ITT we make Anime one scene at a time
(Opening Shot)
>Cicadas chirping loudly...
ITT we make Anime one scene at a time
(Opening Shot)
>Cicadas chirping loudly...
Other urls found in this thread:
Tsunderes begin falling from the sky.
A boy meets a girl
a boy falls in love with a girl
A Ball is kicked towards the feet of our main character, who proceeds to pick it up and hold it, only to throw it back after a long awkward pause
*camera pans up towards the sky* EEEEEHHHH???!
>An obese and socially awkward 20-something awkwardly poses in front of a grease stained mirror. "I hope this looks fine", he blurted out in a raspy voice. He had made such liberal use of cigarettes, it would not be outlandish to assume that his every breath contained carcinogens. He trotted to the rusted door, pushing aside mountains of garbage. Twenty minutes and feet later, he had finally reached the exit. Slowly pulling the door open; he glanced at the luminescent screen that was his computer. "I guess it's time to grow up, and finally live", he pulled the door open letting the evening sun enter. "Goodbye... Sup Forums".
*MC has a shocked expression on his face as he watched the girl asleep in his bed*
*Knocking can be heard in his door*
"MC-Jun, are you okay in there?"
I'd watch this user
*Its his Dad
"Otou-san! What is happening?! Who is this girl?!"
*Looks at bed
"?? What are you talking about MC-kun isn't that your sexy imouto?"
*Tsukomi intensifies
Already exists.
All characters have flip phone except mc and main girl.
Kyon kun, denwa!
I stab you all with a rusty knife.
something cellphones something alternate universe something TRUE NATURE OF LOVE
>Buddy brands you as a sacrifice to his ascension into godhood
>Mc crush gets a lobotomy
>Every night you are ambushed by demons attracted to your branded ass
Suddenly, Dragons.
wtf is with this? some 2014- even have the MC with a flip phone??
Cute shota playing pretend with his onee-chan and he wanted to be the princess. Dragons are interested.
It's the end of school and vegeta agreed to walk with kakkorat home, not because he liked him or anything.
This thread is cancerous and so are you.