantism in many cases.
>refugees are safe in Turkey
>o lol we should bring them here for whatever reason
I hate leftists.
I'm not a leftist, I just don't believe in your false diety. Turkey isn't the only place that has refugees? I don't know if this is a language barrier, or you're just dumb. There are an estimated 795 million starving people in the world according to the UN's Food and Agriculture division. You're not a Christian until you help them. In fact, you're not even TRYING to help them. Think about that. You're not a Christian and Christ would be disgusted with your actions, or in this case; lack thereof.
Hierarchy is Divine. Some servants were given more, some less. Regardless, it is meant to be used properly.
There's this country called Israel that takes no refugees.
Then give me money and I will help them.
But we are all equal in the eyes of god, regardless of worldly possessions. Even the lowest serf is equal to the greatest king, and the moment the king forgets that, he is forgetting the teachings of God through Christ. That's because Jews are dirty kikes, what the fuck is your point? They're not Christian either, so it would stand to reason their beliefs wouldn't be that of a Christian.
Why would I do that? I don't believe in your fake religion, why would someone believe in its practices? I guess you answered my question. This isn't a language barrier; you really are just stupid.
>Treat others as you wish to be treated?
Thats just like "an eye for an eye"
>turn the other cheek
That sentense is mistranslated, look it up.
>love thy neighboor
I love my neighboors
What was meant by turn the other cheek then?
Treat others how you wish to be treated does not mean "an eye for an eye" one is reactive anf one is proactive. One is how you wish to be treated in life, the other is seeking retribution for wrong doings. Retribution is not Christ Like, or zombie Jesus would have killed those who killed him. This isn't a hard concept. I understand English has some nuances, but pay attention Sven, you're falling behind the rest of the class.
If its harmless/not very big/temporary then dont give a fuck, but if its somethinf big like killing and stuff like that then you shall fight back
Jesus did not fight back. All of the "good" killings in the Bible were sanctioned by God the supreme. Not the worldly free will of mortals. If you want a warmongering God, I hear the Greek God Ares is pretty good at what he does.
Jesus also tells us not to be like the jew. God does say the same as well.
When they are actively being backfilled as angry demonic souls, you're damn right the rest of us will do what we must. (((They))) deny God, deny Jesus being born, seek to destroy civilized societies by pushing filth and degeneracy.
We will not sit idle.
If like to think this isn't a troll thread and it's not made by some atheist with no spiritual knowledge, but sage anyway.
Idk, I'd say you shit posting on Sup Forums instead of doing something productive is about as idle as it gets.
Because living basic values makes you "Christian"
I know I shoouldnt steal, lie, or kill (expect to save or protect others)
But these are basic morals.
I'm not religious. I'm not Atheist. I'm a fucking evolved animal with different instincts like all the rest of you evolved animals.
All other animals have similar instincts. And to argue with that with your bullshittery about "god says its wrong" than your God shouldn't have given us this ability, or created any other difference in human beings, or any other fucking animal huh, you shit stain waste of oxygen?
Pull your head out your ass.
You are adding to the same god damn problem you claim you "fight".
You think there is other religious nuts like yourself that think "Wow, my god is wrong. I should repent!" Or do you ever think to yourself that others differ of opinion because they're just as dumb as you?
We're human. We don't have for sure answers on what's going to happen after we die or what's out there. So live off common knowledge and not a book most burn out losers use to smoke their weed that's been changed and rewritten too many times to count.
Dumb mother fucker.
How do you even have enough intelligence to remember how to breathe in the morning you stupid piece of shit?
People are racist. People are religious. People are always going to differ on every matter that existence has to offer.
But please, use your all might book of knowledge that has been altered to adapt to modern time to tell us that history was true and we will burn for eternity if we don't believe something that has been altered a gagillion times.
>I'm a fucking evolved animal
Stopped reading right here
If you're christian, and you hate anything, it defeats the purpose of being Christian.
How fucking dumb can you get?
Do you struggle using your eyes to observe objects too? Can you read properly or do you need somebody else to tell you not to drink paint thinner and eat paint chips?
If you can't grasp the concept of "Christianity" but still preach hate, than you don't dersve the life "God" gave you.
Do you know how hard the trees struggle to provide oxygen to people like yourself?
How did you work out that number? A rat can breed by the time it is less than 1 years old minimum.
Jesus did fight back he went into the Jew temple and threw all their money tables over.
Preserving god's creation requires keeping the races separate rather than diluting them all together.
These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
Proverbs 6
Follow the lord - I know it's OT but i think most will agree it's relevant
Jesus hated jews so fuck off with that shit
Hi jew!
Hi schlomo!
His teachings were to hate jews
If you want NT as well
Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good
Romans 12:9