Never seen a show dropped so hard by the entire board before, kek

Never seen a show dropped so hard by the entire board before, kek

Where did it go oh so wrong?

I don't know but people were downright militantly beating the drum of this shows supposed inherent greatness, shading and example of MANime being back not even a couple weeks ago

It was mediocre to beginning with then it turn to even more shit once Biba was introduced.

Episode 1, the script was cringe worthy garbage

It wasn't what they expected. That's all.

It suffered from the Zankyou no Terror syndrome

>Neither a hito, nor a kabane, a KABANERI

It was basically like a shittier version of Outlaw Star. The problem with animators today is that they didn't heed Miyuzaki's advice about breaking the mold and status quo. They just mash together a few different tropes and memes, lacking originality and soul. Even so-called "comedy" anime are stale now, because they try to break the fourth wall but it's not funny. In other words anime is dead, time to move on and find a new hobby, or switch exclusively to manga/LN.


>I hated it in the beginning and now I like it
I thought Mumei's duality between being all ultra confident and powerful, and then also being a literal 12 year old who fucks up and is desperate for love/acceptance as you would expect was the best thing about the show. Now that that's all coming to a head I'm liking it more than I ever have. Fuck Sup Forums and your shit opinions.

Well, it was SnK, which people really liked, except not popular yet, which meant people were allowed to like it.

Eventually it got popular enough the backlash happened, and here we are, just like with SNk.

You mean there are people who actually believe this shit?

People who did correctly predicted Sup Forums would turn on the show before the end, and see where we are.

simple, 4 letter 1 word: BIBA

I had called on the trainwreck from the first episode. Nobody listened. Here are the results.

Yeah it's totally because it's popular, not because both started promising before falling apart due to their failure to maintain a coherent plot.

>Never seen a show dropped so hard by the entire board before
Good, keeps the fanbase from becoming utter cancer, like every other anime.

SnK didn't fall apart and the plot remained coherent, at least on what was covered by the anime.

>SnK didn't fall apart and the plot remained coherent, at least on what was covered by the anime.

Absolutely, keep memeing like that though and you'll sure prove me right

>coherent plot
You don't know what those two words mean, especially when in conjuction with each other.

>People who did correctly predicted Sup Forums would turn on the show before the end
Anyone could have predicted that with half a brain, the first episode was fucking garbage and the only people who didn't think so were low powerlevel fags who can't tell good from bad and think things like public opinion is purely reactionary to itself.

Threads were shitting on this show from the beginning, most people just stopped giving a fuck to take part in the threads after the first couple of episodes after either dropping it or just accepting it as garbage and not wanting to talk about it anymore, the rest of the faggots who are only just now realizing it's shit are simply the last kids crossing the finish line at the Special Olympics.

it was episode 2. the over powered girl who can kill anything has been done to death in animu. i get that she is suppose to fill a specific role in the group dynamic but its trite. she isnt the main character and is stronger than him....

its like the creators dont want to look like sjw's by having a female lead but they dont have the balls to not have a over powered girl in the line up

at least in attack on titan erin could go titan mode

>its like the creators dont want to look like sjw'
Japan doesn't give a fuck about your SJW bullshit, take this shit back to Sup Forums or whatever shit board you come form.

>I'm not a hito
>im not a kabane

What a fucking newshit

People actually thought this had potential?

It's not a trainwreck

did you even watch past ep2?
you sounds like triggered tumblrite

This. It's hated because it got popular enough.

Only low powerlevel newfriends believe that.

You sound like total newfag. There is plenty anime that suddenly lost popularity on Sup Forums. For example Grisaia had very good first two episodes, even shitposters from IRC were trying so hard in the threads and then turned out it's 13 episodes, Mitcher and Yumiko's routes were butchered and so on

I went into it expecting a shameless Titan ripoff that would be unbearably awful and was surprised by it being not only watchable but actually enjoyable compared to SnK. At least up til episode 9. That's when the slide happened.

Biba literally ruined the entire anime.

After they dropped the whole zombie apocalypse concept, now they are some kind of gundam chakra nen users or some shit like that, I seriously stop giving a shit after the bimbo went vizard mode.

newfag detected

People fell for the "Biba ruined the show" meme. It's still AOTS.

When it became about Biba instead of Yukina.

>which people really liked
For about 4 episodes. Which is actually about how long KLK's hype managed to stay mostly positive, after episode 4 it became super controversial and polarizing and there was never a decent KLK thread ever again, just constant bickering and shitposting.

With SnK though, only the most deluded fanboys still hyped it after the Boulder Arc.

>Female Titan
>Not hype

You're not doing a great job convincing anyone you're not a contrarian.

I stopped after they escaped the giant kabane smoke thing to let the episodes pile up.

Does Mumei really get that bad? I forgave the little habanero for fucking up.

Female titan was fucking dumb. Anyone with half a brain would realize she was Annie and she broke every rule the show set up about how Titans work. And even when they managed to beat her she still managed to asspull her way to prevent the heroes from gaining any knowledge at all.

>Anyone with half a brain would realize she was Annie

You're doing that thing where the audience thinks the characters are privy to the knowledge of the audience.

>and she broke every rule the show set up about how Titans work.


>And even when they managed to beat her she still managed to asspull her way to prevent the heroes from gaining any knowledge at all.

How was it an asspull? We knew she had those powers for a long time.

It's established that Titans are powerful and fast, but that they're also sorta dumb and they have a weak point on the back of their neck. Annie breaks this with her hardening crap that makes her basically impossible to kill were it not for Eren being able to beat the shit out of her.

>How was it an asspull? We knew she had those powers for a long time.
We knew she had the ability to harden her titan skin, not that she could encase herself in a block of crystal in case she gets caught.

>the over powered girl who can kill anything has been done to death in animu
I completely agree
>the rest of that
Haha you're a faggot

Not just Sup Forums, the ratings for the show went through the floor after the kabanehameha.

>It's established that Titans are powerful and fast, but that they're also sorta dumb and they have a weak point on the back of their neck.
>Annie breaks this with her hardening crap that makes her basically impossible to kill were it not for Eren being able to beat the shit out of her.
Eren was already breaking those rules, not to mention the Armored titan as well.
And the colossal titan had a steam wall to protect his neck too.

>We knew she had the ability to harden her titan skin, not that she could encase herself in a block of crystal in case she gets caught.
titan skin
It's a different application of the same power and not even very farfetched.

>people clung to this show after episode1
>Ikoma literally shut off the blood flow to his brain which kills you
>next episode the train performs evasive maneuvers on train rails
>steam powered projectiles featured as the only method of fighting zombies which surprise doesn't work at all
>some new asspull tech that gets applied to ineffective steampowered guns allows them to magically pierce
>oh and it can be applied to that one guy's sword too because he's a samurai
>actual antagonist appears
>oh my god this show sucks now the plot is moving in a direction I had not anticipated nor do I enjoy plot moving where are my armpits and muscles DROPPED
I can't believe that people fell for this for almost 2 months of their lives.

Still going to outsell most shows this season, including the overrated ones like rezero and jojo.

>they're also sorta dumb and they have a weak point on the back of their neck. Annie breaks this with her hardening crap
It makes complete sense that a titan shifter would retain human intelligence when in titan form. And if a titan can harden its skin why would it NOT use this ability to cover its one single weak spot? It just feels you're asking the show to be stupid.
Plus, if all titans worked the same it would get very boring very fast, this is also why I don't understand people that complain about the Shifters getting introduced to the story. No, it would not be interesting in any way if the characters just constantly faced off against the braindead fodder giants, it was established very quickly that although they're deadly to most people, that if you can manage to kill a few of them, you can basically kill hundreds of them. And that's what would happen to the cast, it would get thinned down very quickly and the characters we'd be left with would be capable of besting all odds they face because all the titans are the same and weak as shit to anyone even moderately competent. Making some titans intelligent and have outstanding abilities that make the same boring old strategy ineffective against them is the only way the plot could possibly remain interesting.

12 year old wrecking shit cause muh animu abilites.

You're easy to impress. Good, I guess.

For all of her ability, she literally can't do anything right.
She ruins everything she touches and caused massive problems for everyone else, who had to clean up her messes.

Kill yourself

Its anime and anime sucks

>people having faults impress you in storytelling

what the fuck do you just watch epics or something you fag?

No crash though. Just a cliched villain. That is not enough for a wreck.

not even close when the focus point is muh loli munmei.

It is coherent. Only disappointing and unoriginal.

She doesn't has more focus than IkoMAN though.

Kill yourself

but ikoma was not manly enough he barely contribute anything.

It was pic related. Seriously, that was it. I know it's what made me drop the show, as it could no longer hold my suspension of disbelief. I could probably tolerate the zombie lasers by themselves, if only Mumei's brother didn't suddenly transform into a Saturday morning cartoon supervillian who nobody in their right mind would follow.

It's just fucking stupid now. Biba is one of the least believable/interesting characters I've seen in anime, and he hijacked the whole plot with his fucking zombie laser beams.

this isn't even bad enough to be a trainwreck user, that's how mediocre it became.

When did the plot fall apart, though? Plus those 25 episodes were like one third of a whole story; it's not like this season was the only thing SnK had to offer.

>making a fuss over a scene that lasted less than 5 seconds

Hipster fedora detected.

Biba and Mumei being retarded. Could have been great with Ikoma and his pals riding trains and saving people at different stations, all the while dealing with emotional backstories. Instead we get emo rich kid killing off every human because he's upset and the token tits to bring in the vrowd has no redeeming qualities and is even responsible for all the shit that happened. Even worse is that you just know Mumei won't be held responsible for any of it

What an utterly pointless and stupid post.
Why even make a post if it's not going to say anything?

Mumei did nothing wrong, tho. Biba did and he will be punished at the end. Mumei will be filled with Ikoma's rice and be happy, she deserves it.

Did I say that? I said that Mumei's duality is what I liked watching, but it seems to bother Sup Forums that she's now fucking up/showing her flaws more.

>dropping habanero of the spicy fortress
I really just want to know where it goes, it's classic VVV syndrome.

Man that first episode was really cool though. Sadly they jumped the shark directly after.

>Anyone with half a brain would realize she was Annie
You're acting like the characters are supposed to have the same knowledge as the audience. Do you realize how few people among the soldiers participating in the expedition even knew who she was?

>It's established that Titans are fast,
Nope. Just that there are two known types of titans, the mindless ones who usually follow a simple and predictable pattern, and abnormals who're much more dangerous due to how random their actions are.
The "rules" you're speaking of were broken in the very first episode with the appearance of the Colossal Titan who's 60 meters (something no one ever heard of before) followed by that of the Armored one (something no one ever heard of before either). The show isn't responsible for your lack of attention, user.

>We knew she had the ability to harden her titan skin, not that she could encase herself in a block of crystal in case she gets caught.
That's exactly the same ability used differently as a last resort. How's that even close to an asspull?

First episode.

Everything except Mumei's armpit

Biba and is stupid fucking revenge mass murdering spree.

But lets not pretend it wasn't bad before he came it was acceptable at best mostly because of Mumei but he's ruined her too.

>Where did it go oh so wrong?

Biba, Biba, Biba

Biba was a mistake.

Seeing all the hate there is for him in this thread, now I'm severely tempted to watch the rest of this show. Biba sounds like a top class alpha male, if there's this much triggering going on.

He is beautiful but they made him retarded.

Looks like Kabaneri finally got a vanilla doujin.

Guess which characters are involved.

Nah, he's just incredibly handsome but his characterization makes him come off as a manchild with brain problems.

I cant tell if meme or serious post.

Biba is basically the chad meme personified into anime
Which is why Sup Forums hates it

>a top class alpha male

If only he was really just that. His revenge is justified but his actions were stupid and contradictory.

How could you have even gotten that impression? Biba is shit because he's a cartoon villain whose motivations are terrible and acts in the most cliched way possible in every instance.


Beautiful people don't need brains, user. The show does a terrible job of portraying his view.

Attack on Train is shit and BubaLabibo is perfect antagonist for this shit series.

>Where did it go oh so wrong?
When steampunk samurai zombie apocalypse became FF
Biba ruined the show

Show isn't all that bad, but it surely didn't live to the expectations.

Like other anons said, Biba was probably the biggest mistake.
You either make a hateful, crappy cliched villain that no one cares, or you make a coherent, likeable villain that people wouldn't mind following.

Throwing a genocidal psycho with massive plot armor aiming to bring humans to extinction for "muh revenge drama" and you add a bunch of guys "fuck yeah, let's get extinct together!" is just not good writing.

Good premise, good animation, good directing, bad writing, mediocre result in the end.

Your all cucks.

It's engineer girl and the smug pretty boy, right?

Oh he's going to ride her train alright, just not today.