All Europeans are part Asian due to being largely descended from the Yamnaya people, who were part Asian according to genetic studies and facial reconstructions. There's nothing wrong with racemixing with Asians, it's what your ancestors have been doing for thousands of years.
White and Asian racemixing is normal
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Fuck off shill.
The genetic distance between all Europeans and Asians is huge. We don't even have the same skin pigmentation or hair texture genes.
What's that, a finnish woman? sry can't read those cryptic letters
Reconstruction of a woman from the Yamna culture, the people responsible for spreading Indo-European languages in Europe. It's clear that they had some Asian admixture.
White + asian =
Why are they so perfect bros? They are literally twice as good as white women.
Because "we" Europeans interbred with Neanderthals, while Asians might have interbred with some other misc pre-humans east from the Caucasus.
Personally, as a Hungarian, "I" did both.
Yellow fever betas get out
>no racemixing you miserable mental whore
>the absolute state of bongistanis
Beta as fuck. No wonder Muhamed can freely fuck your women
>Muhamed can freely fuck your women
Only lower class poor chav skanks. And even then they have to ply them with drugs and alcohol to get them to do anything.
If you want Elliot Rodger children with extreme left views then go for it. Men that go for Asians are usually pathetic genetic dead end betas anyway.
>weak beta subhumans actually believe this
And let's keep it at that part.
same race actually, but the dumber ones without the epicanthal folds were banished to the farthest reaches of west asia.
half azn get raised in asia with bigger dick genes surrounded by azn not in america with smaller dick genes surrounded by niggers
only a fucking idiot would breed more hostage-slaves for murrikkka.
fucking idiot.
It was quite the other way round. The slanty eyed ones actually had down's syndrom.
tfw getting qt 3.14 nip gf.
In the end it will be all worthy
This stands true still. While I love asian women, having babies with them is as much as a no-no as with other non-whites.
Bull. This person has no asian admixture. nothing denotes that, not even the eyes.
Hungarian DNA has about 6-10% (depending on the region) Asian DNA left, so Hungarians are white. Similar statistics go for more Eastern Europeans like Ukrainians, some Finns and a bit more Asian admixture in Russians.
>inb4 mongols
2late, mongols. mass rape and male slaughter gives you mongol genes, they were Europe's border against the angry dicklet army. i wonder do happennings of that scale give you a genetic memory to hate certain groups?
Europeans are much more middle eastern than mongoloid although all modern Europeans and Middle Easterners do have some recent mongoloid admixture but most of it is from ANE/CHG/EHG who had admixture from some extinct type of Siberian mongoloid not modern East Asians who are very different compare to it. Besides Natufians, Neolithic Anatolians and even CHG were much closer to WHG than ANE and pure mongoloids. Middle Eastern are at least part prehistoric european unlike mongoloids who not counting admixtures in Europe from the last 4000 years have nothing to do with Europeans.
WHG WOMAN BUT in reality had black skin.
I see you posting that every day.
Are you moving to Japan for real?
>All Europeans are part Asian due to being largely descended from the Yamnaya people,
More like 10-30% for most Europeans.
South Europeans are mostly neolithic near eastern farmer from Anatolia and Mediterranean.
>white people with high cheekbones
Ancient people had stronger cheekbones because of superior diets. Pic related a cro magnon woman, note the strong facial features.
>All Europeans are part Asian due to being largely descended from the Yamnaya people,
Broom broooom I've descended from a motorbike brooom broooom.
El Miron was weird. She was paleolithic yet plot on PCA near bronze age CHG/EHG/EEF admixed europeans. On the other hand ADMIXTURE show it to have the genetic same component as typical WHGs.
Yamna weren't asians
What did you mean by this?
I get that these are genetic profiles showing clustering of DNA (?) profiles, but what is the significance of the discrepancy you suggest?
Are you hinting at earlier than expected migration of early peoples?
Eurasians are the best
>Eurasians are the best
Creating Eurasians is the best
Nothing is better than putting an Asian baby in a white womb
>Nothing is better than putting an Asian baby in a white womb
The dad
Weeabshits are so fucking pathetic
I think it's time you accept that.your phenotype and genotype is magnitudes closer to the Arabs you hate so much.than mongoloid
they aren't
they can only give you supreme gentlemen as sons
I can tell you from a background in medicine and some artistry that reconstructing a face from the bones is 90% make believe.
It gets even worse the further back you get, like with neanderthal you can work from the same skull and by just changing skin tone and facial hair make them seem almost ape like to just ugly human and the differences have no scientific basis at all, it's just guesswork.
Meaning that much subtler differences like "looks asian" or what ancient egyptians looked like should never be derived from skull findings. Look at DNA evidence (red hair and euro genes in mummies) and self-representation (painting themselves as distinct and apart from blacks) for evidence.
by that logic slavs are master race except their countries are shit. Lmao even 99% asian countries are more prosperous.
The peak.
Looks like a jew
"The Iron Age, The Saka culture.
A sculpted anthropological reconstruction of a face from the skull of a woman. Ornamental motifs on the clothing"
We missed you, asian masculinity.
What the fuck, this man is my exact copt, except I have bigger lower soft part of ear. What race is this?
Impossible to tell I'm puzzled by it myself. Paleolithic europeans are still poorly understood but all older than El Miron are part south asian australoid.
Eurasians are nice
>Lmao even 99% asian countries are more prosperous.
Southeast Asian countries have lower GDP-per capita than African countries.
SE Asia
Thailand : 5,778.98 USD (2013)
Phillipines : 2,765.08 USD (2013)
Indonesia : 3,475.25 USD (2013)
Cambodia : 1,006.84 USD (2013)
Nigeria : 3,005.51 USD (2013)
Botswana : $6,040 (2013)
Angola : $3,819 USD (2013)
Stop thinking 'Asia' as some monolithic East Asian conglomerate (Japan, Korea, China) and not extremely varied. BTW Most white men are with SE Asian females from thiese SE Asian shitholes than East Asians.
well, since there are NO races in humanity, of course it is normal... sheesh!
Would you fuck this girl ?
Ps she is 19
Is she finnish or russian. Mother kind of has chinky eyes.
19 or not, she looks way too young for my taste.
She is 19? my dick is so counfused right now
Who is she nigga?
Out of Africa has been debunked.
She's not 19, her face is too round and the elbows are not bony enough.
Stop LARPing. There is very little mongol left in you.
Most of them are ugly as fuck, especially the thick ones.
That's why I quoted the "I". It's an approximate.
LARPing never even started.
>Sup Forums unironically thinks East Asians aren't aryan just because their eyes look a little different
This one's 20
Holy shit i usually hate asian look but this is... different, MUH DICK
This one's Korean and 20 at the time
what would you do? the only thing holding me back here is that I havent mastered the language yet and the Varg pill.
If I move there even If i live a pretty comfy life my genes will be put into nip gene pool and if Varg is right I will most likely not rebirth again.
Or I can stay here and rebirth multiple times in a hell hole Europe full of habbenings shitskin mass rapes acid attacks and so on...
It is a pretty tought deal isnt it?
>i-it's just the eyes bruh
same girl
>my genes will be put into nip gene pool
Moorish North African genes.
Lots of qt Spaniard girls are joining you on the mission to East Asia. Except these Spaniard girls are actually going to get East Asian boyfriends while no East Asian (like Japan) girl wants you so eventually you will have to resort to going to SE Asia like Thailand/Phillipines and pickup a brown low-IQ jungle Asian.
Spaniard girl getting her passport ready to go to East Asia to meet her boyfriend
My dick only gets hard for black chicks.
that due is ugly af..
would you consider europeans and middle easterners to be the same race?
You must have been dropped on your head and bullied your whole life to find asian women more attractive than white women.
Its ok, admit you are a failure.
Damn light brown eyes look good on a red head.
Show that Finnish flag faggot.
>flat face
>hammer head shark eyes
>the peak
pretty fucking ugly tbqhfamallama
muh dickk who is she?